/ / Dissonance - what is it? Theory of cognitive dissonance, as well as the manifestation of dissonance in music and emotions

Dissonance - what is it? Theory of cognitive dissonance, as well as the manifestation of dissonance in music and emotions

In this article, we consider in detail such a thing as dissonance. What it is? In what areas is it used?

dissonance what is it


The word comes from the Latin dissonantia thatliterally can be translated as "incoherent sound." Dissonance - what is this term? What is its content? This term is actively used in various fields. For example, it is often used in art, psychology, and philosophy. Does the word dissonance have a synonym? There are several concepts with the same meaning. Here are the most common ones: inconsistency, disagreement, contradiction, disharmony, cacophony (the latter is a synonym from the field of music theory). In essence, this is a violation of harmony, a certain discomfort caused by a mismatch of existing knowledge and ideas with other new facts. Dissonance - what is it, for example, in art theory? Let us turn to the scientific interpretation. According to the encyclopedia, dissonance in music is a disjointed sound. In this case, simultaneously sounding tones do not merge with each other.

dissonance and consonance

Opposite notions

Consonance (from Latin consonantia -Euphony) is a completely polar dissonance definition. But together they characterize the relationship between the two pairs of "elements". These components, in essence, are knowledge. Some "elements" are knowledge about your "I". Others are information concerning the general problems of the world order. The term "knowledge" was often used in the broad sense of the word, including, besides, in fact, information, also opinions, as well as beliefs, attitudes and values. Despite the fact that between these phenomena there are quite significant differences, they can be considered "elements of knowledge". And it is precisely between their pairs that there can be dissonance and consonance.

Types of relations

In case the cognitive elements are nowheremeet, do not overlap with each other and have nothing in common with each other, such elements should be called irrelevant. For us, however, only those elements are interesting, between which relations of consonance and dissonance may arise and arise. The theory of cognitive dissonance was formulated in the mid-twentieth century by Leon Festinger. According to it, two separately located elements will be in dissonance one in relation to the other in the event that the negation of one of them is derived from the other. Here is an example: a person is sure that he is surrounded exclusively by his friends, but he still feels discomfort and fear in this situation.

cognitive dissonance theory
That is, there is a dissonant relationship.Or one more example: a person who has got into serious debts, suddenly decides to go on an expensive world tour. Here, too, the two cognitive elements will be dissonant among themselves. A “rift” between two knowledge elements may appear as a result of a number of different reasons. This may be the wishes and expectations of a person, life experience acquired or other factors. We will discuss them further in more detail.

Causes of cognitive dissonance

To the question "dissonance - what is it" we alreadyanswered. Now, to complete the picture, it is necessary to understand the causes and factors of its occurrence. First, it may occur due to logical inconsistencies. For example, if a person is confident that he will build a good house in a year, but he has no idea how to lay the foundation, then these two elements are dissonant. Secondly, the reason may be cultural traditions or customs. Suppose a man is not inferior to an elderly grandmother in a tram, but knows perfectly well that according to the established rules of etiquette and moral standards, he must do so. In this case, his knowledge of cultural norms and the realization that he is doing wrong is a dissonant relationship. Although in some other culture, where giving up a place in transport to older people is not accepted, this situation would obviously not be an example of the relationship in question.

dissonance in music
Thirdly, dissonance occurs whenpersonal opinion in a particular situation goes beyond a more generalized one. For example, a citizen who considers himself a radical votes in an election for a candidate of liberal views. The cognitive elements of these two opinions will be dissonant. Finally, the state of cognitive dissonance may occur due to experience acquired earlier. Imagine a person who, several times in his life, became ill with acute angina after eating an ice-cream. And so, once again he eats it. At the same time, he hopes not to get sick again. This is a prime example of cognitive dissonance based on past life experience.

Degree of "nonconformity"

Определить уровень диссонанса поможет один obvious aspect. It lies in the objective characteristics of the elements, between which there is a "inappropriate" attitude. Suppose that the two cognitive components in the knowledge system are dissonant relative to each other. Then the degree of "inconsistency" will be in direct proportion to the level of importance of these elements. If the components are very significant for a particular individual, then the dissonance rate will be correspondingly high.

state of cognitive dissonance


Imagine a person submitting fiftyrubles beggar beggar in the underpass. At the same time, this person realizes that the poor man does not really need this money. But still he gives money, and the dissonance that arises in this case between the two elements is not very strong. After all, neither the first nor the second element is so essential for this person. And the second, radically opposite example. The student, on the eve of an important exam for him, is absolutely not preparing for it. At the same time, he is well aware that the level of his knowledge on the subject will not allow him to pass this test. And in this case, the degree of dissonance for the student will be much higher, because both elements of knowledge are very important for the individual.

Are there systems that are free from dissonant relationships?

With a great deal of confidence we can assumethat in our life there is objectively no such system that would be completely free from the presence of "nonconformity". After all, whatever action an individual is going to take, whatever feeling he may have experienced, there will always be at least one insignificant cognitive element that will enter into dissonant relationships with the “behavioral” component.

dissonance is a synonym
Here is a simple example.It would seem that a trivial and trivial belief in the necessity and usefulness of an evening walk before bedtime may have some cognitive elements that will act as discordant with this knowledge. Thus, a person may think that at home there are some things that he has to complete. Or he will notice that it is raining outside and so on. In a word, to any cognitive element in one system there will necessarily be other elements relevant to it, therefore an undoubted fact is the presence of a dissonance, though to a small extent.

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