/ / Left and right tributaries of the Amur. List of tributaries of the Amur

Left and right tributaries of the Amur. List of tributaries of the Amur

Amur - the great river flowing in the FarEast. Songs are composed about it, it is praised by writers. Cupid originates from the confluence of two small rivers called Shilka and Argun. But as far as its long descent to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, which lasts 2824 kilometers, it receives the waters of thousands of rivers. What are the tributaries of the Amur? How many are there and where do they originate? Let's learn about the biggest, but first pay attention to the great Cupid itself.

Amur River basin

tributaries of the Amur

The pool of the great Amur is located in East Asia.Within its limits are several physiographic zones. The most extensive are coniferous-deciduous forests and taiga. In addition, the river basin extends over the steppe zone and even semi-desert. Different and climatic conditions. Thus, for example, the average annual precipitation ranges from 250 mm in the south-west, at the source of the Amur, and up to 750 mm at the Sikhote-Alin ridge in the southeast. Such a big difference can not affect the seasonal behavior of the river. In the spring there are strong spills. Frequent flooding in the middle of summer. Most often they are observed in July-August. The source of Amur is considered to be the eastern part of Insular Island. It is here that the waters of the Shilka and Argun rivers merge. The length of Cupid - 2824 kilometers. Its mouth is the Amur estuary. This great and mighty river flows through the territory of three states: Russia, China and Mongolia. The Russian sector is the most extensive, it is customary to subdivide it into two parts - the Siberian and the Far Eastern. Thousands of tributaries flow into it all along the river. They vary in length and volume of water. Until now, no one has calculated all the tributaries of the Amur. This list is constantly supplemented with new reservoirs or the former ones disappear from it. But still the main tributaries are Zeya, Ussuri and Sungari, almost everything is known about them. But these are not the only rivers flowing into the great Amur. Let's look at those of them that are studied much less, because they are no less interesting.

Goryn River

large tributaries of the Amur

Not all the tributaries of the Amur have been studied enough.OK. The Goryn River is a vivid example. Very little is known about her. It flows through the territory of the Primorsky region. The river originates from the eastern part of the Small Higan Ridge. It is located on the border with the Amur region. At first, the Goryn River flows to the northeast, then its course collapses to the southeast and flows into the Amur. Before the confluence of the river is divided into two branches. They connect with Amur 533 km below the Ussuri River. In general, the length of the Goryn River is 480 km, and its width is approximately 500 m. In its lower part, the river has steep, steep banks. In this part over the mountains converge. Upstream Horyn smash numerous rapids. There are many small islands. They are covered with dense coniferous-deciduous forest. The river flow is fast, there is no shipping. But every year dozens of tourists come here to make a very exciting and dangerous boat rafting.

Amgun River

left tributary cupid

The Amgun River is the left tributary of the Amur.Its source is two small rivers - Suluk and Ayakit, which flow down from the Bureinsky Range. Amgun flows into the Amur River in the lower part of its basin, 146 km above the mouth. This river has been studied quite well. Her food - rain. In spring, it is saturated with melt water. In the summer, there are frequent floods. Because of the strong long rains, it often overflows. The length of the Amgun River is 723 km. It can not be called fast. In its middle and lower reaches it is a flat river, despite the fact that its path lies through the system of the Lower Amur Mountains. Like many tributaries of the Amur, the Amgun River is used to float wood. Shipping is possible at 330 km from its mouth. The river basin has several hundred lakes. The largest of them is Chukchagir. Such valuable species of fish as sturgeon and pink salmon come to spawn in Amgun.

Anuy - right tributary of the Amur

right tributary cupid

River Anyuy (in ancient times Dondon) - right tributaryCupid. Its total length is 393 km. Its source is located on the slopes of the Tordoki-Yani and Sikhote-Alin ranges. She gathers from numerous streams into a single river. The mouth of the Anyuy is located between two cities - Khabarovsk and Komsomolsk-on-Amur. The basin of this tributary is about 13 thousand square meters. km In its upstream Anuy - a mountain river. In the lower - this is a calm flat river. The main part of its bed is located on a wide plain. The banks of the river are usually swamped and difficult to reach. Near its mouth, the Anyuy splits into numerous channels and sleeves.

Bira River

tributaries of cupid list

Not many large tributaries of the Amur flow alongthe territory of the Jewish Autonomous Region. One of these is the Bira River. This is the left tributary of the Amur. Its total length, from source to mouth, is 261 km. The area of ​​the river basin is about 9.6 thousand square meters. km Bira is formed by the confluence of two small rivers - Kuldur and Sutar. Its source is located on the ranges of Sutarsky and Small Khingan. The Bira River flows through a lowland plain. On its shore is the city of Birobidzhan. River feeding is mainly rainwater. For Bira characterized by abrupt changes in the water level. Floods are most often observed in the summer. They are caused by heavy long rains.

Gur River

The list of tributaries of the Amur River certainly includesGur. This is the right tributary of the Amur. It flows through the territory of the Khabarovsk Territory. The length of this river is 349 km. Its source is located on the western slopes of the Sikhote-Alin ridge. Begin to give her numerous streams. Gur flows into the Hungarian channel of the Amur. The area of ​​the river basin is 11.8 thousand square meters. km Until 1973, this river was named Hungari, but after it was renamed. It proceeds first to the west and then to the south. On its shores are the villages Gurskoe, Kenai, Snow, Uktur. Numerous tourists come to the Gur River annually and sail in boats on its calm waters. These places are perfect for fishing.

list of tributaries of the Amur

Curled River - the left tributary of the Amur

In the wooded part of the Zeya-Bureinskaya Plain takesits beginning is another tributary of the Amur River - the Curled River. Its length is 262 km. It received its name for good reason. The river bed runs across a wide plain, it is winding. Curled current is slow and measured. The catchment area is slightly less than 2,800 square meters. km The upper reaches of the Zavity River are swamped. Access to its shores is very difficult. The mouth of the Zavity River is located near the village of Poyarkovo. Here it flows into the channel of the Amur. The town of Zavitinsk is located between the rivers Bureya and Zavita.

Tunguska River

The Tunguska River is the left tributary of the Amur.It flows on the territory of the Khabarovsk Territory, its pool partially covers the Jewish Autonomous Okrug. On the banks of the Tunguska there is only one settlement - Volochayevka-2. The length of the river is only 86 km. The area of ​​its basin does not exceed 30.2 thousand square meters. km The Tunguska is formed as a result of the confluence of the Urmi and Kur rivers. They have a sufficiently large extent. So, if we take the Urmi River as the source, then the length of Tunguska will be 544 km, and if we count from the Kur River, then 434 km. Tunguska flows through the Lower Amur lowland. Its channel is even and has no bends. Like all the tributaries of the Amur, the Tunguska is a type of rainwater. In springtime, meltwater flows into its channel. Spill during this period is irrelevant. The main major floods are observed in the summer, most often in August. They are caused by monsoons. There are more than two thousand lakes in the river basin. There are among them large ones. Shipping is possible throughout the length of Tunguska. Its banks are marshy, and in many places it is impossible to drive up to the river.

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