/ / Altai mountains - the pearl of the world

Altai mountains - the pearl of the world

In the world there are many corners of nature that are simplyamazing imagination with their beauty. One of such places is the Altai Territory. It is located in the south-eastern part of Western Siberia. In the east the region is surrounded by the Salair ridge - mostly flat territory, dotted with numerous low hills. As the terrain moves to the southeast, the terrain gradually changes. The endless plains come close to the majestic mountains of Altai. To say that they are beautiful means not saying anything.

Altai Mountains
The Altai Mountains are the pride of the world.In the translation from the ancient Türkic "Altai" it sounds like a "golden mountain" or "mountain of gold". Looking at these giants, I want to believe that this is really so. In Siberia it is the largest mountain range. It harmoniously combines snow-capped peaks and picturesque green slopes, silent hills and boiling mountain rivers with crystal clear water. The altitude of the area varies from 500 to 2000 meters above sea level. The bowels of the fabulous Altai Territory are rich in various minerals. Copper, zinc, gold, lead, silver - this is only a small part of what is stored in the local land. In the territory of the region, many decorative and rare ornamental materials are mined. The rich deposits of jasper and quartzite are known all over the world. And the reserves of soda are the largest in the world. This further emphasizes the importance of the region for our entire country.

Altai mountains are riddled with small streams,which, smoothly descending to the plain, form an indescribable beauty of the lake. One of them (Teletskoye) is even protected by the UNESCO World Organization. Along its eastern coast there is a reserve where many rare animals live. Among them - the famous snow leopard.

Altai Mountains
There is a legend that the Altai Mountainswere formed more than 400 million years ago. Then, under the influence of the forces of nature, they were completely destroyed, and only after 350 million years did we see what we see now. The ancient giants, shrouded in a snow blanket, majestically rise above the green hilly plain. Altai mountains attract the attention of many height lovers. Numerous climbers try to come here to test themselves for strength, climbing steep rocky sites. Those who are lucky will be able to enjoy the wonderful scenery with a bird's-eye view.

Mount Sinyuha Altai Territory
Despite the fact that the highest mountainAltai Territory is a two-pointed Belukha, which rises above sea level by 4,5 thousand meters, most climbers are not trying to come here at all. They are attracted by a very different peak - Mount Sinyuha. The Altai Territory is famous for it. The height of this beauty is only 1210 meters. On the territory of the Kolyvan range located here it is the highest point. But it's not that interesting. If you look at the mountain from a distance, it seems blue. It's because of the dense vegetation. Maybe that's why it was called "Sinyuha". In the vicinity of this mountain there are two most famous lakes in the Altai: Mokhovoye and Beloye. At the foot of the massif begins a birch grove. Tourists climb up the path. The road is gradually becoming more complicated. Sunny birch wood gradually changes to severe taiga thickets of fir. A few hours of climbing - and the gaze opens the long-awaited peak, which is surrounded by granite rocks. One of them has an iron cross. In the very center of the summit is a block of granite with a depression in the form of a bowl, which is filled with water. For a long time people thought that if one climbed to the top of Sinyuha, washed with water from a bowl and prayed at an iron cross, then all year round all problems will be bypassed by you and will be calm in your soul. The mountain has long been a place of pilgrimage for Christians. And now many believe in the ancient legend.

The capital of the Altai Territory is Barnaul.Its history is a little more than 200 years. It's not so much, but the city is developing rapidly and gaining strength. During his existence he suffered earthquakes and floods, wars and devastation. Residents of the holy memory of the memory of the past, which is stored in numerous museums. Modern Barnaul is a city of contrasts. Against the background of wide avenues and multi-storey buildings, ancient buildings have survived, reminiscent of old years.

the capital of the Altai Territory

The road to Altai lies exactly through Barnaul.Crowds of people are eager to see with their own eyes the indescribable beauty of the vast expanses of mountains and forests, swim in the cleanest lakes and breathe the fresh air of the Altai meadows.

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