/ / What are the new rules introduced in the order of vacations

What are the new rules put in order vacations

Modern man must know what he hasthere are rights. Especially often these rights are violated by employers who manage to mislead the employee in all sorts of ways in order to pay less or cut the number of days of vacation. Without accusing anyone of bad faith, we say that ignorance of the law does not exempt from responsibility and every employee should be aware of what the order of holidays is. Today it has become an elementary sign of culture, when a working person fully knows how much time he is allowed on vacation, when he is granted and what the order of holidays is.

This is quite a complex task, which includesThere are many nuances that an accountant should take into account when calculating compensation for vacation. Significant changes have been made to the new procedure for calculating leave and its payment. Among them are such as:

  • The emergence of the right to leave is not after 11 months, as it was before, but six months after the date of hiring.
  • During this period, the employee can apply for a 14-day leave without pay, which is not taken into account when charging vacation money.
  • Extension or transfer of leave by agreement of the parties.
  • The right of some categories of workers to additional leave.

The minimum vacation period under the new Federal Law is 28 calendar days, excluding weekends and holidays. This period is paid by the employer in the amount of average earnings.

The vacation payment procedure is also strictlyregulated by the new Labor Law. The most pleasant thing about these rules is that there is no maximum limit for the payment of vacation days. This is beneficial for those who are engaged in hazardous production, working and living in extreme conditions of the arctic cold, or have irregular working hours.

The usual order of holidays is made according tothe annual schedule, which is drawn up no later than two weeks before the beginning of the calendar year and is agreed with the employee, which he signs in the corresponding document. This schedule is mandatory for both the employer and the employee. Sometimes, in the event of force majeure situations, by agreement of the parties, the leave may be postponed or the employee may exercise the right to leave ahead of time.

Also, the modern order of holidays allows the division of the term for the holiday in several parts. But at the same time one of these parts can not be shorter than 14 days.

And, of course, separately it is necessary to say abouta position that is often not fulfilled by employers. This is the timing of the vacation money. Under the new rules, the vacation payment procedure obliges the employer to pay compensation no later than 3 days before the due date. For calculation, indicators for the last 3 months are taken. The amount earned during this period is divided first by 3, then by 29.6. This calculates the average earnings for 1 calendar day. And the result is multiplied by the days that are given for rest from work.

The unified social tax is necessarily deducted from the total amount.

Once again we will focus on the fact that in the case whena person is in a hospital for health reasons, or is on outpatient treatment, then the vacation is mechanically extended for an appropriate number of days. This provision does not apply to persons who are on maternity leave to care for children up to a certain age. After leaving the long-term leave, the next right the employee receives only six months after he has started work again.

These are the positions that every working person should know. All questions arising in the order of calculation of vacations are taken into account in the new Federal Law on Labor, and are aimed at protecting the rights of the employee.

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