/ / Recognition of love to her husband: interesting ideas

Recognition of love to her husband: interesting ideas

Признания в любви актуальны не только в начале relationships of couples in love. It is important to express your feelings and remind them of all your life together. And the declaration of love to the beloved husband is no exception! You can also confess your feelings not only on holidays such as the anniversary of your wedding (a meeting, a beginning of a joint life, a first date, a kiss, etc. ...) or the fourteenth of February (Valentine's Day), you need to talk about your feelings and in ordinary gray , boring, weekdays. Believe me, there is nothing to worry about, the mountains in the Himalayas will not fall and nobody will die, but your loved one will be pleased.

So, how can there be a declaration of love for a husband?

Beloved husband's note

The classic way to admit to love is to writepoems. Recognition of love to the beloved husband in verse will be very original and will not be difficult for you if you are a wonderful rhyme. But what to do if you are not Shakespeare and do not know how to create beautiful metaphors? Do not be sad ... In order to tell about your love, you do not need to be able to rhyme beautifully (especially in our twenty-first century). After all, now with the help of computer programs and the magic network of the Internet you can easily and quickly pick up a rhyme for any of the existing words! With such "wholes" you can easily come up with something uncomplicated, but quite sweet, that can please the heart of your man.

For example:

Not everything is at times smooth in my life,

But amid the cold, winter cold

You kept me warm,

I love you for this, husband!

But if you do not raise your hand so scoffover holy poetry or even such a verse you were unable to create (or maybe you just decided that a declaration of love in the poet's husband is not for you), then forget about poetry, let's move on to the next way to express your feelings .. .

Couples in love

Take it and write!

All ingenious, in fact, happens very muchjust. Do not know how to speak in verse, write a confession of love to her husband in prose. If you can, then do it beautifully. Do not forget about stylistic devices (parables, winged words, metaphors and the like), which will make your recognition more euphonious and beautiful. Your recognition can be written in the form of a whole letter, or it may be limited to one or two sentences, because the matter is not in scope, but in the power of your love and your words.

many hearts in the letter

How to write your confession?

This is another important point ...

There are a lot of ways.You can stick a sticker on his computer or laptop so that later, when your husband sits down for work or wants to play after a hard day, he saw this sticker with your confession and was pleasantly surprised (for especially inexperienced, let's clarify that the note with your confession should be on the right place when your spouse does not see it). You can glue not only the computer, but also any of the places in the house where your loved one will just look.

Another of the variants of recognition:suggestive notes. Do something like a "collective" quest. In the hallway, leave a sticker or a usual note, in which there will be a compliment for your loved one or the first sentence of your recognition, composed in the form of prose. And in parentheses, indicate the spouse to the place where the next note will be waiting for him (for example, "look under the table" or "look in the pocket of his black jacket that is in the closet"). In the end, we are all children, sometimes we like to play and, being intrigued, to look for something. And at the end of such a quest, you can tell your favorite place where it will be expected by a certain "prize" in the form of your favorite tasty food. Thus, you confess in love, and feed your husband.

Love letter


Sometimes it is much easier to admit love than wethink. Surely every evening you write to your spouse a shopping list for the day. And tried to change the content of the message "ketchup, mayonnaise, two loaves of bread and something to tea" for something more romantic?

For example:

  • I'm waiting for you dear at home, rather come back. I miss you already, I can not wait to see each other.

And after the romance you can repeat the list again.

Paper Letters in our twenty-first century

How long have you been writing letters?Probably, as long ago no one has already received them, including your husband. The same verses or prose about your strong love for your spouse can be placed in an envelope with his name and imperceptibly put, for example, in the salon of his car or in his bag. Just do not forget to write on the envelope the name of the sender or the "title" of a loving wife, or else you will be glad that he had a "secret admirer".

How to diversify recognition in prose or verse?

Notes, letters, SMS ...Sometimes it all looks very dry. That such was not, a note or a letter can be kissed, before it is juicyly made up with lips bright lipstick, not regretting it. And to SMS you can attach a photo of a hot dinner or (no less appetizing) yourself, waiting for the return of the spouse after work.

A declaration of love during a trip

If you and your husband were in the car and the waythere is still a long time, then it's time to turn on the radio! On some waves, you can order a congratulation with or without a song. This can often be done using the Internet or a simple message. Thus, you can say that you love it "on all radio." It will be pleasant and quite unexpected.

radio in the car

Video recording

There are enough free computer programsto create a video. With their help, you will be able to create a video from photos or a small video clip where you together, where your words can sound about feelings for your beloved, native and desired man (use the poem or prose you prepared beforehand).

Scenery in your home

No, no, no, do not call the designer home andspread the word "love" with tiles on the wall in your bathroom. It is enough just to buy a balloon in the form of a heart, write on it cherished words (and even better, put a bunch of notes with words about your recognition and compliments for it) and attach the ball to a small gift (or not small, depending on case). Here you have both an unexpected and original declaration of love to your husband! Although this case is most suitable for some holiday.

balls in the form of a heart

What words to use in recognition?

It happens that not only men do not know how to properly tell about what they feel, but also beautiful ladies forget about how to tell your beloved the most important thing.

Here are two main tips for this case:

  • Feel free to talk about your love for him.When you live with a person for more than five years, it sometimes happens that the love and tenderness that we initially have for the object of our adoration are silenced and solidified under the weight of everyday life. Then it seems that it is not even appropriate to talk about your love and unnecessarily "lisp" with each other. This is not true, believe it and try it yourself.
  • Say what you yourself would like to hear.Often, girls and women complain about the inattention of men to their person after several years of marriage. But you want so much to come, embrace, call your favorite and the very best. And what if you take such a step first? Perhaps your spouse will understand something, and next time you will find yourself in his warm embrace.

That's all it takes to make a gentle declaration of love to a husband. Dare, confess your love to your loved one!

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