/ / Battle of Stalingrad and the medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad"

Stalingrad battle and the medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad"

In the history of World War II it is impossible to finda battle that would be more important or larger than the battle of Stalingrad, after which the Soviet troops began to attack almost the entire front line and eventually took Berlin. For participation in such a bright and at the same time tragic event, the soldiers could not help but reward. Thus, the medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad" was introduced.

for the defense of stalingrad

The Battle of Stalingrad

The medal was awarded to Soviet soldiers who tookparticipated in the defense of the city of Stalingrad in the years 1942-1943 and showed unbending resilience and courage, fighting with the enemy. In the summer of 1942, a huge group of fascist troops approached the city. About 2,800 thousand officers and ordinary soldiers, 3.5 thousand mortars, more than 1 thousand aircraft launched an assault on Stalingrad. The German armies were opposed by 150 thousand Soviet soldiers, who were armed with 400 tanks, 2,000 guns and mortars, and 730 aircraft.

The right phase of the Stalingrad battle (July -November 1942 was more defensive than offensive. The Soviet army kept the onslaught of superior German forces, heroically executing the order of July 28, 1942 “Not one step back!” Indeed, the Soviet soldiers held every meter of their native land. During the bloody defensive and street battles, the Germans lost more than 600 thousand people wounded and killed, many tanks and airplanes were also destroyed. In the future, the loss of Hitler's troops only increased. The Germans lost near Stalingrad in fact a fourth of the personnel who fought on the entire Soviet-German front (about 1.6 million people). By the beginning of February 1943, the fascist group near Stalingrad was completely exhausted and in fact defeated.

Establishment of the medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad"

The flames of battle still burned in the city on the Volga, and the highestThe country's leadership was already considering rewarding heroes. Thus, in December 1942, it was decided to establish the medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad." The decoration of the award was designed by the artist N. I. Moskalev. They planned to award the medal not only to the military, but also to civilians, so that all the direct participants in the defense of Stalingrad would be marked. Moreover, more than 15,000 civilians in the city volunteered for the militia, heroically defending their native land.

Regarding the military:the medal was awarded to both officers and ordinary rank-and-file soldiers. The medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad" did not divide the heroic defenders into naval and land forces, all branches of the military were subject to the award.

awarded for the defense of stalingrad

Making a medal

Initially, the award was planned to be made fromstainless steel, but the decree of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated March 30, 1943 approved brass as a material for the execution of the medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad". On the reverse side of the award was put its serial number, which corresponded to the number of the certificate to the honorary award.


As already mentioned, the award was made frombrass in the form of a small circle, whose diameter was 32 mm. On the obverse of the medal, a detachment of fighters with weapons was depicted, against the background of the red banner on the left side of them are visible the outlines of flying aircraft and moving tanks. In the upper part of the medal there is a five-pointed star, over which is written the inscription “FOR DEFENSE OF STALINGRAD”. On the reverse of the award there is a sickle and a hammer and the inscription “FOR OUR SOVIET MOTHERLAND”.

Medal for the Defense of Stalingrad lists

The basis of fastening of the medal is pentagonal.block. The medal is attached to it with an ear and a small ring. The pad itself is covered with olive-colored moire ribbon, in the center of which is an oblong red stripe. The width of the strip is 2 mm, and the tape itself is 24 mm.

Awarded for the defense of Stalingrad

Heroes who defended Stalingrad from the Nazithere were so many invaders that it was not possible to not only award, but also count all. According to general information, 760 thousand people received the medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad". Lists awarded in alphabetical or some other order, most likely, were not compiled. But there is an opportunity to see the orders of award. You can also, knowing the name and surname of a participant in the Second World War, find out what distinctions he was awarded by the command. According to these data, historians will learn in more detail about those awarded for the defense of Stalingrad.

members of the defense of stalingrad

Известно, что медаль «За оборону Сталинграда» the first to receive: M. S. Shumilov, commander of the 64th Army, D. M. Pigalev, Chairman of the Stalingrad City Council, I. F. Zimenko, Chairman of the Stalingrad Executive Committee, I. I. Bondar, Secretary of the Party Committee. And in celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Great Victory, Stalingrad was awarded the title of Hero City and was awarded the Gold Star Medal.

The battle of Stalingrad entered the history of the Second World War as a unique example of courage and heroism, and in this connection the medal “For the Defense of Stalingrad” was created.

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