/ / Irregular verbs of the English language - a stumbling block?

Are irregular English verbs a stumbling block?

Irregular verbs of the English language in manythey cause quite understandable difficulties, to the extent that they are forced to invent new ways to train memory. How can you ease the difficult task of memorizing irregular verbs and make them not a stumbling block, but just one of the stages of learning a language?

irregular verbs of the English language

English contains about 500 incorrectverbs. Even if you learn one irregular verb per day, it will take about one and a half years. But there is no need to stretch this pleasure for so long. First, many of them are outdated, and today only about 200 of them are actively used, besides, many irregular verbs of the English language are changed according to quite clear and uniform rules.

Irregular verbs in English can be grouped into four groups:

1. The form of the past tense and the second participle are formed in the same way: the vowel changes radically, and, as a result, the spelling of the ending changes. For example:

bring - brought - brought;

seek - sought-sought.

2. The past tense form and the second participle are different: in the past tense, the word gets a diphthong sound at the root, and when the participle is formed, the ending is added:

speak (spoke) - spoke - spoken;

choose (choose) - chose - chosen.

3. The easiest group: words that do not change:

cut (cut) - cut-cut;

bet (to bet) - bet - bet.

4. Irregular verbs with a changing consonant at the end:

bend (bent) - bent - bent

build - built - built

Try to distribute on fourtables irregular verbs. The English language contains many other “samples” that cannot be “put” into these groups, try to make separate tables for them. Although there are ready-made such tables on the Internet, it is better to “discover America” by yourself - then you don’t have to devote time to boring cramming.

irregular verbs in English

This will need to be done only once.Nothing to cram. Although in schools when teaching children English is done this way. Children are given a list and are asked to just automatically remember a few irregular verbs. In the next lesson, the serrated is checked, and then a new “portion” is given. It is not surprising that with this approach, irregular verbs begin to cause horror and disgust.

Remember:the stumbling block is not the irregular verbs of the English language, but the lack of imagination in the teacher. If you are learning a language yourself, you should not be like a teacher and make a titanic effort over yourself, memorizing boring table rules.

Irregular Verbs English

Pay attention to the fact that practicallyall irregular verbs are included in the thousand most used words of the English language. And the most irregular of them, which have no analogues and are inclined according to the original scheme, generally belong to the hundred. For example, the verbs to be (which is not only used in the direct sense, but also as an auxiliary) and to have (similarly, can be used not only as a verb with the meaning "to have"). Performing grammar exercises, reading interesting texts, you memorize their forms without any effort and, moreover, save time. To "get acquainted" with irregular verbs, you can perform such exercises.

1.Take any interesting text, translate it with the help of an on-line translator (or take a ready-made text with parallel translation) and underline all verbs in various forms, write down the correct and irregular verbs separately. The latter can be written in a table.

2Take any list of the most used or most common words in the English language. Such selections contain not only verbs. But irregular verbs will definitely fall there. Compose stories or sentences with these words. As you know, for successful communication it is enough to know 3 thousand English words. That is, with the help of this exercise, you will not only practice the use of irregular verbs, but also lay a good basis for your vocabulary.

3Write a detailed story about your yesterday, consisting only of verbs, for example: "I woke up, looked out the window, washed, brushed my teeth, fed the cat, stepped on the cat's paw, cooked breakfast, shaved, cut myself", etc. Translate this story into English. Or already write immediately in English, looking in the dictionary.

You can come up with many other exercises onworking out the grammar or to expand vocabulary, which will appear irregular verbs of the English language. With this approach, they will never be a source of despondency and negativity for you.

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