/ How many liters of blood in a person

How many liters of blood in a person

It is believed that if a person loses halfall the blood contained in the body, then he will die. But even small losses have their consequences. Most often, these changes are negative. Without appreciable harm to an organism it is possible to lose about fifteen percent of this vital liquid. Of course, taking into account the absence of serious chronic diseases, intoxication or other abnormalities that disturb and slow down the subsequent recovery. It is important here and the age of the victim: small children are very poorly tolerated bleeding. As well as older people, who with age often violated coagulability. In addition, it is found that in hot weather, blood loss is tolerated by the human body much worse than in the cool months.

How many liters of blood in a man. The total number and possible differences among different groups of people

Answering this question, we can only talk aboutapproximate volume. So how many liters of blood in an ordinary person? On average, the mass of this liquid is from six to eight percent of the total weight. The amount of blood in each person's body varies, including, it depends on the sex. Despite the fact that the woman of this liquid has about 4-4.5 liters, and the man has 5-6, which is much larger, its loss is weakened by the weaker sex. Interestingly, the main reason why men are better able to withstand various physical activities is also hidden in the red liquid. Unlike female, the blood of the opposite sex has a greater content of hemoglobin and erythrocytes. This allows you to quickly saturate the body with oxygen.

Donation and symptoms of blood loss

When asked how many liters of blood a person can havetake for medical purposes, doctors call slightly different numbers. But on average, the donors take 450 grams. this fluid. No particular discomfort in this case does not feel. But the loss from 20 to 40 percent is already considered great. It is characterized by impaired cardiac activity, tachycardia and a strong decrease in pressure. Outwardly, this manifests itself in obvious pallor, rapid breathing, cold extremities. Victims usually complain of dizziness, even fainting is possible. The loss of more than 70 circulating in the body of blood causes convulsions, agony, and practically leaves no one to survive.

It is also important for what time intervalthe human body loses blood. The rapid loss of two or three liters is fatal, although it, only distributed for a longer time, will not cause a fatal outcome. Large and frequent blood loss can eventually lead to anemia. Of course, if it is not about donation: in the hospital you will only take a minimum amount (as already said, harmless to health).

With a loss of not more than 30 percent of the bloodtransfusion is not required. The victim will be provided with timely assistance and time for recovery. This process can be helped by the use in small quantities of red wine or pomegranate juice. Also, a good effect for replenishing the balance of blood in the body is given by drinking from tea mixed with milk, adding garlic to the food. It is necessary to add here such products as raisins, many of the fruits, especially those rich in iron, red fish, dried apricots and nuts. Frequent drinking is recommended. Full recovery is usually achieved within two weeks.

Need to know:in order to satisfy his curiosity and find out how many liters of blood in a person, it is necessary to understand what kind of blood is implied under this question. The one that the body can lose in a serious wound? But in fact it exists not only in a free form. The distillation substance and circulating through the circulatory system, the red liquid is only about 70%. Some of its amount is constantly in the muscles, kidneys and liver. And also in the human brain.

Number or quality?

Is it important how many liters of blood in a person?It is important, although there are more serious indicators, especially since its quantity varies depending on the weight. The above five liters are averaged. The amount of blood in a person with a large physique can reach up to ten. Even when it comes to anemia, there is by no means a small amount of red liquid. In general, how many liters of blood in a person does not characterize the state of his health. More important is its composition. Namely - the number of red cells (erythrocytes). After all, it is known that the blood circulating through our body is nothing but a transparent liquid with impurities dissolved in it. Otherwise this substance is called plasma. And it is the red blood cells that give it a characteristic color.

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