/ / Very beautiful begonia flower: how to plant a tuber and make it take root

Very beautiful begonia flower: how to plant a tuber and make it take root

There are purely garden plants, there is - exclusivelyroom But there are also flowers that are friendly to open ground and home conditions. These include begonia - a plant that blooms very beautifully, quite unpretentious and pleasing with its flowers for a very long time.

begonia how to plant a tuber

Exotic origin and species

Homeland begonias is South Americancontinent; it is very common in Central America and in southeast Asia. However, the journey around the world of the plant began precisely from the West Indies, where it was first scientifically described by the Frenchman Plumier who named the flower in honor of the organizer of the botanical expedition Michel Begon.

Сейчас видов растения насчитывается более тысячи, and the number of its hybrids exceeds 2000. Begonias are very diverse: they are perennials and annuals, bushes and grassy subspecies wintering and evergreen. As indoor plants are usually grown options with decorative leaves. In our apartments and various institutions, coral begonia is often found, and its owners sometimes do not even suspect that they live by the flower. In the people, this species is often called "cabbage". He is loved for unpretentiousness and bright red color of leaves, which they acquire with an excess of sunny color.

how to plant cubes of begonia

However, if you are interested in flowering, attention should be paid to the tuberous begonias. There are a great many of them, with very different colors and different flower shapes.


Despite the unequivocal definition (tuberous),these flowers can also be bred with the help of seeds and cuttings (both leaf and stem). The use of seeds is very difficult, but experienced gardeners prefer this method, as the seedlings in an unusual way combine the properties of parents. However, there are plenty of difficulties and difficulties with this method, and if you are not engaged in floriculture professionally, pay attention to other methods.

how to sprout begonia tubers

Let's start with a simple

So you need begonia.How to plant a tuber, you roughly imagine, but you need the tuber itself. Usually amateur flower growers simply buy it. And here it is important not to make mistakes. Rule one: its diameter should be at least 3 cm. Rule two: choose a nodule dense, without wrinkles and cracks - they mean over-drying, and it may well die. Rule three: bumps should be present at the top, and they need more, these are growth points. If your purchase is large - carefully cut it into pieces, and you will get even more than one begonia. How to plant a tuber purchase? This is the next stage.

If you have a garden

As already mentioned, these flowers grow beautifullyoutdoors. But before planting tubers begonias, check that the soil on your site. Her reaction should be neutral. If the earth is acidic, engage in liming; if alkaline, neutralize it with plaster beforehand. Tubers can be planted as early as May, if the year is warm, but for reliability it is better to wait for June - the earth should warm up quite deeply.

how to plant begonia tubers

There is another way to plant tubers.begonias in open ground. They can pre-germinate, as is done with any - for example, vegetable - seedlings. Planting for germination can be in February. If you choose this path, clarify a few rules about how to germinate the begonia tubers. First, they do not give shoots at the same time, so if some are “without movement” - just wait. Secondly, when the majority in planting sprout, the container must be moved to a lighter place (but not under the direct rays of the sun!). Watering is necessary at this time less often and not abundant. A week later, the seedlings need to give nitrogen fertilizer. If by this time some tubers remain without sprouts, they must be removed. It will remain at the right time just to plant the seedlings at a distance of a third of a meter from each other.


Indoors grows no less remarkablebegonia. How to plant a tuber in her apartment? The principle is almost the same as when planting in the garden. Terms differ - as a houseplant a flower should be planted at the end of February or in March.

The pot should not be very large, but notsmall, not too wide, and so deep that the tuber was covered with earth, but the growth buds were not hidden. Do not forget to fill the bottom of the pot drainage. From the top of the planted tuber to the edge of the container, leave three centimeters. When sprouts stretch a centimeter by four, the soil will need to be filled almost to the edge.

cultivation of tuber begonias

Чтобы выращивание бегонии из клубней было successful, you need to prepare them correctly. To do this, they remove the old roots and carry out preventive disinfection. It is enough to place the tubers for at least half an hour in at least a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate.

additional information

So, you already have a begonia, how to planttuber, we figured it out. It remains to consider the last details. You should not chase a very fresh planting material. Tubers retain the ability to germinate for at least five years (provided that they, of course, were stored correctly). If you divide too large or old nodules into several parts, sprinkle the wound with crushed charcoal - this will prevent their rotting. Begonias that grow from whole, but deformed tubers (concave, flattened, with lateral indentations) will bloom, but worse than their “sisters” from even. If your flower is planted in the garden, please note that it is a delicacy for slugs and snails. Just in case, sprinkle the earth around it with shells or fine rubble. If the begonia lives in the apartment, provide it with a light, not drafted by a place, otherwise the flowering will not wait. The same applies to watering - it should be early morning: when you are daylight, you will burn the leaves, while in the evening you risk ruining the roots.

And the rest of the special trouble is not expected. A little patience - and you can admire the blooming begonias!

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