/ / Repair and replacement of windows. Advantages and disadvantages of plastic models

Repair and replacement of windows. Advantages and disadvantages of plastic models

In most of the apartments and houses built inSoviet period, there are simple wooden windows. Unfortunately, over time they cease to fit tightly, crevices appear in them, and the frames begin to acquire an irregular shape.

All this leads to the fact that the room from the streetnoise, dust, and a significant amount of heat is lost. In this case, the only option that will get rid of trouble - the replacement of windows. This is a very serious and responsible step, which will take a lot of time and money.

replacement of windows

Plastic windows

The view appeared on the market recently, but had alreadywin consumer confidence. The windows are made of polyvinyl chloride, they can be of any color, they have excellent health effects, they are suitable for all houses and apartments. The only option when it is impossible to put plastic windows is to change the appearance of the building, which is a historical monument to art. In this case, you should not replace, but repair windows. We learn the pros and cons of plastic models.

Advantages and disadvantages

First, let's designate the pluses.

  • Tightness. Windows do not allow to enter the room of dust and unpleasant smells, and also protect from drafts and blowing out of cold air.
  • Appearance. Due to the constant temperature change, the paint on the wooden frames crack, and it must be constantly updated. Plastic windows retain their appearance for a long time.
  • Soundproofing. Allow to get rid of noise from the street, and also to enjoy the peace and comfort. Windows can be equipped with several cameras to choose a tenant, which allows you to adjust the level of security.
  • Cost. Once the plastic models appeared in thesale, to allow their installation could only provided people. Windows were considered a symbol of prosperity and security. Now the replacement of windows with plastic is much cheaper, and they can be installed by everyone at a low price.

windows repair

However, along with the pluses, there are also disadvantages.

  • The first of them is still the same tightness. It does not allow to circulate normallyAir, which can create a greenhouse effect in the room. This is fraught with difficulties in breathing and condensation on the walls and doors. This can easily be avoided by installing a ventilation system, and also do not forget to constantly ventilate the room.
  • Complexity. Wooden frame allows you to easily replace inwear out a part or update it with paint to maintain the appearance. The plastic model is much more difficult to repair, and there are times when it is impossible to restore it.
  • Electrostatics. This means that the windows are very attracting small particles - dust. Therefore, you need to wash them very often and keep them clean.
  • Cost and volume. Windows have become much cheaper with time, but our climate requires installing more cameras, which increases the price and size.

Replacement of insulating glass units. Help

Plastic windows are joy, pleasure andcomfort. But what if there were problems with the glass, and the frame itself looks like a new one? Replacement of windows is not an option. It is expensive and inexpedient. Fortunately, you can replace only the package with your own hands, using some tips and hints.

replacement of insulating glass units

Before ordering a new glass, it is not enough to know its length and width. If you look in the passport or the remaining markings, you need to specify the thickness.

If there is enough simple replacement of the double-glazed window, then do not dismantle the window. With a neat approach, work can be done on the installed frame in the wall.

Dismantling is better to begin with the removal of long beads. After them, move on to the rest. To prevent the glass unit from falling out of the window, the upper bezel is removed last.

If the window is broken, then gluing the outer glasses with adhesive tape will help them not to crumble when removed.

Remember that replacing plastic windows is an extreme option. It should be started when a simple double-glazed window can not be fixed.

Window repair and adjustment

After installing a new double-glazed window, workers are more likely toall set up on it the maximum pressure. Over time, this will lead to large loads and the failure of the window. To avoid this, an adjustment is made.

For work you will need a hexagonal wrench, a screwdriver, pliers and a set of "stars".

Thanks to simple actions it is possible to extend the operating time to the plastic window, to achieve the optimum pressure, to adjust the ventilation parameters of the air.

Sometimes plastic models may require minor repairs. Replacement of windows is necessary only in extreme cases. Repairs can be made independently if:

  • The pen is jammed and it does not turn.
  • It is necessary to adjust the lock.
  • Replace the broken handle with a new one or with an option supplemented with a childproof protection.
  • The window opens with difficulty and not until it stops.
  • There was a draft in the closed position.

replacement of plastic windows

It will take a bit of free worktime, tools and simple locksmith skills. With a competent approach and patience it will not only be possible to extend the window, but also save money from the family budget.

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