/ / Gold medal at the school

Gold medal in school

Since 2009, the benefits for admission to theuniversities graduates who received a gold medal in school for excellent study. The event caused a storm of indignation and a lot of questions from the public, which have not abated until now. Let's try to figure out why we need a gold medal in school, how to get it, and what advantages does it give to a future student?

A gold medal for graduation is givenThe students, whose final grades for the two graduation years were exceptionally excellent. Earn an average score of 5.0 is not as easy as it seems at first glance. To get the highest score, the student needs not only to solve all control and independent work on "excellent", but also to do homework, intensively engage in additional. Good relations with teachers can also affect the final result. For some time now, since the introduction of the Unified State Examination, the life of a simple schoolboy has become much more complicated. To prepare well for the final certification, you must attend various electives and electives. Many students use the services of individual tutors, who train them to solve tests, give advice on writing essays and essays. With tutors are engaged both students "weak", and those who apply for medals. Strangely enough, but the services of individual teachers are used by Olympiadists and honors pupils. In our time, the competition has increased significantly, so the gold medal in the school is not a reason to relax and abandon your studies. If the troechniki and horoshisty with the help of tutors learn new material, they bite the theory, then the students need experience and experience in solving the Unified State Exam.

Despite the fact that for some time now the golda medal in school when enrolling in a university does not mean anything, the rectors of universities have the right to decide independently, to take into account information about the receipt of a medal by an applicant or not. Perhaps the admission committee will separately consider graduates who received a medal, but this does not give special rights to admission. If before a gold medal in the school guaranteed a facilitated task of entrance examinations, a preferential entry into a prestigious university, now such privileges finally lost their force. Nevertheless, privileges for olimpiadnikov have been preserved. Winners and laureates of the All-Russian and World competitions in the field of science and sports have the right to enter the university on special grounds. As it became known, in the future it is planned that the winners of regional and republican olympiads will have the opportunity to enter the university of their region on preferential terms.

Despite all the facts that speak against herthe school medal remains a special distinction that distinguishes the pupil from his abilities, the intellectual from the ordinary average graduate. Medal is a pride for parents of teachers and relatives of a future student. Also medalists are invited to a special ball, where state officials, education ministers and the elite of the city (republic) gather. At the ball, graduates are awarded silver and gold trophies, diplomas and gifts. According to the classical scheme, the celebration ends with a buffet dinner in honor of the best graduates.

Surely each of us thought about it or evendreamed that it would be great to get a gold medal for the successful graduation of the school ... But, unfortunately, not many have succeeded. And now imagine the responsibility for the graduates, whose names now appear in the lists of the best, whose pictures hang on the boards of honor. Their excellent knowledge in this or that field will be remembered for many years within the walls of the school by teachers and management. Their names will often be on the lips of class leaders. About these students the whole class spoke, they were praised and scolded, they were admired and offended, but they survived and, despite everything, received their deserved medal!

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