/ / Clear answer to the question: "How long can I do repairs?"

A clear answer to the question: "How long can I make repairs?"

How much can you repair?Your neighbors are clearly not asking the question. Noise for a long time so much so that just the walls are shaking. Because you probably will be interested in how much you can do repairs. After all, most people do not think about what it is like for their neighbors to lie in bed at twelve o'clock in the morning, under the merry sounds of a jackhammer.

However, the question of how long it is possible to dorepair, a clear answer still does not have. On the territory of the Russian Federation, there is simply no one for all the law on what the maximum noise level can be. Therefore, no one knows exactly how much repairs can be made.

In each of the regions of the Russian Federationthere are their own legislative acts, in which there are written out the moments for solving this issue. And the cases when these decisions are radically different from each other are far from rare. The only thing that remains in this case is to turn to those provisions that are the same for any Russian region.

According to the law, it is forbidden to carry out repairs on public holidays, officially declared non-working.

How many hours can I make repairs?It is prohibited to start noisy work until nine in the morning, and in most regions everything should be completed by seven in the evening. In some places it is allowed to repair up to eight.

If the builders work without interruptions, thenThe maximum duration of their work should not be more than six hours a day. If they plan to work longer, then they must break for about an hour.

In addition to knowing this issue, how much repair can be done, it should be noted that construction work can not be conducted for more than three months in a row.

It is forbidden to use the equipment andtools that produce noise and vibration, significantly exceeding the permissible sanitary and epidemiological norms (in the daytime it is 40 dBa). Repairs should be carried out in such a way that adjacent rooms do not receive any harm. It is important to note the fact that according to the laws it is inadmissible to clutter up public places with various tools, construction debris and other waste products of the works.

Do not use passenger elevators to move unpacked building materials and construction.

If desired, you can carry out repairs andthen, when it is most convenient for you, but only if you were able to get written permission from all your neighbors about the fact that you can work at an unspecified time.

Who is obliged to monitor the implementation ofvarious requirements and norms? Firstly, the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, which measures noise levels, and in case they exceed the required standards, compiles a protocol. Secondly, Rospotrebnadzor. And thirdly, the figure closest to the common people is a precinct, to which it will be necessary to hurry with a written statement about various violations in this regard. If there is such a need, it is this person who will be present at the venue of the proceedings. According to Russian laws, a person who violated the norms of carrying out various repair works will be brought to administrative responsibility, which can consist both in simple warning and in a quite palpable penalty.

Anyway, if your neighbors suddenlyhave started some large-scale repair and too much noise, do not immediately run to the precinct. You can try to agree with them beforehand. If you yourself are going to do repairs - treat other people with respect. Maybe your neighbors have small children who need silence and daytime sleep or elderly people who also need a full-fledged long rest.

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