/ / The procedure for hiring: step by step

The order of employment: step by step

The order of employment is usually determined by each individual company or enterprise individually.

procedure for hiring

This procedure begins with the fact that the applicantprovides a properly written application for employment. Such a statement can be made either in an arbitrary form or in a form typical for a particular organization.

The application is supplemented with mandatory documents that are needed for admission to any job. According to the Labor Code, such documents include:

- document proving the identity (most often this is a passport);

- the work book (if there is none, it is necessary to start);

- pension insurance certificate;

- documents of military registration (if the applicant is a person liable for military service or is subject to conscription);

- document on education (if the work requires special preparation or availability of such a document).

rules of hiring
The procedure for admission to work also provides,that, in addition to the basic documents, the employer can request additional, such as registration, a certificate of income or salary from the previous workplace, a characteristic from a previous job, TIN. Sometimes, in order to comply with the legality of drawing up and signing an employment contract, certificates of family composition, documents on the pregnancy of a woman or the age of children, as well as documents that confirm the right to additional compensation or guarantees may be required.

Отметим, что все документы соискатель должен hand over to the employer personally. If the employee's personal data can only be obtained from a third person, the employee must know this in advance and give his consent.

Immediately before receiving the application forjob, the applicant must be familiar with the basic rules of the company's work schedule, job description, the regulations on the structural subdivision where he will work, instructions on labor protection, provisions on trade secrets, certification and remuneration, work schedule and shifts. The procedure for admission to work does not make sense without providing this information.

Normally the internal regulationsare attached to the employment contract, and the applicant notes that he is acquainted with them. If there is no such mark, the employee can not be subject to disciplinary sanctions for violating the rules.

The next step when getting a job -the conclusion of a standard employment contract. It's no secret that a job is issued by order. Its content must comply with the conditions prescribed in the contract.

conditions of employment
The employer's order that he acceptsfor a person’s work, is announced to the prospective employee against a receipt within three days from the moment of signing the employment contract. The recruitment rules also state that the employer must issue a copy of this order to the new employee. When you make an order, you must specify the name of the structural unit, position held, the duration of the probationary period, the conditions of employment and the nature of work.

We must not forget that the order does not fulfill the functions of the employment contract. This is just a one-sided internal document of the employer, which provides for the procedure for hiring.

All personal data of the employee is entered into his personal card. If desired, the employer can enter data about the employee, the order for employment and the employment contract in the personal file of the employee.

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