/ / Learn how to stack bikrost

We learn how to stack bikrost

The roofing material largely depends not only on the safety of the rafter system, but also on the entire roof and the house itself. Considering the cost of materials for repair, it is better not to save it at all.

how to stack bikrost
Today we learn about how to stack a bicrot.

What it is

Материал сравнительно новый, на рынке появился only in the 90's. In our country, many builders do not know about its existence to this day. In essence, it is a glass fiber on which a bitumen based substance is applied. Thus, the roof of the bicrot is completely waterproof, resistant to flame and low temperatures.

What we need

  • the material itself;
  • primer bituminous;
  • burner.

Preparation for work

Before stacking bikrost, it is necessarythoroughly clean the surface of any contaminants. It is necessary to eliminate all existing irregularities, remove all sticking nails and fittings. Large depressions and splits need to be sealed with cement mortar, or replace damaged areas of the roof.

how to stack bikrost
If the grooves are small, then to seal themThe use of bitumen mastic will be optimal. Laying the same material must be carried out only in such conditions, when the temperature of the external environment will exceed 6-7 degrees Celsius.

"Improvement" of the roof

Since stacking a bicrot is necessary for high-qualitysurface, it is more advisable to improve it, which will contribute to better fusion of the material. It is best to cover the roof throughout its entire length with a bitumen primer, which will tighten all the cracks and minute pores. Once recommended to use for this purpose the usual bitumen, diluted with gasoline, but the danger of such a composition can not speak ...

After pounding, wait a day or two until the mixture is completely dry.

We lay

If your roof has a slope of 15 degrees andhigher, then a bikrost (how to style it, you will soon learn) should be rolled along the rafters' direction. If the slope is less, you have to close the roof in all directions. Rolls need to roll out on the roof, then fit in the size you need. After that, the rolls roll down again.


bikrost as stack
Since it is not possible to correctly stack a bicrot without this, we will need the above-mentioned burner. It is necessary to stand so that the roll of material unfolds in your direction.

For its unwinding it is more convenient to applyany stick or poker. We ignite the burner, after which we carefully unfold the roll, gradually warming up its lower layer. The movements of the hand should be as smooth as possible, otherwise it will not achieve the desired uniformity of melting.

Rolls are stacked so that the edges go one by one.to another minimum of 10 cm. In this case, the quality of the waterproofing will be much higher. During work, walking on the material is not recommended. In the joints it is better to press the layers together.

Here's how to lay bikrost.If you follow all the above installation rules, the roof of it can serve you for more than a dozen years, almost without requiring any attention. Repair will also need very soon.

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