/ / The amazing lake Balkhash

The amazing lake Balkhash

One of the main attractionsKazakhstan is Lake Balkhash. It is in the list of the largest lakes in the world occupying an honorable thirteenth place. The lake is unique - it is divided by a strait into two parts. On one side of the strait the water is fresh, and on the other side it is salty. In the translation from Kazakh, Tatar and Altai languages, the name of the lake means "swampy terrain".

Balkhash lake
Like all the sights of the east, Lake Balkhash has its own beautiful and rather sad legend.

In ancient times, the almighty sorcerer Balkhashgrew a daughter, a beauty named Ili. Some time passed and the sorcerer decided to marry her. This was learned by rich suitors from all over the world, and after a while caravans with rich gifts were pulled to the house of the sorcerer. But among the rich pretenders to the beauty's heart there was also one simple poor young man - the shepherd Karatal, whom Or fell in love at first sight. As usual, among the suitors was a competition, a victory in which naturally won Karatal.

However, the perfidious father did not give him hisbeautiful daughter, despite these promises. The enamored then decided to escape. Upon learning of this, the enraged sorcerer put his curse on them, and turned the fugitives into two rivers carrying water from the mountains. In order for the rivers to never connect, a distraught father rushed between them and turned into a lake named Balkhash.

lake balhash holidays

Lake Balkhash was first mentioned in ancient timesChinese characters. It was the Chinese that were the closest to the location of a developed civilization that could get to know this region. The lands that were located to the west of the famous Chinese wall, they called "Si-Yu", which means "Western edge". About these lands was known already to the hundred and twenty-sixth year BC. e. Already in the six hundred and seventh year, the Chinese made maps of 44 states located at that time in Asia.

Lake Balkhash in 1644-1911 was located atnorthern border of China. In 1864, an agreement was concluded between Russia and China, according to which Balkhash and all the territories adjoining it, withdrew into the domain of Russia.

In 1903-1904 the lake Balkhash studied the expeditionRussian geographer Berg, as a result of which it was established that Lake Balkhash is located beyond the Aral-Caspian basin and in the past they never united. Berg concluded that the lake never dries, and its waters are fresh. However, it was noted that in ancient times Balkhash dried up, and then again filled with water, which had not yet become salty.

lake balhash pictures

Magnificent nature, picturesque surroundings,rest on the sandy beach, fishing and hunting - all this - Lake Balkhash. The photo can not give a complete picture of the beauty of these places. Lake Balkhash - rest in a quiet and calm environment, with a fishing rod in hand. Numerous fishing bases have been set up for this purpose. Without catch there will not even be a beginner.

Tourist bases on the shore of the lake will give you neitherwith which an incomparable rest - surfing, skating on a scooter, a boat, a yacht. You will feel the healing effect of the water of this lake and mineralized hydrogen sulphide mud.

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