/ / Begonia Mason returns in decent company.

Mason's Begonia returns in decent company

Having completed the next round, unpredictable fashiondecided to give us back to begonia. Yes, the beautiful begonia again becomes a full-fledged and active participant in the installations in the interior. She proved her rights to participate in groups and compositions, as well as in the solo program. Designers florists believe that begonias look best in contrasting compositions. In almost all installations, you can use the creeping begonia, which, due to its elegance, looks great in company with other plants. Begonia Mason is becoming popular again, coral begonia.

The family of begonias is very numerous, and eachthe view is beautiful in its own way. Among them are decorative and deciduous, for example, Mason's begonia, and decorative-flowering species. Begonias are divided into three groups: tuberous, with fibrous roots and rhizomatous. Rhizome begonias attract the beauty of the leaves, having the most diverse colors. In turn, the tuberous begonias strike large flowers that bloom in summer.

In the interior of your home or office from some of the begonias you can create wonderful bonsai.

Begonias decorative and deciduous can notIt boasts an abundance of bright flowers, but the beauty and originality of their leaves attract many florists. Of the decorative leafy begonias, the mason begonia has become very popular, whose dark green pubescent leaves are decorated with purple stripes.

Decorative flowering begonias are valuable in beauty andabundance of its colors. Among them are evergreens, which can be kept in indoor conditions and delight the eyes throughout the year. A prominent representative of this species is coral begonia, which looks like a large shrub with erect stems and elongated leaves. On a green surface of leaves white specks are scattered. Bright pink flowers are collected in the brush.

Coral begonia is valued for not havingYou definitely need a windowsill - in the depths of the room on a stand it looks amazing. Moreover, if the window faces south, the flower must be placed further from direct light - with all its light-loving nature, it can burn the leaves.

Begonia deserves separate considerationcascade, or ampelnaya. For vertical gardening, which is becoming increasingly popular, this is one of the best finds. According to some experts on these plants, the beauty of the cascade begonia has no equal. By hanging over the edges of the containers, the plant forms a spectacular garland, creating a cascade of flowers and leaves of unique beauty.

Scientists have found that phytoncides thatstand out begonias, very active against many microorganisms. Begonias have been found to reduce the number of bacteria in a room by 80%. This is a serious argument for placing compositions with begonias in a variety of areas, both at home and in institutions. Especially shown is the installation with begonias for the first floors of old houses, where the air is usually damp and the presence of microscopic mold is increased. Begonia Mason will be a loyal assistant in the fight against these troubles.

In addition, the cells of the begonias are divided from the surroundingenvironment active in biological terms, substances that have a positive effect on humans. Cleansing the air, plants help to increase efficiency, overcome stress, and normalize sleep. The ability of begonias to invigorate the vital processes is used in morning autotraining and in the evening to relieve fatigue.

Emotional people who react violently to eachnothing, it is absolutely necessary to have begonia at home. It will help to balance and calm the homely atmosphere, to create ecological comfort for each inhabitant or guest of the house. The plant radiates a strong fountain of energy from its trunk, which absorbs negative fluids and brings homely atmosphere to harmony.

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