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First Kiss with Guy

The first kiss with the guy looks forward toalmost any girl. However, because of lack of experience, she feels anxiety, excitement and anxiety: suddenly the guy does not like the kiss or it will not bring any pleasure?

Many seek the advice of more experiencedfriends, and someone tries to find information in books, magazines or the Internet. To receive such information will indeed be useful in order that the first kiss with the guy does not bring disappointment. To make an impression on him and delivered to both the maximum pleasure. It happens that this guy also has this first kiss, so he can not decide on his own for a long time. In this case, you will have to take the initiative into your own hands, and knowing the art of kissing will be simply invaluable.

To the choice of the guy with whom you want to kiss,it is necessary to approach very seriously. It's best that this is a loved one, a guy you completely trust. After all, when kissing, you exchange saliva, as well as those microbes that are present in it.

Before a kiss, do not eat foods that arecan spoil the sensations (for example, garlic or onions) or smoke. Breathing must be fresh, otherwise the guy just does not want to kiss you and will try to finish this "unpleasant procedure" sooner. If possible, brush your teeth or at least carry a chewing gum with them for such purposes.

How to kiss the guy for the first time?To do this, do not strain, you need, on the contrary, relax and trust your own feelings. Do not worry and do not think how it will happen. You do not need to hurry, otherwise you risk banging your teeth, which is quite painful.

Do everything slowly and confidently:lips touch the lower or upper lip. Then tap the tongue of his lips. Do not actively act to not spoil everything. During the first kiss, the language is generally better not to use, because the kiss will turn out very wet. But everyone should decide this for themselves - whoever they like. The lips should be slightly moist and relaxed. Then you will get more pleasure. If the lips are dry, then lick them. The first kiss with a guy should be gentle and affectionate.

It is undesirable to use a labiallipstick or lip gloss, since the guy will have to lick it all off, and glad he obviously will not. In addition, he will also be up to kissing painfully to think about this obstacle.

Do not think about whether a good kiss orno, it's better to concentrate on the sensations and have fun: do not compress your lips, and do not strain your tongue. The first kiss with a guy is better to do with your eyes open: so he will have a sense of trust and you will let him know that he is not indifferent to you.

If you are still not confident in yourself and are afraid to take responsibility for the first kiss, it makes sense to trust the guy - most likely, he will be more confident and everything will turn out.

Many in order to learn correctlykissing, train on different subjects. Fantasy in this case works in different ways. Someone uses bottlenecks for these purposes. More romantic prefer to kiss rose petals. Some people use an orange tied to a string. Of course, training is not necessary. The main thing is to psychologically correctly adjust yourself, feel confident, do not be shy of the guy. During the kiss, embrace it, listen to your feelings: they will tell you what to do next.

The kiss for the first time is that many peopleremember all your life, so try to make it unforgettable. A man must be loving and loved, then the kiss will turn out to be more passionate and unusual. It is love that strengthens our senses, making life rich and interesting.

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