/ / Australia, Melbourne: attractions, their photos and description

Australia, Melbourne: attractions, their photos and description

Tourists from all over the world have always been attracted by the distantand mysterious Australia. Melbourne is the second largest city in the country, the capital of one of its states. In this article we will tell about this city, its memorable places, natural monuments and architectural sights.

Melbourne, Victoria (Australia)

Штат Виктория - самый маленький в стране.Moreover, its territory is equal to the territory of Great Britain. It is a land of striking contrasts - the ocean coast and mountain ranges, forests and deserts, endless pastures and volcanic plains. The population of the state is very diverse. During the "gold rush" in the XIX century, immigrants from different parts of the world came here, the second wave of immigration began after 1945.

Australia Melbourne

The state of Victoria is distinguished by a multitude of national,historical and coastal parks. The geographical diversity of this area is amazing - here you can visit the dense and cool tropical forests on the Errinundra Plateau and see the coastal areas of virgin nature at Croajingolong. Tourists are shown the majestic mountains in the Alpine National Park and the desert in the northwest of Mallee.

Talking about this Australian state, you can’tnot to mention the Great Ocean Road, which stretches along the picturesque ocean coast and world famous beaches. Guests are advised to visit the historic Goldfields district, the stately Murray River.

The state has large provincial citiessuch as Bendigo and Ballarat, with a huge number of monuments from the time of the gold rush, as well as tiny towns with one pub. But the special attention of tourists is the capital of the state - the magnificent Melbourne.

Description of the city

Melbourne (Australia) is located in Port Phillip Bay. It is the cultural capital of the country and is famous for its magnificent architecture, numerous shops of famous brands.

Здесь находятся музеи истории, уникальные exhibition and art galleries, theaters, gardens and parks, as the city of Melbourne (Australia) is a large modern metropolis, which organically combines new and old architecture. Melbourne has many memorable places that deserve the attention of travelers. Today we will introduce you to some of them.

Melbourne Time (Australia)

This city belongs to the GMT + 10 and GMT + 11 time zones (in summer). Time is six hours ahead of Moscow in the summer, and seven in the winter.

 time in melbourne australia

Victoria Museum

This is a large complex that includes three museums.- Immigration Museum, Melbourne Museum and Science Museum. It was founded in 1854 as the Museum of Geology. In 1870, the Industrial Museum appeared, a hundred years later it was renamed the Victoria Science Museum. Today, its collection has approximately 16 million exhibits that are devoted to the history of the continent, the development of the art of science and technology.

city ​​melbourne australia

Tower "Eureka"

Many original buildings are famousAustralia. Melbourne is no exception. The original tower "Eureka" is the highest building in the city and one of the most famous buildings in the country. The tower is second only to the Q1 building in the city of Surfers Paradise. The 92-storey Evrika has a height of 297 m. Construction of the building began in 2002. It was completed in four years.

melbourne victoria australia

The tower was named in memory of the mine "Eureka",where in the middle of the XIX century there was an uprising. This story is reflected in the design of the building - it clearly shows the crown, symbolizing the dashing years of the "gold rush", and the scarlet band - a symbol of blood spilled on the mine. The white stripes and blue glass of the facade are the colors of the flag of the rebels.


Melbourne (Australia, the photo is in ourarticle) is rightly proud of the magnificent Cathedral of St. Paul. It is the largest Anglican temple in the city. The building was made in the Gothic style, and today it is the patronal cathedral of the archbishop of the state capital and the head of the Anglican metropolis.

melbourne australia sights

It is very well located - opposite are the architectural monuments of the Federation Square, and diagonally - the railway station of the Station. These buildings create the historic center of the city.

Botanical gardens

The royal gardens of Melbourne are on the shoreYarra River, very close to the city center. Here, in an area of ​​38 hectares, more than ten thousand plant species grow. They represent not only local, but also world flora. Melbourne Botanical Gardens are considered the best in the country and among the best in the world.

At 45 km from Melbourne in the suburb of Cranburn, you can visit the branch of the Royal Gardens, located on an area of ​​363 hectares. Local plants are predominantly grown here.

Australia Melbourne

In Melbourne, the Botanical Gardens are located next to the Kings Domain Park, Queen Victoria Gardens and Alexander Gardens.

Since its foundation in the Botanical Gardens are conductedwork on the study and identification of plants. Here was created the National Herbarium of the state. Today it consists of 1.2 million dried plants. In addition, there is a huge collection of books, videos, manuals on botanical topics. And recently, a Center for Urban Ecology was organized here, observing plants that grow in urban ecosystems.

Dandenong National Park

A huge number of parks and gardens is differentAustralia. Melbourne offers tourists an excursion to the Dandenong National Park. This beautiful place is located on a mountain range bearing the same name, an hour’s drive from the city. This is a very popular vacation spot for locals. That is why on weekends come here residents of nearby towns. The park’s attraction is a giant eucalyptus, reaching a height of one hundred and fifty meters. This is the highest flower plant in the world.

city ​​melbourne australia

Ученые уверены, что здесь около ста миллионов лет back in the jungle. Today you can see the remains of this ancient forest - thick tree ferns. This forest makes a great impression if you drive it on the popular steam-engine "Puffing Billy" under the crowns of eucalyptus-giants.

Many thousands of years lived on this earthaboriginal tribes vuvurrong and bunurong. Later this land became a source of wood resources for developing Melbourne. By the end of the XIX century, the first roads and railway lines appeared here, and from those times the first tourists began to visit here. Since 1882, the Fern Hollow has been declared a protected area, but it became a national park a hundred years later (1987).

National Gallery

Another interesting place. The National Gallery has glorified the city of Melbourne (Australia). The sights of this city are of great interest to researchers and scientists.

Gallery founded in the city in 1861.In 2003, its funds were divided into two collections - International Art and Ian Potter. The first was placed in a building on Saint Kilda, which was built in 1968 in the center of the city according to the project of Roy Grounds. And the Center for Ian Potter is located on Federation Square.

melbourne australia photo

By the time the Victoria Gallery opens, only tenyears was an independent colony, which, thanks to the "gold rush" has become one of the richest regions of the country. Valuable gifts from wealthy citizens, as well as large cash investments have allowed the National Gallery to acquire the work of ancient and modern artists around the world. Nowadays over sixty five thousand unique works of art are kept in the funds.

Сегодня здесь можно увидеть полотна Пальмеццано, Rembrandt, Bernini, Rubens, Tintoretto, Uccello, Veronese and Tiepolo. It also presents the magnificent collections of Egyptian artifacts, ancient Greek vases, European ceramics, etc.

The Ian Potter Center, which was opened in 2003, presents works by Australian artists, as well as cultural and everyday objects of Australian Aborigines.

Gold museum

Australia (Melbourne) has an amazing museum,located in the building of the old treasury. It was built in 1862. Previously, it was the second largest in Melbourne after the parliament, however, the treasury was in it for a short time - only sixteen years.

 Melbourne Australia

Автором архитектурного проекта стал молодой и a very talented J. Clark, who began construction when he was just nineteen years old. Today, this building, made in the neo-renaissance style, is deservedly considered to be one of the most beautiful buildings in Melbourne.

To visit the public, the Gold Museum was opened in1994 Today, there are several permanent exhibitions that are devoted to the history of the "gold rush", as well as the formation and development of Melbourne. Sometimes the museum is called the city. For example, the exhibition "Creating Melbourne" introduces visitors to the history of the city, since its foundation in 1835 and ending with our time.

It is quite natural that a significant part of the exhibition tells about the times of gold mining, which gave impetus to the rapid development of Melbourne and made it the most important city of the continent.

Еще одна интересная выставка – «Построенный на Gold ”will allow guests to find out when they found the first bar of gold in Victoria and understand how this find has changed the fate of the country. In addition, the museum hosts temporary thematic exhibitions on the cultural heritage of Melbourne.

Airport "Tullamarine"

Now let's visit Melbourne Airport(Australia). Tullamarine is the main air harbor of the city. In terms of passenger turnover, he confidently ranks second in Australia. It is located twenty-three kilometers from the city center, in the suburb of Tullamarin. It was opened in 1970. This is the only international airport serving the Melbourne agglomeration.

airport melbourne australia arrival board
From here you can fly direct to all states.Australia, as well as Oceania, Asia, Europe, Africa and North America. In 2003, Tullamarin Airport received an international IATA award and two national awards for high quality passenger service. The airport has two runways, a meteorological station, four terminals, a huge hangar and observation platform.

There are three hotels at Tullamarin Airportcafes, restaurants, a gas station, two large and very cozy waiting rooms, a room equipped with everything necessary for mothers and children. The latest navigation equipment is equipped with Melbourne Airport (Australia). The arrival board (online), located on the company's website, provides all the necessary information about flights.

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