/ Highest point of Antarctica. Features of the relief of the coldest continent

The highest point of Antarctica. Features of the relief of the coldest continent

Each of us from the school bench knows thatAntarctica is the coldest and least populated continent on the planet. But a few others know about it. The fact is that this continent is also the highest in the world. The highest point of Antarctica "grew" above the earth's surface by almost five kilometers!

Features of the relief of the continent

Until the middle of the twentieth century, among geographersControversy continued over what was hidden under the eternal ice of the Antarctic. Some scientists believed that under the snow-white shell a whole land site - the mainland - hid. Others were sure that under it is an archipelago from several islands. Further scientific studies of the earth's crust, as well as expeditions put an end to this dispute: Antarctica was recognized as the sixth continent of the planet, and even the highest.

The average height of the surface of Antarctica is2040 meters. True, the continent owes this record to a powerful ice cap. In its absence, the continent would on average rise above the ocean surface by only 415 meters.

The relief of Antarctica is extremely heterogeneous. The vast plains here border on folding regions. In addition, one third of the continent's area is below the level of the World Ocean.

By the nature of the relief, the whole continent can bedivided into two parts - Western and Eastern. East Antarctica is located within an old platform and represents an elevated plateau. In the western part of the continent, lowlands and real mountain ranges alternate. It is here that the highest point of Antarctica is located.

highest point of Antarctica

The mountains of the coldest continent are very similar in age and genesis to the American Andes. Geologists believe that they can be their immediate continuation in the far south of the planet.

The highest point of Antarctica is Vinson peak

В тысячи километрах от полюса находится массив Vinson with a total length of 21 km. It was opened only in 1957 and is named after the American senator Karl Vinson. It is here that the highest point of Antarctica is located. This peak Vinson, whose height - 4892 meters.

Curious fact:in the old Soviet textbooks and maps you can see another value of the height - 5140 m. This is exactly what it was before. But due to global warming the highest point of Antarctica is rapidly melting, losing 50 meters per decade.

The history of ascents to Vinson peak

The first ascent of Mount Vinson in Antarcticamade an American expedition consisting of nine experienced climbers. The conquest of the peak took place on December 18, 1966. The expedition also climbed a number of other peaks of the Vinson massif. After that the highest point of the mainland was conquered by sportsmen and tourists from different countries of the world.

the highest point of Antarctica

Descended from Mount Vinson in various ways. So, American Stephen Koch did it on a snowboard, and Japanese Yuichiro Miura - on skis.

Today, climb to the highest peak"Frosty" mainland can almost anyone. Some travel agencies even organize similar programs. True, to pay for this climb will have a lot - about 3 million rubles.

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