/ / Soldering iron with temperature control: description, instructions, purpose

Temperature-controlled soldering iron: description, instructions, purpose

Temperature controlled soldering iron isspecial equipment that serves for soldering various metal products. In this case, the elements may differ from each other in size. In some cases, it is necessary to apply different temperatures, since parts cannot withstand high stresses and will collapse. To avoid this, you should use a soldering iron with temperature control. Its change occurs due to switching to another power.

general information

Before those people who decide to engagesoldering, there is one important question: "How to choose a soldering iron?" Most professionals have long found the answer. They use a soldering iron with temperature control. This device is very convenient. In addition, it has high performance, as well as the quality of the finished product. Thermal stabilization is an important advantage that will suit many amateurs. To the temperature of the soldering iron was at a certain level, it is necessary to set the value of power or voltage. This is very convenient, since the spike of various metal elements is possible only at a specific temperature.

soldering iron with temperature control

How to choose a soldering iron for this indicator?The presence of a regulatory element is quite important. That is, a soldering iron must have not only a toggle switch, where the maximum and minimum temperatures are written. But there must be such mechanisms that can set the exact value. The important point is the relationship with power. If the device is "idle", the soldering tip can overheat. When performing work where high values ​​of heat transfer are necessary, it is necessary to have suitable temperature. Such a regulating device can be made independently. To do this, you need a regular dimmer.

The soldering iron can consume up to 80 watts of power.The device is connected to a conventional household power grid with a voltage of 220 V. Its temperature can be changed using a special toggle switch. It can be in the range of 200 to 400 ° C. At the same time, the error is rather low - only 10 ° С.

Principle of operation

So, in order to lower or increasetemperature, you need to apply a regulator. This mechanism is connected directly to the soldering iron. With the help of it changes the temperature, power and voltage, which is done with the help of special resistors.

soldering iron price
When switching the soldering tip changes its properties. When turning the lever on the regulator, only one of the parameters changes.

What are the regulators?

There are many devices that are used for soldering irons:

  • Regulator, operating at the expense of the triac. Electric soldering irons with such a device allow you to control the applied voltage or power.
  • The element containing in the design of the thyristor.
  • The power boosting device is designed to quantify the power supplied.
  • Regulator with indication. Thanks to this element, it is possible to determine what kind of power or voltage acts on the soldering iron at a specific time.
  • Regulator for low-voltage models. It is used for those soldering irons whose voltage does not exceed 36 V.
  • Device without interference. Such a device has a long service life.
  • Regulator with galvanic cells. This device is suitable for all types of soldering irons, it is able to function for a long time.

A ceramic soldering iron can be assembled independently, but for this it is necessary to adhere to a specific electrical circuit.

Low frequency

By purchasing this type of soldering iron in the store, it is worth understanding that it may already have lower technical characteristics. Such devices are suitable for them:

  • The regulator is 12 V. It is intended for soldering irons whose power is 12 V.
  • Equipment 36 V. Used for soldering irons with an operating voltage of 36V.
  • Regulator with a microcontroller. Such an element is equipped with electric soldering irons, where hypersensitivity to the elements is necessary.

Copper Soldering Iron

Devices with such a supercharger consist ofspun copper wire. Through it can pass a direct and alternating current with low voltage, coming from small-sized transformers.

electric soldering iron

Modern devices are equipped with specialthermal sensor located on the sting. It is thanks to him that the tip is heated. As such a component is a thermocouple, which is a proven element. At occurrence of critical temperatures the sensor gives a signal. After that, the copper helix turns off or changes power.

Copper electric soldering irons can bemade in various designs. The simplest model is a spiral, which is wound on the case. He must not hold the tension. A sting is inserted into it. In a more complex version, the copper spiral is isolated with a special material. As a result, heat loss is reduced.

Ceramic Heater

Another popular model is a soldering iron withtemperature adjustment of the ceramic type. Ceramic rods are provided for its construction. When voltage is applied to them, they heat up. Such a model is considered an ideal equipment. Among the positive sides, you can highlight the rapid heating of the element, a large range of temperature control. With careful use of the soldering iron will last a long time.

Which soldering iron is better to choose?

Many people have a question about whichsoldering iron to choose: ceramic or copper. For this you need to read a lot of reviews, as well as technical documentation. Amateur should listen to the opinions of professionals, as they have sufficient experience in the field of adhesions. So, first you need to decide on the advantages and disadvantages of these devices.

soldering iron tip

The positive properties of copper soldering irons with a temperature regulator are:

  • Low cost device.
  • When falling is not exposed to mechanical stress.

Negative sides:

  • When switched on, the heating of the tip occurs at a low speed.
  • The service life is quite small, becauseconstant overheating of the wire burns. But this property is manifested in the case when the soldering iron has been continuously working for a long time. With rare use, this flaw does not manifest.

how to choose a soldering iron
As for the ceramic soldering irons with temperature control, their advantages are as follows:

  • With careful use, the device can last for a long time.
  • Heating is much faster than copper type soldering irons.
  • The equipment does not burn out, as it consists of a solid ceramic structure.

Like every device, a ceramic soldering iron has its drawbacks:

  • Subjected to shock. If dropped, the ceramic body may crack or break.
  • If the sting breaks down, it is necessary to use only original elements.

What is the soldering iron price

Devices with a temperature controller canpurchase at any hardware store. Their cost ranges from 1,000 to 6,000 rubles. It depends on the manufacturer, brand soldering iron, as well as technical characteristics. As mentioned earlier, a sting is often broken in a soldering iron. Its cost is about 500 rubles.


Many users are happy with the device withtemperature controller. It serves for soldering metal elements. It can be used not only at home, but also for industrial purposes. Due to the change in temperature, it is possible to connect elements that are particularly sensitive to elevated temperatures. Each user prefers different models of soldering irons. The most popular are ceramic and copper devices. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages of the first type distinguish the rapid heating of the ceramic element and a long service life.

soldering iron temperature
The disadvantages of the equipment include relativelyhigh fragility of the main element. If dropped onto a hard surface, it may crack or break. In addition, only original tips are used in the soldering iron. Therefore, if it breaks, you will need to find the places where they are sold. And it is very difficult and expensive.

Copper helix soldering ironsit differs from the previous type, is not hit and has a low cost. But their significant drawback is the rapid failure during long work. In this case, high temperatures affect the wire, and it burns.

ceramic soldering iron

Soldering iron, the price of which ranges fromone to six thousand rubles, is a quality and useful equipment. If you treat him with care, he will serve any person for a long time.

So, we found out what are soldering irons with the ability to adjust the temperature of the tip. And which model to choose, you have to decide for yourself.

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