/ / Cultural plum. Planting in autumn: technology and method validity

Cultural plum. Planting in autumn: technology and method validity

Plum is one of the most loved and respected by ourhorticulturists of fruit crops. In many respects, this attitude to it has developed both because of the palatability of the fruit, and due to the universality of their application.

plum planting in autumn
But you can get a good harvest only if you fully comply with agricultural technology. This is especially associated with the planting of this tree.

The plum itself, landing in autumn which is not toooften practiced by gardeners, will bear fruit well only if you have a good experience of growing it. "Guru" and do prefer to plant it only in the spring. The fact that the seedlings often do not have time to settle down properly, and therefore freeze. But if there was such a need, the autumn planting is quite real.

Note that there is no need to prepare a pit for this in a month or two. It is necessary to dig out a seat for one or two weeks, and it should be done at the end of August.

And than in your area is colder, the fastermust be. The diameter and depth are approximately equal to 0.6 × 0.6 m. After removing the soil, it should be thoroughly mixed with quality humus, then fill the hole again with this composition.

plumage planting in autumn
Please note that the plum, the planting in autumn which we are considering, is rather whimsical to the quality of the soil. Therefore pay special attention to the choice of quality humus.

After this, exactly in the center of the pit the landing is slaughteredpeg. Then you can proceed to disembark. Seedling must be located on the north side of the stick. It is better to put the earth in your hands, making sure that the soil tightly covers all the voids between the roots. The root neck should be located 5-7 cm above the ground surface. Since the plum, planting in the fall of which is the lot of experienced gardeners, is very sensitive to agrotechnics (as we have already mentioned), then it is necessary to maintain this distance as strictly as possible.

After completion of the landing in the soil, the seedling should be watered as much as possible, and the soil surface around it should be covered with peat or with the same humus.

Here are a couple of points to which you need to pay increased attention.

planting of a yellow plum

First, in the landing pit itself, nevershould be laid some sort of mineral fertilizer, because the reaction of the tree can be unpredictable. In particular, such a plum planting in the fall is fraught with the fact that you simply burn the entire root system. The fact is that the vegetative processes at this time are very weak, and therefore it is simply not able to fully use the nutrients of the tree.

If you do not know where the mentionedpoint of growth, then try to at least not deepen the seedling strongly in the ground. Such a plantation is much more harmful for draining, since there is a strong rotting of the cortical layer, which leads to the death of the tree.

Please note that planting a yellow plum in the form oftall forms provides linking it to the landing peg for a couple of years. In this case, a distance of at least 15 cm should remain between it and the trunk of the seedling.

Of course, that for fastening it is necessaryUse only soft and well stretchable materials. The wire can not be used in any way, since it simply cuts the bark. That's why during a couple of years periodically check to see if the twine cut into the wood.

This is how the plum takes root. Planting this crop in the fall is a rather troublesome business, but it is quite feasible.

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