/ / Nikolina Gora. "Husky Park", Nikolina Gora: photos and reviews

Nikolina Gora. "Husky Park", Nikolina Gora: photos and reviews

В Одинцовском районе Подмосковья на левом берегу The Moscow River has a high (25-30 meters) hill called Nikolina Gora. This is one of the oldest summer cottages, which has its interesting history of origin.

nikolina mountain

The history of the name

The first mention of a small monastery of the saintNikola on Pesk refers to the year 1473. It arose in the place of the churchyard, and a little later around the little monastery appeared a small selenice of 5 yards, named Nikolskoye on Sand. In the documents there is a record that in 1618 it was here that the solemn meeting of Filaret, who later became the patriarch, was organized. He was returning from Polish captivity. Not far from this small monastery was the village of Aksinino, in the parish school of which in the middle of the XVII century the throne was transferred, and Nikolina Gora, so later began to be called this place, empties for long three centuries.


The second life of this locality begins intwenties, when in the beautiful pine forests of the Moscow region are beginning to actively build summer cottages. In 1922-1925, the dachas were built by the dacha-building cooperative of the workers of the Academy of Sciences and Arts (RANIS). The terrain here is remarkable, the hill is almost completely surrounded by a small river (Moscow), a stream (Maslovsky, or the river Cleaning) and two marshes (Maslovskiy from the north, Aksininsky from the west). Beautiful beaches Diplomatic (loved to travel by embassy staff) and Cowboy gave the charms to these already wonderful places. The ancient forest (pine forest) is the main attraction of these places. The built settlement became popular and was known under the name of Nikolina Gora.

The center of culture

Glory brought him figures of science and culture,who lived here by arrivals or constantly, as the composer Sergei Prokofiev. The whole country knew the names of the owners of the local dachas: O. Yu. Schmidt and P. L. Kapitsa, V. I. Kachalov and S. V. Mikhalkov, V. V. Veresaev and A. S. Novikov-Priboy, M. M. Botvinnik and A. V. Nezhdanova. And a lot of other great people. Present fences in those days were not, world celebrities freely went on a visit, were friends and communicated. In connection with the artist Petr Konchalovsky, Nikolina Gora, the house where his talented children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren lived and stayed, is mentioned much more often than in connection with other figures of science and culture. A large family of Mikhalkovs and Konchalovsky is famous for the fact that each of its representatives is a well-known and public person. They were jokingly called "the nestlings of Petrovna's nest", referring to Granddaughter Surikova, daughter of Pyotr Konchalovsky, wife of Sergei Mikhalkov, mother of Andrei Konchalovsky, Nikita Mikhalkov, Ekaterina Semenova (wife Julian Semenova) - Natalia Petrovna Konchalovskaya. A talented poetess, a children's writer, an interpreter, an incredibly interesting person, she was loved by the whole huge family. Modern people, she is familiar as the author of the translation of the song "Eternal Love". Amazing verses. Nikolina Gora, like Peredelkino, was in those days peculiar cultural centers, where so many people tried to get to.

Modern novelties

Now, Nikolina Gora, like other settlements of this kind, is, for the most part, a barbaric village.

husky park nikolina mountain
This concept includes not onlymagnificent mansions, excellent infrastructure, but also places of rest of the corresponding class. Therefore, it does not surprise at all that this exotic place, like "Husky Park", appears here. Nikolina Gora, this settlement of the celestials, as it was called earlier, referring not to the current nouveau riche buying up everything on the root, but to great scientists, artists and writers, is in itself a landmark that many Muscovites and guests of the capital would like to visit. And the opportunity to ride a reindeer or beautiful Husky, just walk with it in the forest, turns this place into a pilgrimage center.

A worthy project

nikolina mountain house
"On Nikolina Mountain all the trees in silver ...".And among this glorified not one poet of beauty you can race on deer or husky, taste unknown delicacies of the far north, see a real village from yarang, and all this is 20 km from Moscow Ring Road. It looks very tempting. There is also a master class on folk dances and throwing a lasso, several thematic excursions that introduce visitors to rituals and dwellings. You can see the performance of the folk ensemble "Chukotka", try the tundra tea, shoot from the bow in a dash and much, much more. The unique in Russia, unique ethno-cultural complex known among Muscovites as "Husky Park, Nikolina Gora", is located at the address: Moscow region, Odintsovo district, Nikolina Gora settlement, Schmidt Avenue, possession 57/1. The correct name of the complex is Eco Husky Park. You can get to it by regular shuttle buses No. 150, which go every 30 minutes from the Molodezhnaya metro station, go to the end. You can get by train to Odintsovo station, and from there by buses №№ 1044 and 1054. By car you need to go along Rublevo-Uspenskoe highway 20 km from MKADAa to the signpost at the turn. Reviews this amazing undertaking has the most enthusiastic, the number of people wishing to visit it is constantly increasing. And even from the photo, available in wide access, it is clear what an unusual, tempting and fascinating islet of a distant life settled in the near suburbs.

Prestigious area

nicolina mountain village
Nikolina Gora - a legendary village, moreoverThe air here is the cleanest in the near Moscow suburbs, so the wealthy people aspire to become its inhabitants. Considering this factor, elite complexes or detached cottages, such as Sosnoviy Bor, Ship Pines, Maslovo and Cotton Way are being built here. And it should be noted that the sale and rental of houses on Nikolina Gora is active. This, in addition to the above factors, contributes to the proximity to the metropolis, guaranteed housing security, socially favorable atmosphere and amazing nature.

pine nicholina mountain
"Sosny Nikolina Gora" - a residential complex, standingapart, it is removed from the center of Rublyovka, and represents an elite enclave, where outsiders are strictly forbidden to enter, and to view the apartments are recorded in advance. The description of all the advantages of this elite of elite places is in wide access.

The original "Rublevians"

One can only say that there is absolutelyall for a full life, all the best that the rich people can offer the Moscow Region. Nikolina Gora has always been a privileged object, but hardly anyone will object to the assertion that spirituality in former times under the "branded" Soviet power here was hundreds of times greater. Here and now there is a cooperative RANIS, headed by Yuri Bashmet. And now the representatives of the "old Rublyovka" are outraged by the machinations around the region becoming a symbol of prestige, the bad taste brought here by the nouveaux riches.

Moscow region Nikolina Gora
The world-famous old-timers do not give up, andNikolina mountain will stand, then they and the mountain to muddy waves flowed down. This place will forever remain associated with those great people who lived here and created their beautiful creations.

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