/ / What is the meaning of phraseology "cat wept"?

What is the meaning of phraseology "cat wept"?

Phraseological units are used quite often as inconversational speech, and literary. Their value is usually known to sociable and book-loving people. Phraseology "cat wept" - one of the most used.

It can be found both in conversational and inwritten speech. Actively use this expression in works of art. The meaning of the phraseology "cat naplakal" is necessary to know every clever, well-read and erudite person, as well as those who want to speak a beautiful and rich, imaginative language. The meaning of the winged phrases is important to know in our time, so as not to fall into a silly situation.

the phraseology of the cat wept

What is a stable expression?

In order to understand the meaning of phraseology "catit is necessary to know what this term implies.Thus, phraseologicalisms are the stable expressions used in speech to give it expressiveness and dynamism.This makes it possible to reveal feelings more vividly, lively, catching.The person who uses stable combinations in the speech quite often is emotional and energetic.

Phraseological units are widespread in the Russianspeech. By using winged phrases, the speaker can express his attitude to the subject of discussion more clearly than is allowed, for example, by interjections. The main task of phraseology is to motivate the listener, the reader, the interlocutor to empathy, the manifestation of similar feelings. The use of stable expressions to the place testifies to the erudition and erudition of a person, a broad outlook and imaginative thinking.

The beginning of the use of phraseological units putfamous academician Vinogradov, who engaged in studies of winged phrases. He wrote articles, works, essays about them, studied the origin, deciphered and interpreted their meanings.

Виноградов внес огромный вклад в лингвистику.Today it is very difficult to imagine your life without these brief, accurate and useful expressions that can convey the feelings and sensations of a person with incredible accuracy.

For example, the phraseology "cat napplakal" isa bright representative of his group. It has all the main features: it has a stable meaning, does not allow the replacement of the word, is one member of the sentence, and is also reproduced in the finished form.

The cat cries the meaning of phraseology in one word

The meaning of the phraseology "cat wept" and examples of use in colloquial speech

The essence of this stable expression is simple for explanation and understanding. The phrase means something that is negligible.

In order to better understand the meaning of phraseology, and, most importantly, to learn how to use it and recognize it in speech, it is necessary to analyze the following examples:

  • "I had a lot of money from a cat!" - so a person says, when there is very little money.
  • "Food we have left the cat wept, you need to go to the store and buy something!" - so they say, when there is not enough food.
  • "The books of the cat wept, there is absolutely nothing to read!" is an estimate of the number of books.

It can be concluded that, basically, the expression "cat cried" determines the amount of something.

There are a lot of examples.In order to remember the meaning, you can try yourself to start making such proposals. The meaning of phraseology "cat wept" will be quickly absorbed if one begins to use this expression in speech.

An important point about writing. Since this stable expression is "little" in meaning identical to the dialect, it does not separate with commas.

Phraseologism cat wept the significance of the origin

The first version of occurrence

It says that it was invented by either zoologists orlovers of pets. It is rumored that when scientists studied cats and their behavior, they noticed that these elegant animals never cry, unlike other members of their class. Hence the expression, which means either a very small amount of something, or its total absence - the phraseology "cat cried". The meaning, origin and use of the phrase are interrelated in the first version of the occurrence, therefore it is considered to be the official version.

The meaning of phraseology

Second version of occurrence

This variation of the history of the emergence of phraseologicalinspires confidence in people, almost no one believes in it, because it sounds implausible, literally "drawn by the ears." However, the version exists and has the right to life. People argue that once the phraseology "cat wept" came from the Arabic expression, which translates as "stop getting enough money."

Apparently, the Arabs, who suddenly overlappedflow of material goods, saw the similarity of themselves with crying animals. Hence the expression "cat cried". True, according to this version, the meaning of phraseology is slightly different from the traditional one. "Cat wept" means only a small amount of money. But since phraseology has always been used not only in relation to money, it can be said that, most likely, this version is fictitious.

Synonymous expressions and words

Stable phrases (phraseological units) always haveantonyms and synonyms, this is their distinctive feature. Usually, for each expression, you can pick up at least one antonym and synonym. It can be either sentences or one word. Is not an exception and "cat wept." The meaning of phraseology in one word is "little".

In addition, synonyms are "nothing at all" and"Little". From identical expressions one can single out a steady revolution "like a drop in the sea," which has the same meaning. In addition, the meaning of the phraseology "cat wept" is also close to the following word combinations: "with gulkin nose", "one-two and obchelsya", "more or less" and others.

Cat Crying Value

Antonymous expressions and words

Opposition to a phrase may bephraseology, "chickens do not peck," which means a large number of things. Usually this expression is used in relation to money, but recently it has found a wider application. Word-antonym - "a lot," and the opposite in meaning the phrase - "above the roof."

The meaning of the phraseologism “the cat was crying” is not very difficult to understand and assimilate. You can make several sentences with the expression, it will be remembered.

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