/ / Arsenal of the Moscow Kremlin: history of construction and restoration, description

Arsenal of the Moscow Kremlin: the history of construction and restoration, description

Арсенал Московского Кремля или, как его ещё called when Peter I, Zeihgauz, survived a lot of destruction and fires. He was repeatedly built, rebuilt and rebuilt by famous architects, before he acquired the look that he has now. It can be called a building with a complex fate. But without this structure, the modern Kremlin is hard to imagine.

Moscow Kremlin arsenal

Bookmark building Arsenal

Заложено здание Арсенала в Московском Кремле по the plan of Peter I. This happened in 1702, to which the order was received. At that time he was called Zeihgauz, which translated from German meant “Armory House”. According to the emperor, it should be an armory, storage trophies. The place was chosen in the Kremlin personally by Peter I and marked as “from the Nikolsky Gate to the Trinity”, about which he wrote in the order of 12.11.1701.

At that time, the territory of the Kremlin was used forresidence, here, in Gosudarev Zhitny yard, for the safety of the townspeople brought their stocks of grain. By the time Arsenal was being built, there was a big fire, during which the Zhitny Dvor burned down. At this place it was decided to build an "Armory House". This, at that time, should have been the largest building in the Kremlin. Many buildings were dismantled, including two churches "Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem" and "Paraskeva Fridays", the Sugar Chambers, private estates of the Streshnevykh, Trubetskoy and Lykov's house, from which soldiers were sent to kill Peter .

Moscow Kremlin excursions

Construction and rehabilitation

The project at the first stage of the construction of ArsenalThe Moscow Kremlin was led by the famous architect M. Choglokov. In 1706, due to lack of money due to the war with Sweden, construction was suspended. This brought guns seized from the Swedes. After the resumption of work in 1714, the walls of both floors were erected under the roof, but the calculations were brought. The roof, unable to withstand the severity of gilded tiles, collapsed, breaking through the interfloor overlap.

Eliminate the effects of destruction failedquickly. M. Choglokov died, there were no other architects in Moscow. The construction was completed under Queen Anna Ioannovna in 1736. A year later, during a fire, all wooden structures, including floors and roofing, were burnt out.

Восстановление Арсенала Московского Кремля lasted ten years, from 1786 to 1796. But the building was only 16 years old. During the Napoleonic invasion on the orders of Bonaparte, a part of the Zeichgauz was blown up. Such a strange and tragic fate of this building. It seemed that he was no longer there, but a few years after the destruction, the restoration work was resumed, because, according to Peter’s tradition, 875 gun barrels won back from the French were brought here.

Arsenal building in the Moscow Kremlin

Recovery after the Napoleonic invasion

The victorious war with Napoleon caused in Russianpeople a sense of great patriotism. The guns seized from the French were the engine that forced Peter I to fulfill the will and rebuild the Arsenal on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin, which would serve as a museum of the glory of Russian weapons.

Arsenal building was restored in 1815-1828years Russian architects led by A. N. Bakarev - I. L. Mironovsky, I. T. Tamansky and E. D. Tyurin worked on implementing the project. They decided to make the facade facing the courtyard, in the style of late classicism, decorate with stucco walls, process the corners of the building with rust.

Arsenal of the Moscow Kremlin description


After recovering from the damage caused bythe Napoleonic invasion of 1812, the description of the Moscow Kremlin Arsenal of that time fully corresponds to the timely building. It had the shape of a trapezoid in terms of, inside there was a courtyard, where the ramps went. Instead, they installed flight of stairs. The high roof was made lower, flat with two slopes. The color of the building is chosen in accordance with the accepted norms of late classicism - yellow.

sights of the Moscow Kremlin arsenal

Recovery after the October Revolution

Another, last, restoration of the buildingArsenal of the Moscow Kremlin occurred after the events of the October Revolution in Moscow. On the night of November 7, 1917, the Winter Palace was taken by revolutionary detachments in Petrograd, power passed into the hands of revolutionary-minded workers and soldiers. At the same time, the strongest resistance was rendered to the workers' detachments in Moscow. The battles continued everywhere.

The counter-revolutionary forces threw all their forces intothe capture of the Kremlin, whose defense was held by soldiers and commanders of the 56th regiment of the guard and the command of the garrison at Arsenal. The counterrevolutionaries snuck into the Kremlin, captured the soldiers, officers of the regiment and Arsenal and shot them.

13 ноября революционные отряды начали обстрел The Kremlin, which lasted three days. An arsenal building was damaged during the shelling. Restored it in 1922. In 1927, memorial plaques with the names of soldiers of the 56th regiment and officers of the Kremlin garrison, shot by junkers, were installed on the facade. In 1955, they began to conduct excursions to the Moscow Kremlin, where anyone could see its sights, including Arsenal. In 1965, the restoration work was carried out.

Moscow Kremlin arsenal


Currently, one of the main attractions of the Moscow Kremlin - Arsenal. Here, around the perimeter of the building, 830 guns are displayed on special pedestals. Most of them are:

  • Napoleonic cannons - trophies of the war of 1812;
  • 25 Russian guns, previously in the Armory;
  • other guns, howitzers, mortars - trophies captured in battle with the Turks, Prusaks, Austrians, Dutch, Spaniards and Italians.

Each gun has its own history, fate, its name.Experienced guides will tell about all this during the excursion in the Moscow Kremlin. As Peter I had assumed, the Kremlin’s Arsenal became a repository of weapons seized on the battlefield. They witnessed the feat of the Russian armies, the glory and honor of Russian weapons. This landmark of the Kremlin is always popular with tourists.

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