/ / Aviary for dogs: general recommendations

Aviary for dogs: general recommendations

Не спешите рассылать объявления с заголовком:"I'll buy an aviary for a dog." Such constructions under the order - pleasure not cheap (nearby 2 000 cu for a hit "climate control", and it is cost of one square), and expectations are not always justified.

Aviary for a dog
Comfortable living conditions for a pet you can create yourself. Believe me, this is not so difficult. On how to make aviary for a dog, read below.

1. Choose a place. This should be a flat area, ideally -a little shallow (so that the water does not linger after the rains and the melting of the snows), in the penumbra. Consider also the feature of most dogs (especially watchdogs), which consists in the need to control "property". The dog should be able to view all the territory belonging to the owner. Some cynologists say that by erecting an aviary in the far corner of the garden, the owner will be able to count on the dog's exceptional maliciousness. Say, distrust of outsiders brought up by the exception of contact with guests. Maybe. But do not forget: your contact with the dog will also be limited, and excessive maliciousness can become a very serious problem in the future.

2. Pick up the box. Quite often it turns out that, having builtaviary, the owner thinks about how to install a booth in it. Dog houses of impressive size do not always fit into the frame of the door, installed on the enclosure, so you sometimes have to resort to dismantling the already constructed structure.

Booths, whatever the designers recommend, it's bettermade of wood. They are less durable than, say, brick, but much warmer and do not threaten animal arthritis. An inexpensive booth, made of pine, will last at least ten years (in any case, the dog's life will be enough). Give preference to the so-called "designer" (demountable housing is much more convenient to clean and disinfect) or houses with removable roofs. They can be ordered at pet stores or bought on the markets.

Buy aviary for a dog

If you do not plan to place a booth in the cage(it is also possible that when an enclosure is connected to a kennel by a tambour or corridor), pay attention to the material from which the roof will be made. Many dogs are afraid of echoes, so exclude coverage that will amplify the sound when rain or hail (especially iron). Take care of the nervous system of the pet beforehand.

A couple of details that need to be addressedattention: double walls and false ceilings. We are talking about a thermal insulation material that creates a semblance of a thermos (as an option - foam sheets). For the same purpose, it is worthwhile to hang a silicone curtain on the entrance of the booth. You can, of course, take advantage of the climate control PetCool, but the pleasure it will cost $ 1200-1500. Substitutes such as "good heat" use is undesirable - dogs react negatively to thermal infrared radiation, become inadequate, irritable.

How to make aviary for a dog
3. We build an enclosure for the dog. The dimensions of the enclosure, like the kennels, depend onparameters of the animal (an average of 8 m², from 10 m² - for dogs of large sizes). The height of the design is calculated based on the growth of the dog standing on its hind legs (it should not touch the roof with its head). If the offspring are expected in the future, then the area increases by at least one and a half times. Before building it is better to sketch a drawing (in a convenient arbitrary form) - so it will be easier to determine the necessary material and details.

Идеальный пол для основного места нахождения dogs - wooden, from polished boards. And the thicker they are, the longer the coating will last. Some dog breeders recommend pouring floors with cement. In it there are pluses: the dog does not undermine, and to clean much easier. However, on top of cement floors, in order to avoid rheumatic diseases in the future, wooden decking with space for ventilation must be laid (solid wooden boards made of sheet-shaped boards, dried, processed, without the slightest signs of mold).

The front side of the future enclosureit is advisable to make a lattice (on the grid the dogs often break their teeth). The most suitable material is profile metal pipes (both square and round sections). Galvanized and powdered analogs for the animal are unsafe, so their use is undesirable.

Боковые стены, как и заднюю, делают из деревянных panels (sheathing dry wood, subjected to antiport treatment, from 2 cm). Use stainless steel screws for fixing. Wooden elements should not contact the base of the cage and the soil.

For the roof suitable standard materials: soft tile, ondulin, corrugated board, etc. The use of nails for fixing is unacceptable.

When the enclosure for the dog is almost ready, install the door. It is better to place it in the frontal part of the structure, so that it opens inward and without problems closes from the outside.

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