/ Capital of South Ossetia. Description and features

The capital of South Ossetia. Description and features

Many, even quite erudite people, canto wonder about the name of the capital of South Ossetia. Although this is not surprising, considering that this state has only recently been formed and recognized by far not all countries in the political arena, and, accordingly, a wide range of people have little information on its administrative structure. Tskhinval is the capital of South Ossetia, a city that is also one of the most developed and large.

the capital of South Ossetia

general information

Tskhinval remained the center of South Ossetiaautonomous region until 1990, until it was decided to create a separate republic, whose political status is still being challenged. However, the five states still recognize South Ossetia as an independent territory. Is located in Tskhinval in the southern region of the Caucasus.

City name

Now you know which capital of South Ossetia,but what about the different versions of the name of this city? There are two variants of the name of the area. In Bulgarian, the city is called "Tskhinvali", while in Russian it is most often used "Tskhinval".

Short story

On the existence of a village called Tskhinvaliis mentioned already in 1398. In the XVIII century it was already a "royal city", which was inhabited mainly by monastic serfs. In the twentieth century, it became an important transport artery, which connects several regions at once. In 1922 Tskhinval was officially recognized as the administrative center of the South Ossetian Autonomous Region. If in the first two decades of the 20th century a lot of Jewish and Georgian population lived on the territory of the city, then in 1959 the majority of inhabitants were Ossetians.

Jewish Quarter

what is the capital of southern Ossetia

The capital of South Ossetia is known for its ancientmonuments of architecture. Particularly distinguished among other things is the Jewish Quarter, where you can visit the numerous ruins of ancient buildings, synagogues, and remnants of merchants' mansions. Despite the fact that after a military confrontation with Russia in 2008, a large part of the Jewish population left the area, this part of the Old Town still gives tourists an idea of ​​how they lived here a few decades ago, because practically nothing has changed here.

In the south of the Jewish quarter is an ancientThe Georgian church, eleven centuries ago, was assembled from a river stone, and now it has fallen into disrepair, but still impresses visitors.

Orthodox church of the Holy Virgin

The capital of South Ossetia is full of ancientclerical monuments, which are now not in the best condition. For example, in the central part of the city you can visit the Armenian church. It was badly damaged after the bombings during the Russian-Georgian conflict, although it has been partially restored to date. Before the Church of the Holy Mother of God there is a small square.

Other attractions

In the city you can find other monuments of ancient architecture. The capital of South Ossetia is famous for the Cavtian church of St. George, Zgudersky church, etc.

Military conflict

Few people in Russia knew which capital the SouthOssetia before the troops had to invade the territory of Georgia to resolve the military conflict. It happened in August 2008. The events of that period were imprinted in the minds of all the inhabitants of the city.

the name of the capital is South Ossetia

As a result of the armed conflict, whichlasted only five days, several hundred people died. A considerable part of the inhabitants suffered from military actions, almost every inhabitant of the city lost at least one close or native person.

Now, a few years later, these eventscall "War 08.08.08". Although these military events were quite expected, all the residents of South Ossetia hoped until the last moment that the state power would not start a war. On August 8, 2008, at 23:30 in Tskhinval, the first artillery strike struck by Georgians was heard. Despite the fact that the government introduced its tank and infantry troops into the city, the residents managed to hold out until the Russian military came to the rescue.

Results of the conflict

The whole world learned that the city of Tskhinvali is the namecapital Cities. South Ossetia after the armed conflict was partially recognized as a separate state. But was it worth all the permits and lost human lives?

what is the capital of South Ossetia called

After a difficult five-day confrontation, the citysuffered incredible losses. Only according to official data, about 80% of the buildings of the housing stock were destroyed. The Jewish quarter, which turned into ruins, was severely damaged. Here and before the war, there were many buildings in a very deplorable state, and after that it was no longer worthwhile to rebuild and rebuild something.

The tallest building in the city was badly damaged -a psychiatric hospital, which was probably one of the main goals for Georgian artillerymen. The hospital staff are still surprised that it was miraculously possible to save everyone inside, and the brave nurses were able to hide patients in the basement.


what is the capital of southern ossetia

Military actions of 2008 on the territory of Georgiastrongly influenced South Ossetia and the city of Tskhinvali in particular. Many people suffered here, a significant part of the city was destroyed, special damages of the old architecture took place in the Jewish quarter - the historical and most famous part of the city. After the end of hostilities, many people in the territory of the CIS countries learned which capital of South Ossetia. The city of Tskhinval was partially restored, but most of it still remains severely damaged.

Little by little, new objects are being built here, inincluding new microdistricts. In 2009, even a new gas pipeline was launched, which links South Ossetia and Russia directly, because the old one was destroyed during the five-day war. Perhaps in the very near future the city will not be completely restored, but the government of the state is on the right track. Gradually, albeit slowly, with the help of the Russian government, the people of the city and the country return to their usual life.

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