/ / Glubokoe Lake (Ruzsky district, Moscow region): description, fishing and rest

Deep lake (Ruzsky district, Moscow region): description, fishing and rest

Lake Glubokoe (photos below show the beauty of this water body) - a reservoir in the Ruza district of the Moscow region. Until the eighteenth century it was called the Monastery.

deep lake

Description of the water body

Among the dense forests, away from the main roads, inThe very center of the vast basin of the Ruzsky district of the Moscow region is located Glubokoe Lake. It is a small secluded water body, mostly surrounded by forest. From the village of Novogorbovo, there is a dirt road leading directly to the shore and wooden structures of the MSU biostation. Lake Glubokoe (Ruza district) is interesting for the unique purity of its waters, due to this there is a huge number of microscopic crustaceans, in addition, there are many diverse fish. The depth of this water body reaches 32 meters, although its area is relatively small: only 1.2 km in length and 0.8 km in width. Another interesting fact related to the lake is that repeatedly marked fish from it were found in the nearby lake of Trostnensky, near the village of Onufrievo, about ten kilometers away. Apparently, these two objects have an underground communication.

lake deep photo


From the east side to the shore of the lake approachfairly high hills. From the west to it adjoins the swamp, covered with a moss carpet and overgrown with small willow and birch. Cranberry grows abundantly on mossy hummocks. The shore on this side is hanging, formed by alloys. The south side of the reservoir is bordered by a huge swamp. In the spring period it is overflowing with melt water. They, draining into the lake, give the water a brown hue, but eventually it disappears. The northern part has a bay with an even bottom. The depth here is only five meters, for fishermen this is of the greatest interest. From the gulf the small Malaya Istra river originates, it almost completely overgrown with thick reeds. On the north-west coast is a large hill. Local residents called it an "island".

deep lake Moscow region

Riddle of occurrence

The deep lake (Moscow region) isquite an unusual water object. There are several theories about its origin. The most common are glacial, karstic and meteoric versions. In the literature, the glacial origin of the reservoir is indicated: melting waters filled the deep depression of the Smolensk-Moscow Upland and gave rise to its existence. However, some facts are not consistent with this theory. For example, all glacial lakes have the property of aging. This occurs in connection with muddy sediments, the occurrence of peat bogs. However, here all these factors are powerless, and the secret of the lake has not yet been uncovered. Meteorite theory seems to be more probable, but there is also no evidence in its favor.

Lake Glubokoe (Ruza district): fishing

Even in summer heat at great depth, the temperatureThe water in the pond does not exceed six degrees Celsius. As a consequence, in the warm season the fish prefers to keep to the coastal zone. That is why a wide bay from the northern side of the lake, having a depth of five meters, is the place of spawning and feeding of many species of fish. In addition, the presence of reeds on the shores of the bay attracts young people here. And behind it are suitable and predators. The deep lake and the bay is divided by the underwater brow. You can detect it by catching it in a plumb bob, using a heavy spoon. Fish here prefers to keep underwater slopes, which are located at a distance of 18-20 meters from the shore.

lake deep ruzsky district fishing

The bottom of the lake is dense, there is very little vegetation.Due to the protection of the coasts and the relief of the terrain, the winds here do not create large accelerating waves, and the surf does not force the fish to leave the coastal zone. Boats are only allowed for service, in summer, fishing from rubber boats and rafts is permitted. This is the lake Glubokoe!

Fishing here attracts with its diversity.You can catch perch and pike on mugs or on a well-fed place to fish roach and bream. In quiet, windless weather from a boat without anchoring it to an anchor by the method of rafting it is possible to enjoy it in pleasure in a plumb line on a mormyshka or a spoon-bait. Tackles are best used for deep-sea fishing. In addition, the shore fishing on a long float fishing rod or bottom tackle has proved to be very good.

How to get there

Access to this water body is possible at the beginninga little snowy winter and in dry periods along several routes. The first one is from the city of Zvenigorod, bypassing the villages of Shikhovo and Rybushkino, Kary and Faustovo, as well as Andreevskoe. This way will be about thirty kilometers. The second - by bus from the city of Zvenigorod to the village of Gerasimovo, and then about six kilometers of walking. Another way is possible - past Tuchkovo and Kulyubakino, through the village of Novo-Gorbovo and further about five kilometers along a dirt road.

lake deep fishing

And what else is interesting about this object?

The deep lake of the Moscow region isa favorite place for pilgrimage of tourists and a good rest for lovers of hiking for berries and mushrooms. In addition, it is believed that the water of this reservoir has miraculous, healing properties. As a result, many people come here for rest and health improvement, believing in the power of the relic lake. Pilgrims stop directly on the beach, breaking tents, or rent an apartment in the neighboring villages - all in order to swim in the lake and recharge the energy of its healing waters.

In addition, new entertainment has becomecollecting minerals, and there is something to collect. There are a lot of samples, brought them here melting glacier. Now they are scattered in open areas of the earth, and sometimes covered with a layer of turf. Interesting in that they are the same age as the reservoir and serve as a geological greeting from the distant past of our planet.

deep lake of Ruza

Scientific Station

Deep lake is of great interest forscience. As early as 1891, a hydrobiological station was established here, which carries out observations of the reservoir. Based on the results of more than a century of study, scientists have come to the following conclusions.

  1. Currently, this lake due to anthropogenic interference is a reservoir filled with pure water. It is surrounded by a relic forest, untouched even during the Second World War.
  2. Despite the fact that morphometricparameters of the object, the accuracy of these calculations is insufficient to compile the characteristics of the processes that occur in this aquatic biogeocenosis. So the question of reliable changes in morphometric parameters remains open.
  3. The following hydrochemical propertieslakes: regardless of the ratio of groundwater and surface water, as well as the amount of precipitation, water is always low-mineralized; during the dry seasons it is bicarbonate-magnesium, and in the wet season - bicarbonate-calcium. This phenomenon is caused by special biological product-destructive processes in the reservoir.
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