/ / Have you started repair, construction, improvement of summer cottage? Then you should go to the market "Kashirsky yard"

Have you started repair, construction, improvement of a summer house? Then you should go to the market "Kashirsky yard"

If it's time to do the repair, there was a desireand the opportunity to build your house means it's time to go to the market of the Kashira Court. There are a lot of visitors here. This is not only Muscovites, but also residents of villages and cities near Moscow. The area of ​​the construction market could not satisfy the demands of all citizens, and it was decided to open new trading platforms. Thus, the Kashirsky Dvor-1 market saw the light; and then 2nd and 3rd.

Kashira courtyard

The Kashirsky Dvor-1 market was established in 1994 andFor 20 years, pleases buyers. However, so that the delight of new acquisitions does not darken, you need to check the purchase, as they say, without departing from the cash register. After all, the company - wholesale. When a lot of goods are purchased, there may be inconsistencies. In order to not come to the dacha to find out that the seller of “Kashirsky Dvor” instead of thirty paving slabs gave 29, it is necessary to count and check everything still in place. There have been cases when the poor fellow, the buyer, having come to his senses in a few hours, began to call and demand his own, but in this case it is difficult to prove the case.

How to get to the market and where is it located?

By car to get to the cherished goal is not at allcomplicated. Building materials are located on the Moscow Ring Road. Those who live in the Southern District of Moscow, will arrive here in a few minutes. Of course, it is important to consider traffic jams, as they significantly prolong the time on the way. If in the capital, as always, unexpectedly, it began to snow, then it is better not to travel on that day. It is also undesirable to visit the markets of Kashirsky dvor from 5 to 7 pm, because at this time the traffic in this area may stall. The rest of the time to go here is much easier.

Kashirsky yard market 1

Motorists will be able to get to "Kashirskyof the yard-1 ”, driving up to the intersection of Kolomna passage and Kashirskoye highway. "Kashirsky Dvor-2" spread its arms on Kashirskoye Highway, Building 1. At the intersection of Warsaw highway and the Moscow Ring Road, "Kashirsky Dvor-3" is located.

Those traveling under their own power must firstto get to the Nagatinskaya station and take buses number 164, 275, 298, 742. The same buses run from the Kashirskaya metro station, and those from the Kolomenskaya metro station No. 219 and 220

The construction market "Kashirsky Dvor-1" works with9 am to 19-00. If he was visited by a wholesale buyer, he can use the service of cargo delivery. You can send to destination up to 15 thousand tons of goods.

construction market Kashirsky yard 1

"Novosel" for newcomers

Now the construction giant is spreadingdiscount card "Novosel". It provides an opportunity to minimize the repair, construction costs to those who recently bought a land plot or received an apartment.

A whole year since the acquisition of new home mayequip, repair and his apartment, and a country house with discounts that reach up to 40%. The offer can be used not only in numerous trade pavilions of the Kashira Court, but also in several dozen building stores. Among them - “Obi”, “Leroy Merlin”, etc.

In addition to bargains, there is a Kashirsky yarda number of construction companies where you can sign a contract for the construction of a house. So, the company "Kudesnik", which is located at Kashirsky Dvor-3, will build your dream house on 2 floors 5 x 6 meters in just 240 thousand rubles. Therefore, everyone in this construction market can fulfill their desires for home, repairs, furnishing cottages and apartments.

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