/ / Original signs of attention from the man to the girl

Original signs of attention from the man to the girl

Men often give attention to a woman. This shows sympathy. The article describes the standard and original signs of attention that men show in relation to the weaker sex.

Why do we need male attention

Virtually every woman dresses, imposesthe make-up, does a hairdress not just like that, but for someone. After all, I want someone to like, be loved and desired. Argued that the masculine look is necessary as a breath of fresh air. That is why women always want to keep fit.

attention signs

Взгляд мужчины придаёт энергии слабому полу.Scientists have proven: when a man shows signs of attention in relation to a girl, she has endorphin in her body, which is regarded as a hormone of happiness. This gives the weaker sex a lot of strength, vitality and good mood.

Standard signs of attention of the man to the girl

Every person, be it a man or a woman,your individual character. One person can be active, speak straight and clean. Another behaves more passively, fearing for the words spoken. However, all men are able to give compliments. Women love the ears, and most of the stronger sex know about it.

Men give flowers. This is a standard courtship that will not leave any woman indifferent. However, before giving a bouquet, find out which flowers a girl likes.

Many men give gifts, because it’s no secret that girls love surprises. It can be decorations, soft toys, candy.

original signs of attention

Many men give perfume or cosmetics. But do not forget that these things are better for a girl to pick by herself. Before you give them, you must be sure that they are suitable lady.

If you want a girl you periodicallyremembered, give her a potted flower. This is a great gift. When she waters and cares for him, she will always remember you. Beautiful paintings or figurines will regularly remind the girl of your relationship.

It is not necessary to give signs of attention with expensive gifts, an invitation to the cinema or to a restaurant. Many women do not need this. Respect her, and she will answer you the same.

Does a woman always need compliments?

Beautiful words like girls. But do not forget that they must be from the heart. Flattery woman feels immediately.

For a girl is very important to her man. A woman loves compliments, but she must see sincerity in your eyes. Even in intonation, the lady is able to feel false.

Creativity in compliments is very important for a girl. Tell her about her hair or dress. A girl will be pleased with such a compliment, because she tried to create her own image for you.

Original signs of attention

If you want to present a gift to a girl, then make it unusual. Originality is the first thing to surprise your beloved.

Make her a surprise.If a girl likes practical gifts, then a gift can be associated with home appliances. Of course, to begin with, it is desirable to find out what exactly the beloved wants. You are happy to prompt her friends.

As a rule, many men invitegirl on a date in a cafe or restaurant. You can make a date unusual. For example, invite her to the theater or to the circus. Perhaps your favorite will enjoy the amusement park. Even adults love to party like children.

Riding on a boat or a boat likealmost every person. Offer the girl to spend leisure time on the water. Take some provisions with you and set sail. After such a walk fatigue overcomes, but it is very pleasant. Such entertainment will lift you in the eyes of your beloved.

girl's attention signs

Previously, serenades were in vogue under the window.Why not take advantage of the hint of past times? Indeed, at that time, men knew how to surprise and conquer women! Come with a guitar and sing a sentimental song under the window. Few will remain indifferent after the serenade.

Write a poem for your sweetheart. These original signs of attention like girls. After all, not every day in her honor poems are created.

Stay attentive to your darling inany time. Try not to push her away, help with everything, support her. Make a diverse life of the chosen one. A man who shows original tokens is more likely to win a lady.

Something about obsession

Very often signs of attention from a man are too intrusive. This can annoy a girl.

tokens from the man

This is manifested when a man can callmany times a day or writing on social networks letters. Many ladies do not like this behavior. Therefore, the relationship that the young man dreams of does not work.

When the meeting didn’t work, try not to write or call this day, but give time to your beloved one. She must be bored. Only then will the lady understand how she lacks your attention and courtship.

Obsession for good does not lead. After all, every person should have their own personal life. Your darling also wants to have a personal space.


Many women are important signs of attention of men.They are manifested in different ways. Excessive modesty in this case will not lead to good results. After all, while you are thinking about how to approach your chosen one, a faster young man will lead your girl away. Do not be afraid to get a refusal. No wonder they say: do not open the door to those people who have not tried to knock on it.

Всегда помните об уважении и порядочном отношении.A woman does not like humiliation, humiliation or obsession. Although, probably, this is not what anyone wants for himself. Avoid this kind of behavior towards your loved one.

tokens of men

Try to do unobtrusive things andtime to move aside. Then you can again appear with new original ideas. Your beloved and will not understand why she began to miss you. Do not forget that each lady has an individual character: she has her own preferences and interests. Communicate, give flowers, sing serenades, show signs of attention to the girl, and you will be able to melt the ice in her heart. Good luck in your endeavors! We hope that our advice will help you.

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