/ Biological role of water. Is life possible without water?

The biological role of water. Is life possible without water?

Water is an integral part of our life. Two-thirds of the entire surface of the earth is occupied by the seas and oceans. Everything that surrounds us could not exist without a molecule H2A. Even a person is 70 percent composed of this substance. The biological role of water is very great. You will see this if you read this article to the end.

biological role of water

Look out the window.What do you see? People, animals, plants, houses, cars. All this consists of water, although its percentage is different everywhere. Why go far? Do you think that in the tooth enamel and bones there are those most amazing molecules of H2ABOUT? Of course, only their percentage is very small. People can not manage without water in our technological time.

Molecule of water

In this article we will consider the properties of water andits biological role. We have already said that the functions of this substance are very numerous and diverse. Let's talk a little about the structure of the molecule, then it becomes clear why this connection is so multifunctional and universal. Let's start with the composition. The water molecule contains 3 atoms: 2 - hydrogen and 1 - oxygen. The shape resembles an isosceles triangle. Such a substance is a dipole, since it has a polarity. Water is an amazing mix, since it can be in three states:

  • solid;
  • liquid;
  • gaseous.

what is the biological role of water

The biological role of water is very great. Now we turn to the functions of the miracle molecule.


The biological role of water lies in the fact thatit can dissolve various substances in itself. But this is one of the functions. Since practically any substance is capable of dissolving in water, it is practically impossible to find this liquid in pure form, it can only be obtained in laboratory conditions. Any solvent can take only a certain amount of matter. Thus, there are saturated aqueous solutions, that is, when the solvent can no longer accept and dissolve other substances in itself. But if the water is heated, then its ability as a solvent is greatly increased. Do an experiment: dissolve the same amount of sugar or salt in hot and cold water. Of course, in hot dissolution will happen much faster, and there will be no sediment.


The biological role of water also lies in theability to maintain a constant body temperature. That is, in the cold and in a warm room, the temperature of our body (provided that the person is healthy) will remain unchanged - 36.6 degrees. This can be explained by the fact that the water is able to take heat and cool very slowly.

what is the biological role of water in the cell

Now a little about what heat exchange is.It is the exchange of heat between the body and the environment. The main factor is the temperature of the body of a living being, which depends on the metabolic processes and heat release. There are two kinds of living beings on our planet:

  • poikilothermic;
  • homeothermic.

We belong to the second group, that is, we are warm-blooded. Our temperature does not change with the change in ambient temperature.

Cell Elasticity

Now, what is the biological role of water incell. As mentioned earlier, water is a solvent, participates in the process of thermoregulation. In addition to all of the above, it is the basis for the organelles of the cell and maintains its correct shape. This can be explained as follows: water is very hard to squeeze even in the laboratory, it helps to maintain the elasticity of the cells. If you do not believe the words, then experience: try squeezing the water. Agree, this is quite difficult.

Transport function

Another feature of water isthe ability to deliver the necessary substances. Now we are talking about the transport function. The ability to deliver the necessary substances is due to the high surface tension of the liquid. So, water can penetrate into the capillaries, the intercellular space. That is, it feeds the cells and removes unnecessary substances. Water has a variety of properties, they need to be grateful for the performance of all vital functions.

Environmental role

We examined the biological role of water, but it is also important to understand that its ecological role is no less important. There are 2 aspects:

  • external environmental factor;
  • internal environmental factor.

The properties of water and its biological role

External factors include a number ofFeatures such as climate, microclimate, habitat and so on. Internal influences primarily on the cells of living organisms. Thus, it is possible to single out a number of features and processes in which water participates. Many of these functions are vital to a person.

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