/ / Where is the Sea of ​​Marmara: its characteristics

Where is the Sea of ​​Marmara: its characteristics

The shores of the continents are washed by four oceans. In the water area of ​​one of them, the Atlantic, the Sea of ​​Marmara is located. How it is formed, what is its depth, read in the article.


Sea of ​​Marmara - the smallest sea in the areathe planet. Its length reaches two hundred and eighty kilometers, and its width is 80 km. Where is the Sea of ​​Marmara and what is the depth of the reservoir? The bottom of the sea is formed by three basins. The depth of two of them reaches 1,260 meters, and the third - 1,404. More than half of the sea’s area is a coastal zone, the depth of which is ninety-one hundred meters.

The Sea of ​​Marmara is uneven.salinity of water. At great depths, it is the same as in the Mediterranean Sea, and on the very surface - as in the Black Sea, whose waters are diluted by the rivers flowing into it. The level of two seas, namely the Black and Marmara, is different. At the first one it is higher than that of the second one, therefore its waters smoothly flow over the Bosporus into the Sea of ​​Marmara, on the surface of which a constant current with water of low salinity is formed. In the deep layers of a parallel process. The salt waters that fill the Aegean Sea are pumped into the Marmara Sea, and the currents flowing at depth transfer them to the Black Sea.

where is the sea of ​​marble

Where is the Sea of ​​Marmara?Photo presented for review. It is located in Turkey, being an inland water body of the country. Attracts tourists from all over the world that does not freeze in the winter. The temperature of the surface water during the cold period is about nine degrees Celsius. This is a very warm sea. In summer its temperature is twenty nine degrees. The shores are the location of small towns built for tourists.

origin of name

The sea is named after one of its biggestislands - Marmara, which translated from Latin means "marble". Stone was mined on this island. The Sea of ​​Marmara left a deep impression on the Greek culture. They called him the Seashore. On the coast lived people of different nationalities, forming villages and colonies. After a series of high-profile events of that time, the Sea of ​​Marmara was inherited by Turkey, formed in 1923.


Where is the Sea of ​​Marmara?Its location is the territory of Turkey. The sea separates its Asian part, which occupies 97% of the total area of ​​the country, and the European, stretching to the Balkan Peninsula. This is a small body of water compared to other seas of the world.

Where is the Sea of ​​Marmara

Through the Bosphorus, it communicates with the Blacksea, with the Aegean - through the Dardanelles. The Sea of ​​Marmara is an important transportation object. For a long time, sea routes ran through it. Where is the Sea of ​​Marmara? Its location is the border between Europe and Asia, as well as the territory of a country like Turkey. In the waters of the sea are constantly cargo and passenger ships. They carry tons of different goods and a large number of people.

Place of education

Где находится Мраморное море?The place of its formation is the depression of the earth's crust. It appeared at about the same time as the Black and Aegean Seas. By historical standards, this period was about 2.5 million years ago.

In those days, the Sea of ​​Marmara representedis a lake. About seven and a half years ago, the Mediterranean Sea was replenished with water from the Atlantic, which through the Dardanelles (then the strait was still a river) fell into the lake with the beautiful name Marmara. The water level in it has increased significantly.

Seismic activity

Where is the Sea of ​​Marmara and how is itformed, we mentioned above. But there is an important nuance. In the sea area restless. Here tsunamis and earthquakes often occur, caused by fractures of the seabed. In the last ten centuries, about three hundred earthquakes of various forces occurred. In some cases, the waves with a height of two and a half meters rose to forty times. The natural disaster brought a lot of destruction and human sacrifice.

Where is the Sea of ​​Marmara on physical

Currently, Turkish forecasters and geologists are notgive comforting predictions. They believe that in 2030 an earthquake of tremendous power could occur with an epicenter in the vicinity of the capital of the country, the city of Istanbul. The consequences of such a disaster will be irreparable.

Islands of the Sea of ​​Marmara

The area is characterized by the presence of island groups with different names:

  • The islands of Marmara are characterized by the presence of giant quarries, where marble was mined in ancient times. They are accessible to tourists.
  • Imraly - the island, which became the place of detention of the leader of the workers' party. This he became famous.
  • The island of Gene is famous for its sources of thermal waters, the temperature of which reaches eighty degrees above zero.
  • The island of Pashalimana is famous for the growth of platan groves on it.
  • Peninsula Gelibolu. On its territory there is a park of national importance, which is characterized by the presence of the Salt Lake and monuments to soldiers of Turkey.

Where is the Sea of ​​Marmara and what is the depth

Where is the Sea of ​​Marmara on the physical mapthe world? It is located in the Atlantic Ocean. This bright, amazingly beautiful sea is surrounded by the lands of Turkey between Asia Minor and European territories.

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