/ / Cherementets Lake: at the origins of history

Cherementets Lake: at the origins of history

A few kilometers from the city of Luga there isThe most beautiful lake, the area of ​​which is 15 square meters. km, and the length is 14.5 km. Its name is Cheremensky, from the ancient Russian word "chorma", that is, a hill.

What made this pond famous?

cheremenets lake
The coast of Cheremetytskoe Lake has mainlyHigh, often precipitous. There are white sands that consist of quartz, and it is known to be an indispensable material in the production of chemically resistant glass and mirrors. In places the drywall appears - a loose deposit of calcium carbonate.

The bottom of the natural pond is covered with sand.Vegetation in the water is rare, mostly reeds, horsetails, reeds grow on the shallows. Scientists have discovered that the Cherementets Lake has a rare aquatic inhabitant - kaloforou alga in a globular form. The water is light blue and transparent, the upper layer of which is heated to 25 degrees Celsius. In December Cherementets Lake starts to freeze, and thaws - in April-May.


For lovers of fishing a pleasant message -here is found bream, pike, burbot, perch, roach. If you want to go fishing, come to Cheremyanets lake - fishing is a popular type of leisure here, and fishermen can be seen both in summer and in winter.

Those who are interested in history

cherenetskoe lake fishing
How many years this pond, if in his lifetimefought the glorious army of Alexander Nevsky? That time, legends and legends are inherent, one of which read: a vision appeared to a peasant one-the icon of St. the Apostle I. Theologian. Rumors reached the Moscow Prince Ivan III, who ordered the western island to build a monastery. They called him Cheremetytsky. The monastic shelter belonged to the land and Lake Cheremensky itself, for fishing in which the monks took fine from the peasants.

Later in the monastery imprisoned freethinkers and those,who had to be taken away from the authorities. This included criminals, allegedly for correction. In 1929 the monastery was closed. Now here is the hostel "Cherementets", which is popular with fans of boat rides and fascinating fishing. The air in these places is clean and fresh, the lake is surrounded by coniferous and deciduous forests, in which there are a lot of mushrooms and berries, which makes the Cheremenez lake especially attractive.

Sanatoriums and attractions

Due to the fact that here an amazing climate, pine forests, sand with quartz content and a close location of the reservoir, several sanatoria have been built on the coast, which successfully function.

cherenetskoe lake map
Sightseeing of local places, whichdeserves attention, is an ancient park, in which grow maples, ash trees and oaks with thick trunks, which indicates the antiquity of the green monument. The park stands in the distance a house in which lived and worked Sergei Mironovich Kirov - statesman of Soviet times.

It's worth visiting these places at least once! You will not only be pleasantly surprised by the colorful scenery, wonderful air and the Cheremetytskoe lake. A map of the outbacks and their names will reveal the veil of history to you.

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