Probably every Russian citizen heard aboutconcepts of "civil liability", "legal culture" and "legal education". All these concepts are united by one thing: people's objective attitude towards law. The right, in turn, is an integral element of any state. So why does a person need a legal culture? Let's try to understand this article.
Culture is all that is created by handsperson Hardly anyone would dare to assert that law is not a product of people's livelihood. At the same time, there are many interpretations and versions as to where the right came from. Only one thing is known: people have formed a system in which they endowed themselves with a number of norms and regulations that would help them to organize their livelihoods most effectively. For violation of the law rely sanctions - special types of punishment.
The more a person is familiar with the legal categories, the higher is his legal culture. Why does a person need knowledge of law? This is a difficult question, the answer to which we will try to find further.
Школьникам и студентам часто задают следующие questions: "Why does a person need a legal culture? Do you think you have it?" All this is no accident. It is young people who should form an idea of the importance of the culture of law in our society. And for this it is necessary to clearly separate the types of the phenomenon under consideration.
Правовая культура выступает в трех формах:for group, person and society. Social culture is the broadest system of values, ideals and principles. Here we are talking about the regime of law, the state of legislation, the rule of law and much more.
Legal culture of the individual due todependence of the individual on society. If a citizen is willing to interact with the population, guided by law and legal convictions, then his legal culture will be relatively high.
Finally, the last form of legal culture is related tosocial group. It all depends on what kind of group in question. For example, you can take a small association of workers. The group may be aware of why a person needs a legal culture, and therefore will try to improve their knowledge of national legislation. In this case, the group will feel much more comfortable. The presence of special knowledge will allow her to easily navigate in a variety of situations.
Why does a person need a legal culture?Do you think you have it? For the purpose of the study, these questions were asked to various people. According to the results, several conclusions were made. The first and most unusual conclusion concerns the realization of possible sanctions. Contrary to popular belief, having a broad knowledge of the penalties imposed by law does not stop people from breaking the law.
Здесь дело совсем в другом.Much more important is the system of principles, life values and ideals established in society. Of course, the culture of law is an essential element in any country. It will help a person to better navigate in many areas of life, but will not stop him from committing a crime. The moral foundations entrenched in society must come to the fore.
Итак, зачем нужна человеку правовая культура?The answer to this question provides an indicator of social progress. The more knowledge in the field of law the population of a country possesses, the stronger the civil society. Strong and well-educated citizens will be able to control the government, to warn it against mistakes. Social institutions will be strengthened, which will necessarily affect the standard of living. Willingness to act for the good of the Motherland, guided by its laws — this is why a person’s legal culture is needed.
Does a person in Russia know what it is for?legal culture? Often, one may encounter the view that legal education in our country is completely absent. Of course, the level of civil liability in Russia is quite low, but not zero. According to researchers in the field of jurisprudence, among the numerous age groups there was not a single person who would not have any ideas about legal life.
Russians know and understand why they need toright. Paradoxically, a low standard of living gives rise to considerable interest in legal culture. A person wants to learn the rules of law for his own convenience. According to the researcher A. R. Ratinov, the assimilation of legal values occurs throughout life, and originates in childhood.
Is it possible to deprive a person or society of legalculture? Of course, the state has the opportunity to do it in their own interests. However, to completely suppress the people's interest in the law will never work.