/ / Pedagogical University (Nizhny Novgorod). Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after Kozma Minin

Pedagogical University (Nizhny Novgorod). Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after Kozma Minin

In many pedagogical universities you can not getonly the profession of teacher and teacher. Educational institutions seek to meet the needs of applicants and offer them a wide range of training areas. One of these universities is the Pedagogical University (Nizhny Novgorod, the address is Ulyanova Street, 1). This educational organization aims to use innovative educational technologies and the latest teaching methods, so many students strive to enroll in this university to get a modern higher education.

The history of the school

Nowadays the existing pedagogical university (Nizhny Novgorod) was created at the beginning of the last century as a teacher’s institute. Thus, this university has been functioning for more than a century.

За годы существования несколько раз менялись statuses, titles. For example, in 1921 the institute was attached to the University of Nizhny Novgorod in the form of a faculty. During this period, he sought to maintain his autonomy. The structural division regained the status of an institute in 1930.

Pedagogical University Nizhny Novgorod

New period in development

The next period of development lasted until 1993of the year. The university experimented with teaching methods. Its structure gradually expanded. New branches appeared. In 1993, an important event occurred in the history of the educational organization - thanks to all the achievements, university status was obtained.

In 2011, the school merged withone state university - with the Volga Engineering and Pedagogical University. As a result, the educational organization has an additional name. She became known as the Minin University.

University advantages

Enter the Pedagogical University (LowerNovgorod) or not - a question over which applicants think every year who have not yet decided on their place of study. Information about the advantages of the university helps the decision maker:

  1. Педагогический университет не первый год engaged in training. Behind this university is a long story. During this period, released a huge number of specialists. Among modern graduates there are not only teachers and lecturers, but also managers, designers, engineers, psychologists.
  2. At the university, students are offered plenty of opportunities.for self-education. The university has a scientific library with a rich book fund. More than 600 thousand copies are kept here, among which there are textbooks, fiction, periodicals. Books are purchased every year.
  3. For students in high school language center works. You can learn English, German, French, Italian, Spanish and even Chinese in it.

ngpu im minina

Pedagogical University (Nizhny Novgorod): faculties

The educational organization has 6 faculties, each of which is engaged in the preparation of students in a particular area related to it:

  1. Humanities.This structural division produces demanded experts. Students who have graduated from the Faculty of Humanities work as teachers in schools, teachers in colleges and universities, and media workers.
  2. Media technologies, fine arts and design.This faculty in the NGPU them. Kozma Minina created for creative individuals. He provides training in such areas as "Design", "Folk crafts and decorative and applied arts", "Production", etc.
  3. Computer, Mathematical and Natural Sciences. This faculty is suitable for different people. Here come lovers of computer science, mathematics, science and travel.
  4. Pedagogy and psychology. This faculty in the NGPU them.Minin is focused on training staff focused on pedagogy, psychological problems and peculiarities of other people. The proposed directions are “Psychology”, “Organization of work with youth”, “Psychological and pedagogical education”, “Special (defectological) education”.
  5. Socio-technical services and management.Structural unit combines management, engineering and service education. Graduates of the faculty work in various organizations of the city, region and country, are experts in the field of economics and management, operation of transport and technological complexes and machines, technology of transport processes.
  6. Sports and physical education.This faculty in the NGPU them. Minina offers 3 areas of training - “Physical Education”, “Physical Education for Persons with Disabilities in the State of Health”, “Pedagogical Education”.

NGPU im Kozma Minina

Features of education in high school

The educational process in the NGPU them.Kozma Minin, as in any university, can be divided into classroom work, out-of-class work, training and field trips. Classroom work includes lectures, practical exercises, laboratory practices. Under the extracurricular activities are understood individual counseling, independent work, which consists in the performance of individual tasks, research work.

Control of knowledge at the university is carried out in the form of:

  • examinations;
  • testing;
  • laboratory reports;
  • offsets;
  • examinations;
  • term papers;
  • graduation projects.

Pedagogical University Nizhny Novgorod address

E-learning for applicants

Pedagogical University (Nizhny Novgorod)costs in its educational activities without modern technology. He recently introduced e-learning. A special website was created on which both applicants and students can find suitable materials for themselves.

Applicants are offered electronic courses,which acquaint them with the areas of interest, future professions. There are also courses to prepare for the exam. They broaden and deepen theoretical and practical knowledge, increase the chances of passing the exam successfully.

E-education for students and people raising their qualifications

Students on the e-learning sitePedagogical University provides funds for training in basic professional educational programs. Students use online courses, e-library resources, participate in webinars, online conferences.

E-learning is also offered to people who decide to upgrade their skills and choose additional vocational education programs at the Nizhny Novgorod Pedagogical University.

Pedagogical University Nizhny Novgorod Faculties

Admission to the University

Applicants who are interested in a pedagogical university (Nizhny Novgorod) should take a few simple steps to enter:

  • familiarize yourself with the proposed areas of training and specialties, find out what exams are needed;
  • before February 1, sign up for the USE;
  • pass unified state examinations in those subjects that are required for admission;
  • get an education certificate;
  • submit to the selection committee application and package of documents.

When submitting documents it is worth considering that the applicationfrom a particular applicant, they are accepted only if the results of the USE are not less than the minimum acceptable values. Minimum points are approved annually. They can change, so they should be clarified when entering a university in the selection committee.

Minin Pedagogical University Nizhny Novgorod

In conclusion, it is worth noting that MininskyPedagogical University (Nizhny Novgorod) is a good option for continuing studies after graduation, secondary school or any other university. Students here are trained by qualified teachers, among them more than 70 doctors and over 300 candidates of science.

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