Love invariably accompanies caress and kisses,because that's how we show our attitude to other people. What is the most gentle kiss in your life? After all, for sure, the very first that you gave as a child to your parents. Do not you remember? Ask them. In the world there is nothing better than the first hug and the first kiss that your baby gave you.
If you have not already become a parent, then the first onegentle kiss you give to your beloved person. However, unfortunately, over time, the relationship between loving people is changing, caresses and mutual understanding is getting smaller. There are other feelings - affection, concern for each other, etc. What to do in this case? Just do not go on about the man.
A woman in a marriage is known to have a neck.Therefore, if your chosen one has already quietly forgotten about affection and tenderness, you kiss only as a prelude to intimate relations, it's time to take the initiative in your hands. During the day, several times come up and give him a gentle kiss, because when you just fell in love, they kissed a hundred times a day, right? What has changed? After all, love still lives in your hearts, you need to be able to wake it up. Do not be lazy to get up and accompany him to work, and before going out hug him, kiss him and wish him a good day. Believe me, if the relationship in the marriage has cooled, it's not the fault of a man.
Women should havemore patience and quick-wittedness. Do so that feelings are preserved, do not deprive your husband of attention, give him all of himself, as it once was. Of course, children need attention, however, this does not mean that we must forget about your personality and leave your half deprived.
However, we return to our topic.A gentle kiss is like a sacrament of love, it is through him that romantic feelings awaken in each of us. So if you want to stay in love for many years, do not forget about this process. Remember those exciting moments when women's kisses forced you to close your eyes and soar above the ground? So why deny yourself this again?
With a conscious adult life, dreams come to usabout love. Someone imagines what will be their future beloved person, someone dreams of his wedding, and someone about the first kiss. A lot of movies are taught, but no one talks about what emotions are given by a gentle kiss of a loved one. This is excitement, and happiness, and flying over the earth ...
A kiss can express your mood.So, if he's cocky and "biting", then surely your soul mate is upsetting you for something. If he or she wants you, then the kiss will be very passionate. Well, if in the couple's relationship there is harmony and happiness, then they are waiting for the most delicate kiss in the world, which is sometimes difficult to forget.
Do not be embarrassed to show your feelings whenoutsiders, of course, observing the measure. A gentle kiss on the cheek is the very thing to express love if there are a lot of people around, because loving hearts can not long without affection.
In marriage, the most tender kiss isa sign of attention from him or her, and it does not matter whether after this the intimacy or not, the main thing is that with such a touch to the lips or to the neck, one half tells another about how much she loves. And for the representatives of the male, who have not yet possessed the desired woman, having kissed her, they try to release at least a part of their passion and cool down. That is, in this case, the touch of the lips of the beloved becomes some kind of compensation. However, this does not mean that you need to torture a poor girl, all the while demanding a kiss.
Do not be afraid to show your feelings. Surely your parents, grandparents will also be very happy, if you kiss them every time you meet. Love and be loved!