To the south, behind the narrow isthmus Darien Gap,South America will be forgiven. This continent is very long and diverse, interesting and colorful. There are majestic mountain ranges, deep valleys, endless deserts, and deep rivers. The continent is rich in useful resources and monuments of ancient civilizations, amazing plants and unique representatives of the fauna world. And here you can see the amazing waterfalls Iguazu and Angel - the widest and highest waterfalls in the world.
Today, the countries of South America are located onterritories of ancient empires. Earlier, before the coming of the Europeans, the region was inhabited by tribes of the Indians Chichba, Inca, Mochica, urine. Currently there are a dozen independent states here. These are Argentina, Guyana, Colombia, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, Brazil, Suriname, Venezuela, Uruguay, Bolivia, Ecuador. France also has its possessions in the form of French Guiana.
The countries of South America and their capitals areamazing places that remember wars and coups, junta and revolution. Here everything is connected with the charismatic personalities of the Inca leaders Uatahualpa and Wuscar, the ruthless conquistadors Alvorado and Pizarro, the legendary fighters for independence Simon Bolivar, Francisco Miranda, José San Martin. Here they remember and love Ernesto "Che" Guevara, Hugo Chávez. And residents can spend hours telling stories about Augusto Pinochet, Alfredo Stressner, Pablo Escobar, Buchet Cassidy, Sanders Kidd.
South American countries will delight travelersa variety of landscapes. Dense forests and impassable jungles are replaced by selva and plains. The giant Amazon carries its tumultuous streams across the continent, collecting water from thousands of large and small tributaries. The Andes mountain range, which is only inferior in height to the Himalayas, hides the mysterious cities of Machu Picchu, Pisac, Paytiti. Maybe somewhere here its untold treasures are hiding the mythical Eldorado.
The countries and capitals of South America are placeswhich are radically different from each other in climate. Some will welcome guests with sultry equatorial days, others with cool areas in the highlands, and still others with polar snowy regions. Locals conquer their hospitality and openness, emotion and temperament, unbridled fun and bright colors. The descendants of Indians, Europeans, blacks, who were brought here from Africa in the era of the slave trade, created an extraordinary culture. This symbiosis breathes originality and special charm. Incendiary rhythms of the Latina, passionate tango and fabulous extravaganza of the carnival is another attraction that characterizes the countries of South America.
Несомненно, страны Южной Америки стоит увидеть at least once in a lifetime. Drink a fragrant mate among friends or cheer for your favorite football team. Follow the tracks of Pele and Maradona, or meet the gaucho living in the pampa. This is exactly the journey that will be remembered for the rest of his life. Memories of him will warm the soul in the long winter evenings.