/ / Bath furnaces "Ermak". Select buyers

Bath furnaces "Ermak". Select buyers

The bathhouse is also popular among many people todaycountries. Doctors, healers and just admirers of bath procedures believe that it is able to regain strength, health, improve mood and even change the quality of life. That is why modern manufacturers of heating systems for baths and saunas are seriously approaching the improvement of furnace models, creating new multifunctional economical heating units.

Company "Ermak"

A huge number of foreign and domestic manufacturers operate in the market of heating equipment. Kirov company "Ermak-Termo" has been taking a worthy place among its competitors for 15 years already.

ermak furnaces

Feature of the company's products isuniqueness of equipment designs, carefully selected material, high functionality of models, affordability of the price. Using all the indicators in the complex, the company manages to produce devices demanded by consumers.

Ermak furnaces are one of the priority areas in thedevelopment of the firm. The company is ready to offer customers equipment for heating baths, saunas, country houses and many other business premises.

Wood-burning stoves "Ermak"

The wood stove is a classic design elementRussian bath or Finnish sauna. The crackling of logs, the reflection of the flame, the heat of the stones, the smell of a birch broom are associated with a real bath procedure. Wood stoves "Ermak" for a bath preserve all the best folk traditions.

furnaces for baths ermak reviews

Furnaces working on wood have advantages,thanks to which these models occupy a leading position in the sales ranking. First, firewood is the most affordable type of fuel. In country houses, in country areas, it often happens that it is wood that can be the only source of heat. Secondly, wood furnaces are capable of providing rapid and uniform heating of air, rocks and water. In addition, the design of the furnace has a compact size, which is very important in a small area. Given that the volumes of the steam room can vary, the company has developed models designed to heat the premises from 6 to 50 m3.

Uniqueness of the design of wood-burning stoves for bathhousesfrom the company "Ermak" is that, thanks to changeable options, it is possible to change or expand the functionality of the equipment. For example, additional elements of the basic equipment of the furnace can be a protective screen, a hinged or remote tank for heating water, a mesh-heater, a heat exchanger.

Gas-wood model

Использование двух видов топлива расширяет operational capabilities of the Ermak furnace, thereby increasing the demand for such models among buyers. If the operation involves the use of natural gas, it will be necessary to install a gas burner device. This will ensure safe use of the oven and increase the level of regulation of the processes of heating water and air temperature in the room.

ovens ermak reviews

Gas-wood furnaces "Ermak" for a bath have two types of execution: variants of "elites" and "classics". The difference between them lies in the materials used and elements of design design models.

Electric furnaces "Ermak"

Электрокаменки завоевали неоспоримое первенство в First of all, people who appreciate comfort and time are used to using automatic devices. Noiseless efficient work of the electric furnace "Ermak" reviews deserved the most enthusiastic.

Powerful heating elements included inthe design of the furnace, provide rapid heating of the stove and the tank with water. A great convenience in managing these processes is achieved through the use of a remote control with a display and the presence of a temperature sensor.

The electric heater "Ermak" has several important advantages:

  • simplicity of operation;
  • no need to install a chimney system;
  • ecological cleanliness: lack of combustion products - there is no oxygen burnout during the operation of the furnace.

Consumer opinion

Furnaces for the bath "Ermak" customer reviews are mostly good. According to many, the equipment deserves the highest appreciation.

ovens for baths

It is undeniable that it is easy toto achieve a quality pair. This is possible due to a good warming of the stones. In order to achieve high temperatures in the entire bathhouse, it is necessary to choose the right model of the furnace, which will optimally correspond to the volume of the room and the material for making the walls of the bath. It is also necessary to take into account other circumstances, they are usually determined individually.

And yet it can not be said that absolutely everyonebuyers are satisfied with the parameters of the oven for the bath "Ermak". Reviews are sometimes ambiguous. But true connoisseurs and connoisseurs of the bath are sure that the use of any heating equipment requires a skillful approach, certain knowledge, skills and experience.

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