/ / The capital of South Africa is Pretoria, Bloemfontein or Cape Town?

The capital of South Africa is Pretoria, Bloemfontein or Cape Town?

South Africa is a mountainous country, occupying a largethe territory of the southern part of the African continent. Located on the northeast of the Kalahari plateau, Veld cuts sharply into the eastern and southern borders of the country, creating a tectonic rift.

the capital of the Southerners

The state is divided into nine provinces, eachof which it has its own legislative and executive bodies. South Africa is the most developed country in this region. Constant mining development and the transport industry are the basis of the local economy.

South Africa is the leading producer of gold and platinum in the world. Annually about 230 tons of gold are mined here. The world's largest platinum mines are located near the city of Rustenburg.

Only 14% of South Africans are descendants of Europeans.This European group consists mainly of Afrikaner descendants of Dutch settlers who began to settle in South Africa in the 17th century. 75% of South Africans are representatives of the Bantu tribes, including Zulu, Soto, Khos and Tswana, as well as Bushmen and Hottentots.

capital of South Africa Cape Town

Which city is the capital of South Africa?It is interesting that the country has three capitals. This is due to the fact that South Africa was originally a confederation. And when the South African Union was formed, the authorities were evenly dispersed across the capitals of the countries that entered South Africa (the Orange Free State-the capital of Bloemfontein, the South African Republic-the capital of Pretoria, the British possessions with the capital of Cape Town).

Some evidence suggests that the officialthe capital of South Africa, so to speak, the main one, is Pretoria, since there is a government there. But in fact, all three capitals are equivalent. The capital of South Africa Cape Town - the location of the country's parliament, Bloemfontein - the Supreme Court.

The largest and most important city of the stateis also Johannesburg. It is the economic heart of the South African Republic. Other important cities are Pietermaritzburg in KwaZulu-Natal province and the port of Bisho in the Eastern Cape province.

the official capital of the Southerners

The capital of South Africa Cape Town is one of the largesteconomic centers of the country, an important commercial port and a major transport hub (with airports, seaport and railway station). The opening and development of the city took place due to the important sea route from Europe to Asia. Traveling around Africa, the sailors stopped to replenish supplies of provisions and repair ships in a conveniently located picturesque town on the banks of the Dining Bay. Sunlight, temperate climate and fertile soil favor the cultivation of grape crops. Cape Town, in particular, its suburb of Constance, produces a world-famous wine of excellent quality.

Bloemfontein - economic and cultural capitalSOUTH AFRICA. Here are located the headquarters of large companies that produce furniture, food, etc. Despite this, the city is very calm and noisy. Bloemfontein has the popular name "City of Roses", so each of its streets is fascinated by the fragrance of beautiful flowers throughout the year.

The capital of South Africa Pretoria is the center of cultural lifecountries. There is a huge number of attractions: historical monuments, museums, galleries, national reserves with untouched wildlife and the most real diamond mines.

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