/ / The Ural Mountains: general information

Ural Mountains: general information

The Ural Mountains are a mountain system,located between the West Siberian and East European plains, and represent a kind of border separating Europe from Asia. They were formed by the collision of the African and Euro-Asian lithospheric plates, as a result of which one of them literally crushed under the other. From the point of view of geologists, these mountains arose in a complex way, since they consist of rocks of different ages and types.

The Ural Mountains
The length of more than 2000 km, the Ural Mountainsform the Southern, Northern, Subpolar, Polar and Middle Urals. Because of this length, they were called the Earth Belt in the first mentions of the 11th century. Everywhere you can see crystal-clear mountain streams and rivers, which later pour into larger ponds. Of the large rivers there are the following: Kama, Ural, Belaya, Chusovaya and Pechora.

The height of the Ural Mountains does not exceed 1895 meters.So, the Polar Urals is average in level (600-800 m) and narrowest along the width of the ridge. This part is characterized by piciform and sharp forms with steep slopes and deep valleys. The highest peak (1500 m) has the Pei-Er peak.

The circumpolar zone widens slightly and is consideredthe highest part of the ridge. The following peaks are located here: Mount Narodnaya (1894 m), which is the highest, Karpinsky (1795 m), Sablya (1425 m) and many other Ural Mountains, the average elevation of which ranges from 1,300 to 1,400 meters.
Ural Mountains height
They are also characterized by sharp forms of relief and large valleys. This part is also remarkable because there are several glaciers here, the largest of them stretches for almost 1 km.

In the northern part of the Ural Mountains, the height of whichdoes not exceed 600 meters, are characterized by smoothed and rounded forms. Some of them, composed of crystalline rocks, under the influence of rain and wind take amusing forms. Closer to the south, they become even lower, and in the middle part they take the form of a shallow arc, where the highest point (886 m) is occupied by the summit of Kachkanar. The relief here is flattened and more flat.

In the southern zone, the Ural Mountains are markedly rising,forming a set of parallel ridges. Of the highest points, we can note (1638 m) Yamantau and (1586 m) Iremel, the rest - just below (Bolshoy Sholom, Nurgush and others).

Height of the Ural Mountains
In the Urals in addition to beautiful mountains and caves there is a verypicturesque, diverse nature, as well as many other attractions. And so it is so attractive for many tourists. Here you can choose routes for people of different levels of training - both for beginners, and for fans of extreme travel. In addition to all other advantages, the Ural Mountains are a deposit of minerals, which include such: ores of copper, chromium, nickel, titanium; placers of gold, platinum, silver; deposits of coal, gas, oil; precious stones (emeralds, malachite, diamonds, yamsha, crystal, amethyst, etc.).

As they say, mountains can be better than mountains.And this is true, because their indescribable atmosphere, beauty, harmony, greatness and pure air inspire and charge with positive, energy and vivid impressions for a long time.

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