/ / Narski Ponds: photos, description and reviews

Narski Ponds: photos, description and reviews

Russia is a country in which there are manybeautiful places. Not only residents of the state can admire the beautiful nature of a great power. Quite a lot of tourists from neighboring countries come to enjoy recreation near water reservoirs. The most popular pastime on the shores of lakes, rivers, ponds - of course, summer. In the Moscow region there are well-known reservoirs all over the country. Narski ponds, in particular, are surrounded by beautiful nature.

How to get to a famous place

Almost every man likes to retirereservoir, where you can, without hurrying anywhere, do a pleasing job for the soul. Fishing is an occupation that can bring a lot of joy. Narski ponds are perfect for him. Attracts a wide variety of fish, as well as a convenient location (not far from the capital of the state).

Narski Ponds
Fishermen come to the Narski ponds not only inwarm season, but also in winter. You can do your favorite things in these places all year round. A cascade of ponds is carefully monitored, fish species are constantly replenished. To get to this wonderful place is not difficult, every Muscovite knows the road there. Narski ponds are located at the 55th kilometer, if you move along the Moscow Ring Road, in Odintsovo district. It is best to travel by private transport, as there is no direct bus route to the destination. Fishermen will have to change several times, and then walk. The most common and well-known way: to get to "Rybkhoz No. 3", then to get to the turn to Asakovo village, and then by bus No. 44 - to the village itself. From there you will have to walk. Perhaps the road is a bit complicated, but the result will always please a person who has reached this marvelous place.

Interesting occupation with a fishing rod

In each country, fishingcompetition. All over the world, every state chooses its own fish. For example, in the Czech Republic or Germany it is carp, in Finland - perch, in Ireland - pike. Well and in the Russian Federation it is got to catch carp. It is this fish that is considered primordially Russian. Catching of crucian carp occurs with the onset of the first heat (early spring) and continues until the cold (deep autumn). Naryn ponds, fishing on which passes all year round, are famous for their variety of catch. This is not only the famous crucian, but also carp, perch, rotan, pike.

Naryn Ponds Bathing
For fishermen cascading ponds have become verya popular place. Many fans especially come here to practice their skills in catching carp. This fish is very capricious, its behavior can not be foreseen. Therefore, catching the crucian carp is always an intrigue even for specialists with a long experience and experience. Among the many reservoirs that are in the Moscow region, fishermen often choose Narski ponds. Rest on their coast with a fishing rod in their hands is always a great pleasure for many metropolitan residents and guests.

High density of stocking

Narski ponds offer everyone to experiencegood luck and catch a large fish, which you can please your family. You can come to the reservoir at any time of the year and day, which also increases the level of its attendance by Muscovites and non-residents.

Nary Ponds fishing
Arranged places for fishing, bridges,sandy beaches - all this is the Narski ponds. Bathing in water is prohibited, as the density of stocking is high, and the depth is small. Often fishermen come to ponds especially for catching carp. This fastidious fish to catch it, you need to make maximum efforts. For catching crucian carp it is necessary to choose the right lure, nozzle, seat and tackle. There are a lot of fish on the Narski Ponds, everyone leaves here with a catch.

In these reservoirs are bred, mainly carp and carp. Muscovites ponds are very popular. Among the old-timers they have the second name: "Cuban fishery".

Reviews of fishermen

Each pond has its own glory among the locals. Muscovites and many visitors are very fond of coming to the Narski ponds. Reviews fishermen about cascading reservoirs are always only positive.

Narski Ponds Reviews
For those who have a rest with a fishing rod, favorableconditions. Very close you can go to the water, bridges are built. On the shore of the ponds canopies are made, a beautiful green grass grows. Such conditions contribute to rest for the whole family, you can sunbathe or have a picnic. Capital residents often come to the Narski ponds to admire the beauty of water and nature.

Fishermen willingly exchange their impressions ofCuban fish farm. Many like the affordable price, convenient approach to water, equipped beaches. On the Narski Ponds quite crowded, not only in warm weather, but also in winter.

A great place for fishing

In the Moscow region, almost all water bodies designatedfor catching fish, paid. Narski ponds are no exception. Four lakes, located next to each other, have different number of places and different prices for them. Fishermen choose their favorite pond for their favorite occupation. The reservoirs have different depths and shores.

The first pond is called "Mint".Its depth is more than two meters. Throughout the perimeter on the shore, sand is poured, bridges are built, which go deep into the pond. Also there are canopies, under which you can hide from the rain or the sun. The second pond is the Triangle. Here the number of places for fishermen is limited. In the pond is a high density of stocking, and therefore a greater chance of catching a lot of fish. The weight of the catch pleasantly surprises lovers of such a holiday. The next pond is Dyutkovo.

Narski Ponds holidays
There is a great variety of fish:carp, perch, catfish, tench, carp, trout and sturgeon. Elite fishing begins in July and ends in September. The fourth pond under the name "Asakovo" is a wonderful resting place for the whole family. Landscaped beaches have a large area. The depth of the pond reaches two meters.

Positive sides

According to fishermen, in the Narski ponds very muchIt is interesting to spend time. You can change the bait, and then the carp and carp begin to peck more confidently. It's better to start fishing not in the morning, but somewhere in the afternoon. On weekends, almost all ponds are occupied, there are a lot of people who want to fish here. You can take with you an inflatable boat, then a place on the shore is not needed.

Reviews of the Narski Ponds, as already mentioned,only positive. Fish, as a rule, falls in the weight of two hundred to three hundred grams. This is an excellent result for a professional fisherman or amateur. Each trip to the reservoirs leaves good impressions and memories.

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