What Russian wedding without a fight?It would seem that both funny and scary, but still this trouble occurs almost at every such event. Can I avoid a fight at weddings? Because of this, more and more newlyweds and denied themselves and guests in a banquet. Certainly, if the guests are chaste and calm personalities, then such embarrassment can be completely avoided. And if among close friends or relatives there is a person who after a glass turns into a rowdy, what to do? Do not invite him completely or abruptly change the circle of his communication? Of course not.
Fighting at weddings is an unpleasant moment not onlyfor young, but also for guests. There are times when people who register their marriage immediately leave for a honeymoon, thereby freeing themselves from possible curiosities at their wedding. But so do not all families, most want to celebrate their holiday fun - with family and friends. To avoid a fight at weddings, you need to follow some tips:
- to begin with, rid yourself of the thought thatholiday may be an unpleasant curiosity. A wedding is a fabulous and joyful event, which no one can overshadow. If you constantly focus on the fact that the curiosities at weddings are inevitable, then so it will be;
- a good option for limiting yourself and guests from unnecessary scandals may be an invitation to a special protection ceremony, which, in case of anything, could prevent or extinguish the conflict;
- that curiosities at weddings do not happen, you needTo exclude from the scenario of the game or a cue, which may well provoke a scandal and a fight. If among the guests there are rowdy and amateurs "waving their fists", then one should not hold contests where the moments of rivalry are contained.
Another method of combating unnecessary scandals andfights is the exception among the guests themselves provokers. In other words, you can and do not invite people who can spoil the whole holiday. Do not think that you will offend a person by refusal, perhaps it will be so, but this is your wedding, and it is necessary to conduct it as you want young people, and not their guests. But still, if a rowdy must be invited, in case of kinship, for example, an experienced toastmaster can help here, who needs to be warned about possible embarrassments in advance and acquainted with the fighter of the fight.
A wedding is a touching event thatshould be remembered for a long time. Although this celebration, unfortunately, is not the only one for life, but some moments are postponed in memory. The snow-white dress of the bride, the numerous smiles, the unsurpassed beauty of the registration hall, the confused words of the bridegroom and the excitement of the priest at the wedding, all this can only affect once in a lifetime. That is why the preparation for the wedding should be done carefully.
Fighting at weddings is quite commonfeature, someone did not like the guests' speech from the groom, someone incorrectly responded about the mother of the bride. In this case, there may be various incidents. Curiosities at weddings are, but they can be avoided so that they do not turn into mass fights. For this, one should not provoke brawlers, try to make contests only so that they cause laughter from every guest.
If among the guests there are only respectablepeople, there can be no talk about fighting. Basically, only those who consider them a sign of any Russian holiday start fights. In this case, you should seriously talk with a person and convince him of wrong. It is necessary to discuss in advance with the guests that this wedding is intended, first of all, for the young, and spoil it the celebration will be completely inappropriate, ugly and incorrect.