B. Slutsky - Russian poet.The creative fate of the writer was such that, having published the first rhymes before the war in the spring of 1941, he was silent for more than 10 years (the poet admitted that during the war he created one poem - “The Cologne Pit”). The next work - “Monument” - was published by the writer in the summer of 1953.
The two dates separated the war: B.Slutsky was at war for 4 years. She found a writer in the Smolensk region. The poet ended the war in Austria and Yugoslavia, was contused and wounded because he tried to serve in infantry units.
Slutsky expanded the possession of verse, he succeededto conquer large areas for poetry from prose. The life prose prompted the thematic circle to which the poet resorts, and also indicated to him the choice of heroes - soldiers, neighbors in a communal apartment, etc.
B.Slutsky - a poet and writer, was born on May 7 in 1919 in Slavyansk. Parents: father is an employee, mother is a music teacher. The writer spent his childhood and youth in Kharkov, where he was bored and difficult. The family was middle class. Parents wanted all their children to get a musical education. During the school years, Boris became friends with Kulchitsky, who showed great promise in poetry, but died at the front. Boris Slutsky remembered him all his life, and this meant a lot in his work.
At school, Boris was easy to learn:by the age of 6 he read the entire city library, attended classes in the literary studio of the Palace of the Pioneers. Boris Slutsky before the war was part of the commonwealth of creative direction for young people, whose members were Kulchitsky, Glazkov, Samoilov.
Because of the desire of his father, Boris Slutsky went to study atFaculty of Law. But he himself wanted to become a poet, so he entered the Institute of Literature. He graduated in 1941. In the same year, Boris Slutsky released the first poems. The biography further tells that in the war he was a political worker, an instructor of the political department. He left the army as a major in 1946.
He fought on the western front, southwest, onUkrainian front and in Belarus, Yugoslavia, Romania. In the war he was wounded and contused. In the war years, he almost did not write because of the hostilities. After the day of victory, Slutsky created prose notes on the last years of the war and about the months after. In the postwar period, Slutsky was hospitalized: he often has a headache, he suffers two craniotomy. From the army he is fired as an invalid.
In 1948the writer begins again to write poems that brought him back to life. At that time he was not at home - he rented rooms and composed radio compositions for boys and children. At the same time, he wrote the first thirty poems that brought him fame. Even before they were published, these poems were known in literary circles. Publish these poems then it was not possible.
The poet Boris Slutsky in 1957 entered intowriters union The first collection of poems was called “Memory”. From 1957 to 1973 several books were published, the collections Today and Yesterday, Time, Work, and others. For the first time, Boris Slutsky spoke to the public in 1960 in the Kharkov lecture hall. Interestingly, he was filmed in the film Marlene Hutsiev in the episode of the museum, in which he acted as a poet. The writer's legacy was released only after 1987.
Уже первые опубликованные творения Слуцкого argued that a writer is a person who suffered a lot and has a huge life experience. He had a mature outlook on things, with definite dislikes and likes. The writer described not only his generations - he depicted the ordeals that people passed through.
Борис Слуцкий неоднозначно воспринимается в literary circles. Many of his contemporaries condemn him for speaking out against B. Pasternak in 1958, during which Pasternak was expelled from the allied ranks. Those close to the poet think that he was worried about this act of his and remembered it until the end of his life.
In the center of attention he put the problems of the twentieth century, his tragedies and hopes, the dramas of his comrades who survived the revolution and war, the difficult totalitarian regime, the suppression of the opinions of the people.
Slutsky expanded the poetic framework.Prose had an influence on all the poetic elements: language, intonation, structure of images. In a bold and broad manner, Slutsky used the jargon of soldiers in the war, who entered the conversation as clericals. Rhythmic interruptions, omissions, repetitions - all this is sensitively caught by the writer. His poems are angular, but this is only a desire to destroy the smoothness of literary.
Slutsky found his family late.His wife, Tatyana Dashkovskaya, died of cancer in 1977. Creativity returned to the life of the poet. Slutsky, hoping to overcome the depression, devoted himself entirely to poetry. For 3 months, the poet wrote 80 poems. After he wrote nothing.
Boris Slutsky moves to Tula with his brother, liveswith his family dies there. This happened on February 23, 1986, Boris Slutsky, whose monument was erected at the Pyatnitsky cemetery in Moscow, is a significant person in the world of literature.