/ / Violet-Minuet Violet: Variety description, care

Violet-Minuet: description of the brand, care

One of the most popular indoor plants in allthe world is the violet Jan-Minuet. She is the personification of the coming of spring, delighting her with delicate, graceful flowers full of beauty and perfection. Their scent is able not only to have a wonderful effect on the human body, but also to improve the mood, tuning in an optimistic way.

violet yang minuet


The dark green leaves of the violet are slightly wavy, withserrated edges. The main feature of the plant is terry flowers that resemble stars. Their color is usually gently pink, with an expressive crimson fringe, the width of which may be different. The diameter of the flower is an average of 7 cm, on one high and sturdy peduncle in a round bouquet they contain up to 3 pieces. Unlike other species of violets, these flowers have brighter transitions of colors on large and wavy petals. About nine months they please the eye and fill with an amazing fragrance the whole house. Violets of this variety are perfectly combined with blue and dark red varieties.

Features of care

Although the Jan-Minuet is a very delicate subspecies,the care of this flower does not represent anything difficult even for the beginner. It does not require too bright lighting and too spacious a pot, as for some other varieties. Soil requirements are minimal.

house of violets

Temperature conditions

Given the climatic conditions prevailing in thethe historical homeland of violets, the necessary temperature for their successful cultivation should be from 20 to 24 ° C. The lower mark is suitable for adult specimens covered with large flowers. For young plants, which are under development, the temperature should be a little higher.

Violet Jan Minuet, grown on the windowsill,in winter it needs heat. It is important to ensure that the plant does not get cold air, especially during the ventilation of the room. Avoiding the subcooling of the roots from the surface of the stone window sill will help the use of a special stand for the flower pot.

yang minuet violet description


Эта разновидность фиалок в естественных условиях grows mainly along the banks of rivers and streams, where the air is saturated with moisture. The moisture index for this plant should not be less than 60%. In apartments with central heating it is necessary to raise it to create a favorable microclimate for violets. This can be done in various ways:

  • Place the flower pot in a flat vessel like a metal baking tray, in which to pour water. Evaporating, it will increase the humidity in the surrounding air.
  • Using a spray can spray waternear the plant. Due to the fact that Jan-Minuet (violet, the description of which is given here) has too much pubescence, spraying of leaves and flowers is not recommended.

sort of violet yang minuet


For the successful cultivation of this culture,ensure regular watering to prevent the earthen coma from drying out. You can do this in two ways - from above or below (from the pallet). In the first case, water is poured near the edge of the pot in such a way as not to wash out the surface of the soil and moisten young tender leaves of the plant. For convenience, it is better to use a watering can with a long narrow spout. Watered until the water begins to flow through the drainage holes in the pot. Approximately in half an hour it is poured from the pallet in order to exclude the possibility of decaying the roots.

When watering from below, water is poured into the pan, from whereit is gradually absorbed by the plant. This method has a significant disadvantage - in the earthen coma, harmful salts accumulate over time, from which the flower can wither.

For irrigation, ordinary tap water is used, which was settled in an open dish for two days.

How properly watered, violetJan-Minuet can tell by its appearance. Elastic, saturated color of the leaves indicate sufficient moisture. If they become soft, hanging from the edge of the pot, then the soil is dry, and the plant needs urgent help. Pot for half an hour should be placed half in warm water and put in the shade, covered with a plastic wrap. About a day later the plant is completely restored.

shenpolia yang minuet

Additional fertilizing

Once every two weeks, the plant is fedmineral fertilizers. One of the most famous is the "Immunocytophyte". It acts as a stimulant of protective reactions and plant development. Effectively increases the stability of violet to diseases such as late blight, powdery mildew, black leg, altenariasis, gray and white rot and others to which the Yang-Minuet violet variety is susceptible. In addition, "Immunocytophyte" greatly accelerates the development of the plant.


The violet of the Jan-Minuet can reproduce by variousways - leaf, cut, flower peduncle or stepson. The most popular is the first method. Reproduction is carried out in the spring-summer period. On a healthy, formed plant, choose a suitable leaf from the second or third row of the rosette. It should be brightly colored and without any stains and damage. In old leaves, the formation of roots is slow, they often die before the formation of young plants. Young take root faster, but their offspring may be weakened. Cut the sheet at an angle of 45⁰, leaving a stump up to 5 mm (it must be immediately processed with crushed activated carbon). Rooting is best done in water, so that you can observe the appearance of rootlets. It can be taken from a water pipe, but it must necessarily be clean and soft. Senpolia Jan-Menuet is very sensitive to water hardness. If necessary, soften it in every possible way.

Sheet 1 cm immersed in a glass of water inwhich pre-dissolve a tablet of activated charcoal, and put it in a warm place away from sunlight. When roots are formed with a length of at least 1 cm, the leaf can be transplanted into the soil.

In order for these plants to transform the whole beauty of the house, violets must be grown with proper and competent care, which is quite possible even for a beginner floriculturist.

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