/ Striped hyenas. Interesting Facts about the Striped Hyena

Striped hyenas. Interesting Facts about the Striped Hyena

Many hyenas cause mixed feelings andmore often associated with vile and cowardly animals. A similar opinion was formed in the minds of people because of the manner of sustenance and the appearance of these animals. But few people know that the striped hyena in the Red Book takes a place in the lists of those animals whose numbers are sharply reduced. Therefore, it is worth knowing about what these predators really are, and what features do they stand out among other fanged ones?

Hyena species

In nature, there are four types of hyenas. These include spotted, brown, striped hyenas and an earthwolf.

Usually, the first two types of these are known to many.predators because they make laughing sounds and roam in packs. Striped hyenas, despite significant similarities with other species, are still different from them.

Striped hyena size
striped hyenas

This species can rightly be called a large predator.The largest individuals can grow up to 90 cm at the withers, and on average their height is about 80 cm. The body is approximately 115 cm long. Some males can weigh 50-60 kg, females are less than 45 kg, although outwardly they hardly differ. Tail length about 25-35 cm.


Externally, the body of the hyena seems shortened.Their paws are slightly twisted, although this does not prevent them from being strong. There are four fingers on each leg. Also, the front paws are longer than the hind legs, which adds visual imbalance to the body. The predator has a massive and short neck, and its muzzle is slightly elongated. The lower jaw is heavy. The ears are large and slightly pointed.

At the withers there is a dark mane of long (about 30cm) and hard hair, which makes the front of the beast even higher. When moving, striped hyenas seem to crouch and drag their backside, from that they look disproportionate. The straight and coarse hair of the animal, not counting the mane, has a length of no more than 7 cm. In the cold season a soft and thick undercoat grows. Externally, it differs from other members of the family in stripes in color.

striped hyena in the red book

The main color of the wool is different in the range from straw to brownish gray. Muzzle is black in almost all individuals. The bands are usually black.

Despite the fact that striped hyenas have fewer teeth (34) than canine (42), their jaws are considered very powerful, and their canines are large. They are able to gnaw huge bones.


Striped hyenas are nocturnal animals and love solitary life. They have no clans. In the wild, these predators live up to 12 years, but live to 23 in the zoo.

Этот вид гиен предпочитает питаться падалью mammals. They can even eat zebra bones or gazelles. If they find edible wastes thrown away by humans, do not disdain them. Their diet may include insects, fish, all sorts of seeds and fruits. Sometimes a hyena attacks birds, rodents or reptiles. It often feeds in its lair, which is why an unpleasant smell is heard from afar. Also this animal in itself exudes repulsive odors.

striped hyena red book of Russia

Among them, adopted polygamous relationship.A male can fertilize several females in a row. For 90 days, the female bears offspring. In two years, male hyenas become sexually mature, females a year later.

These hyenas very rarely make sounds. Their voice can be expressed by grumbling, hoarse howling or growling. They do not "laugh".


In the wild, meet this predator -very rare, as they choose hard-to-reach places for their lairs. They also behave quite cautiously. For their settlement, they choose clay deserts with low vegetation. They can also give preference to the rocky foothills or gorges. However, they try to settle near the water, because they constantly need moisture.

striped hyena wildlife red book

Сегодня полосатая гиена обитает на большей части Asian territory in North Africa, in some regions of India. Closer to the east side, this species is less common. Also, these predators are in Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and the Caucasus, although today the striped hyena becomes a rather rare inhabitant in these territories.

Wildlife: Red Book of Endangered Species

Today, many animals are on the list of rareand endangered species. Often the fault is the ecology, deforestation, lack of food. But this species of animals does not cause pleasant feelings in many, therefore, they are mercilessly hunted and the striped hyena can disappear forever. The Red Book of Russia prompts people to think about the fact that people should stop destroying wildlife, even if some of its representatives do not cause them tenderness.

Cub in captivity

In the Krasnodar Safari Park on April 9, 2013there was a rare case. Within the park, in captivity, the female of the striped hyena led the baby. But the mother refused to take care of her offspring. The tiny hyena was taken care of by the zoo staff. For feeding was preparing a mixture of dog milk. The kid needed to eat five times a day. Grown-up baby began to give meat. After the young hyena got stronger, he was released on "free bread".

interesting facts about the striped hyena

Interesting information

Each animal is distinguished by something special and this predator is no exception. Listed below are some interesting facts about the striped hyena.

  • Not yet mature hyenas love to taste melons and other cultivated plants, causing damage to agriculture.
  • The name "hyena" came from the Greek language, where it was called "hus", which translates as "pig."
  • The striped hyena is not at all aggressive, therefore a poor animal is often attacked by ordinary dogs. Hyenas flee from them without attempting to self-defense.
  • This species hunts very rarely, thereforehave to eat carrion. But it does not matter, since the jaws of the striped hyena are considered the most powerful among mammals, they easily crush bones that other predators could not eat. Per square centimeter the pressure of the jaw is about 50 kg.
  • The unsightly appearance and cowardly behavior of the striped hyena influenced the fact that many ancient legends and superstitions developed in ancient Greece. Previously, the Greeks believed that these animals can change sex.
  • If striped hyenas have settled near the cemetery, people have to place large stones on the graves, since these “scavengers” can break the ground to get bones.
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