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Self-aligning siding

One of the most popular and reliable materialsfor the facade - it's siding. It is usually made of steel, aluminum or vinyl, protects the building from the effects of the external environment, whether it be precipitation or ultraviolet radiation. No matter how good this finishing material is, the most important thing is the installation. Violation of the installation technology leads to the fact that all the positive qualities can simply come to naught.

siding installation
The siding installation is a phased process, but,first of all, it is necessary to stock up all the necessary tools and equipment. First you need to purchase fasteners such as nails and screws. Fasteners are better to buy from galvanized iron or, at least, from aluminum. Nails are best to choose with a wide hat, and self-tapping screws - with a press washer 25-45 millimeters in length.

For cutting siding you will need:level; roulette; plumb bob; gon; a hammer; pliers; perforator; hacksaw; a circular saw. If the siding is metal, then you will also need scissors for metal, and for cutting vinyl siding - a sharp knife. To protect against chips, be sure to wear safety glasses.

Installation of siding begins with cutting. In order to avoid mistakes and in order to save, first of all, you need to draw a drawing of all the surfaces on which you plan to install the panels.

panel installation
When with the number of panels and squareseverything becomes clear, it is possible to start building a crate, except for houses that are built of wood. For the installation of the battens, wooden blocks or edging boards are usually used, and metal profiles are also possible. The quality and appearance of the paneling depends on the level and smoothness of the design of the crate. When insulating the facade insulation is laid under the siding in the space between the crate and, preferably, use a thick insulation, as loose can simply deform the lining.

Fixation of panels implies that whenit is necessary to leave gaps between the panels, since when the temperature of the air changes, the panel widens or shrinks. Violation of the installation technology leads to the fact that the facade can be deformed. Mount the siding on the screws or nails through the rectangular holes on the panels. To secure the siding securely, the nails are tightly driven into the middle of the holes. In no case can you drive nails directly into the panel itself, otherwise it can lead to their destruction.

installation of facades
When screwing self-tapping screws, the principle of operation is the same.The fixed panels must be slightly movable horizontally. Installation of the siding is made lapped for two to three centimeters, and in the cold season - by 5-6 centimeters. Before you start fixing the panels, they should be left on the street, for about three hours, and it does not matter what material they are made of. This is required in order to adapt to the air temperature.

Installation of facades from the siding begins withinstallation of additional elements, such as external and internal corners and profiles, and only after their installation can begin to install the siding. From those places where the maximum load on the panel is planned, installation of a siding begins. Thanks to this approach, all other places will be isolated from such problems. If you follow the basic rules of installation, the cladding will serve for many years.

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