/ Kostroma Sea: photos, history of education. Where is the Kostroma Sea?

Kostroma Sea: photos, history of education. Where is the Kostroma Sea?

Disputes about the benefits for the national economy andthe harm caused to nature already erected and still under construction hydroelectric power stations will never subside. GRES provide for the creation of reservoirs, which also cause a lot of complaints. In fact, the conflict that arises when trying to solve the tasks of the industrial and economic development of the country and preserve its historical and cultural heritage is eternal. The Kostroma Sea, which is a gulf of the Gorky Reservoir, is no exception. The Gorky Reservoir itself is called the “mountain-sea”. The expression vividly illustrates the fact that there are plenty of opponents in the reservoirs.

Kostroma Sea

Vast expanses of water

A huge lake-type reservoir located indownstream of the Kostroma River, refers to both the Kostroma and Yaroslavl regions. It is shallow (the largest depth is eight meters, the total - four), the coastline has a complex shape. The Kostroma Sea itself has peculiar hydrological and physiographic features.

What territories spread wideKostroma reservoir? N. Nekrasov sang these lowlands with a large number of rivers, lakes and marshes. The area occupied by the Kostroma Sea is approximately 40 x 20 km in size (according to some data, the occupied area is from 176 to 250 sq. Km), therefore it is called not the lake, but the sea, and the glory about it has long been beyond the limits of areas.

Flooded finally country grandfather Mazaya

On the territory of the lost country grandfather Mazaya,flooded 60 years ago, the rivers flowed Caste (west), Sot (north), Idolomka (east). All of them, merging, formed the Uzaksu River, which before the construction of the reservoir was built by the tributary Kostroma, which flowed east of all these rivers.

 Kostroma Sea photo

Now Uzaks, like the lower course of Kostroma,It is a channel connecting the Kostroma Sea and the Volga riverbed of the Gorky Reservoir. This bay is connected to the Gorky reservoir by the former Sezieia river and Sametskaya ravine. Just between them is a large and beautiful island of Moss. Kostroma Bay appeared on the site of dozens of lakes. The most notable of them were Lake Bolshoye, Swan, Botvino and others.

Flooded beauty

All areas currently occupied by this reservoirfrom the village of Glazov, located on the Sot River, in the Yaroslavl Region, to the Ipatiev Monastery and from the village of Pribrezhnoye to the village of Bukhalov from mid-March to mid-May were flooded with melt waters.

where is the Kostroma sea

In the preserved photographs, you can see thatAll houses, services and churches in the flooded villages were built on high wooden stilts. Surrounded by trees, they look very picturesque. Kostroma land has always been a symbol of patriarchal Russia.

Kostroma Sloboda

In total, it was necessary to evacuate 20 inhabiteditems, among which were quite large, such as Miskovo for 500 yards, Kunikovo and Zharki for 450 yards each. It is always a pity when something disappears from the face of the earth, but in fairness it should be noted that the amazing exhibits of wooden architecture were preserved and moved to another place.

In 1955, behind the southern wall of IpatievKostroma settlement was established an unusual open-air museum. Churches were transferred here, including the Transfiguration of the Savior from the village of Spas-Vezhi, the Church of the Most Holy Mother of God from the village of Kholm, and the Church of the All-Merciful Savior from the village of Fominskoe. From the houses exported from the territories to be flooded, an ethnic village was created in the museum. The village of Spas-Vezhi, flooded during the creation of the Kostroma Bay, as well as the city of Mologa, absorbed by the Rybinsk reservoir, became symbols of the irretrievably lost Russia.

Idolom Dam

История образования Костромского моря относится к 50th years of the last century. In 1956, simultaneously with the launch of the Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod) hydroelectric power station, which was the fourth stage of the Volga hydroelectric power station cascade, the Kostroma river was blocked. Its course was stopped by the Idolomskaya dam, which starts from the shipyard in the city of Kostroma and ends at the village of Pribrezhniy. Fifty-kilometer dam serves as a barrier against flooding of agricultural areas.

Functions of the Kostroma reservoir

What is the Kostroma Sea (photos are placed in the article) now? Its main purpose is to regulate the water level in the Gorky Reservoir associated with the operation of the Rybinsk hydroelectric station.

Kostroma Sea holidays

In addition, the Kostroma Bay is famous for the fact that inreproduction and feeding of fish occurs there, which then enters the Gorky depository. Recently, tens of thousands of carp fry were released into the waters of the Kostroma Sea. They are trying to reproduce here on an industrial scale and sterlet, which is listed in the Red Book.

Rest on the sea

The nature surrounding the Kostroma Sea, rest onits shores makes unforgettable. Moreover, along the shores of the storehouse itself and on its islands there are stretched dozens of magnificent camp sites and recreation centers for every taste and wealth - from the eco-hotel Romanov Forest to various fishing cottages, pleasing with comfort and affordable prices. Recreation centers are surrounded by beautiful forests full of game, mushrooms and berries. About places of rest, such as Familyhotel-RU, Astashevo, Belkina Griva (named after the island of the same name), Bely Yar, Vetluga and many, many others, the media has comprehensive information. And although the shores of the sea itself are swamped, pretty decent beaches are located on the dam. Recreation center "Coastal", located 20 km from Kostroma, is located directly on the shore of the sea of ​​the same name.

Fairy fishing and the location of the reservoir

Separate words deserve fishing on Kostromasea. In some reviews there is evidence that in a few hours in the spill of the reservoir you can catch up to 30-50 pieces of pike perch. Very often come across pikes weighing up to 15-18 kg, tench, bream and asp - up to 3 kg.

history of the formation of the Kostroma Sea

Winter fishing is also beautiful here, and the bases,Available in large quantities, comfortable and affordable. It is worth adding that the beauty of the numerous islands of the Kostroma reservoir, as well as the shores, is extraordinary. One of them, put up for sale, hit the top 10 in the world in this category. Those who do not know where the Kostroma Sea is located will give a hint. Kostroma itself, the cradle of the Romanov dynasty, is located 344.5 km from Moscow along the Yaroslavl highway and the Kmogory M8 highway. Kostroma Sea, as noted above, spread over 20 km from it.

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