/ / Dodger - who is this? Meaning, synonyms and examples

Dodger - who is this? Meaning, synonyms and examples

Not only Russia is rich in criminal talents.In all countries there are people who believe that honest life is not something for which Mother Nature created them. Let's talk about the rogue today. Who is this? Quite an interesting character for our article!



The explanatory dictionary is indispensable in the linguistic search for truth, and he tells us that the word under consideration has two meanings:

  1. A cunning and dexterous deceiver, a fraudster who has a professional status in this matter.
  2. A man who likes to cunning, cunning. The value is spoken.

In the first sense, the "rogue" is a professionalshe hunted, no matter how he was called. In memory several images appear at once, for example, Count Cagliostro, Ostap Bender, Benny Creek, Chichikov, Khlestakov, Woland's retinue. Of course, there were real scammers who did not become heroes of art. But we do not want to do advertising to them, let's talk about synonyms.

Replacement words


We have touched on the subject of synonyms in part, whengave the definition of the word "rogue". You can see this if you read the above. But for convenience we will reduce all already used and some new ones into a single list:

  • swindler;
  • a beast;
  • beetle;
  • rogue;
  • threw;
  • a fox;
  • swindler;
  • a deceiver;
  • a scoundrel;
  • the scoundrel;
  • the passer-by;
  • cunning;
  • charlatan;
  • rascal.

As we see, there are many types of deception, but also synonymsto the concept of "dark deeds" is also a lot. And this is not all. We chose the ones that are used especially often. The reader, as usual, is free to add something to his list. We will not object. We turn to the most interesting - examples in literature and cinema.

Ostap Bender, Woland and his retinue

rogue cheater

Already almost synonymous with the definition of "rogue""Dodger" and the hero Ostap Bender. But the great combinator said and written so much that writing something else, probably, does not make sense. Moreover, people know the books of Ilf and Petrov almost by heart.

But there is one curious connection thatstressed Dmitry Bykov in his lectures - is the influence of Ilf and Petrov on the work of Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. It is clear that the "Master and Margarita" even in tone is similar to "12 chairs" (we mean, of course, the "Soviet" chapter). But more interesting is another: in the novel about Margarita, not only Koroviev and Behemoth are rogues, which ones to look for. Ryukhin, Aloysius Mogarych, Stepa Likhodeev - they are all rogues and scoundrels.

Serious Woland and his retinue are onlyfor the time of the ball. Until then, the endless fun continues uninterruptedly. Another thing is that Woland's humor is mostly black and evil. But the spirit of evil is not alien to nobility. It seems that life jokes with a man in the same tone as Woland with Soviet citizens: only a man thought that he possessed all the gifts of the world, as the next second he was on the street in some pants, and that's still good.

So with life:it puts before the person more and more new tasks, so that he copes with them. Shakespeare once wrote that the world is a theater, and people in it are actors, but if there is an idea, then there must be a spectator, right? And he should be interested. That's why life plagues us, exposing our picaresque character.

Ten of the best movies about scammers

word meaning

Once upon a time, in one old Sovieta film that the reader can now easily recognize, it was said that in 20 years there will be no theater, no cinema, no books, there will be one continuous television. Fortunately, this did not happen. Movies and books are still two equal forces, and television, on the contrary, surrenders to the power of the Internet. According to recent reports, some YouTube channels have outperformed the state by popularity. The character of the well-known film obviously did not take into account the interference of high technologies, which then had no idea. This is all to the fact that the tastes of cinephiles also should be satisfied. Not everyone can enjoy the book classics. So, the list of films about cheaters-swindlers:

  1. "Track 60" (2002).
  2. The Code of the Thief (2009).
  3. The Illusionist (2006).
  4. "Illusion of deceit" (2013).
  5. "The Scammers" (1988).
  6. "Cunning" (1997).
  7. "How to steal a million" (1966).
  8. "Ripley's Game" (2002).
  9. "Cards, money, two trunks" (1998).
  10. "The Great Kush" (2000).

Here are movies even about howfraudulent state, leading the nose of its citizens ("rascality"). In other respects, the films are only related to the topic of deception. There are, of course, whole sagas about scammers, for example, "Ocean's Friends" or "Mission Impossible". But we think that the reader will look at them without us. The list also contains those films that could already be thoroughly forgotten by the general public.

Someone better perceives films, someone books.The main thing is to learn, to learn new every day, so as not to let the brain relax. The latter also needs loads and training. For today, the minimum is fulfilled: we learned the meaning of the word "rogue".

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