/ / How to take revenge on a guy: five ways

How to take revenge on a guy: five ways

We all consider ourselves educated andcivilized people, able to control their own emotions. However, everyone can find himself in a situation where it is almost impossible to restrain himself. If a guy has treated a girl badly or even cheated on her, then he is subjected to terrible revenge: someone who has only thoughts, and who also wakes up. This is the beautiful half of humanity and asks how to avenge the guy. Still, it is desirable to focus only on fantasies about retribution, so as not to incur additional problems. So, let's find out how the girls "repay" their men for their sins.

how to revenge a guy

How to take revenge on the guy: damage to the car

As you know, a car for a man ismuch more than just a financial investment or a means of transportation: they cherish and cherish their iron horses, which literally do not cherish the soul. Therefore, many girls who decide to take revenge, harm this lovely heart of every man with a little thing: cars are broken with bits, hammers, axes, poured with contrasting paint, write obscene words on them, etc.

the guy threw a how to take revenge

If the guy does not have a car, then for certain there is a computer or other favorite thing. To whom, if not you, know his most vulnerable place, on which it is possible to inflict a very painful blow.

Gave a guy - how to take revenge? Destroy his wardrobe!

If, after breaking a relationship, you feelconfusion, then remember the numerous Hollywood movies where the heroines in such situations did not think long and first of all they decided to cut all the clothes of the now ex-boyfriend into small pieces. After all, if he wants to start a new life, then start it in new clothes, and not in expensive shirts, which you so lovingly chose for him.

How to take revenge on the guy? Spoil his reputation!

If you decide to spoil your exlover mood and make him nervous, then you can place on his behalf a questionnaire on various dating sites with a phone number. Also put on social networks or post in the blog his unsuccessful photos, as well as a story about what he did and how he offended you. Believe me, your mutual friends will very quickly start discussing all the details of what they saw and read, which will give the object of revenge many unpleasant moments.

how to take revenge on a guy for treason

How to revenge a guy for treason? Spin the romance with his friend!

Even if he does not already feel towards youromantic feelings, then seeing you next to his friend or a good acquaintance in the worst case will not give him much pleasure, and at best, it hurts painfully.

How to take revenge on the guy: make it so that he regrets that he lost you

This method is the most time consuming anddifficult, but most useful for you as a person. After the break, try not to waste time trying to get revenge on him. Just pull yourself together and live on. At the same time, in order to get rid of negative thoughts and take your free time, sign up for some interesting courses, a gym or a dance school. Believe me, when after some time your ex sees you in great shape with a beaming smile on his face and realizes that he lost you forever, it will cause him such suffering with which a damaged car or rugged expensive shirts can hardly match.

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