/ / Park of forged figures in Donetsk: photo, description, address

Park of forged figures in Donetsk: photo, description, address

The park of forged figures in Donetsk is one ofmain attractions of the city, closely related to its history. It is visited by all who come to the city and, judging by the reviews, they get great pleasure from the excursion.

park of forged figures in Donetsk

The first experiments Donetsk masters

At the metallurgical plant Yuzovka (the currentDonetsk) in 1896, Alexey Mertsalov, together with his comrades, forged a palm tree, which later received the name of its creator. "Mertsalov's Palm" was sent to the All-Russian art exhibition, which was held in Nizhny Novgorod, where she received the main award.

park of forged figures in Donetsk photo

Then the creation of Donetsk masters was sentTo France. In 1900, the work Mertsalova received the highest rating at the World Exhibition in Paris - the grand prix. Today it is an exhibit of the St. Petersburg Museum at the Mining University, and in the homeland in Donetsk there are numerous copies of it.

Park of forged figures in Donetsk: history

From those ancient times, not translated in Donetsknoble smiths. Confirmation of these words was the creation of the Park of forged figures, which appeared in the city a century after the legendary triumph of "Palm Mertsalov." The head and author of this project was the Honored Worker of Culture of Ukraine Viktor Burduk.

In the summer of 2001, the park was opened.At that time, ten forged figures were installed in it. At the same time, the annual festival dedicated to blacksmithing skills in Donetsk was held. Since then, according to the established tradition, the works prepared for the festival remain in Donetsk as a gift from the authors to the city.

Сегодня на территории парка размещено более 162 the most interesting compositions from art metal. The park of forged figures in Donetsk (you can see the photo in this article) gained popularity among the locals and guests of the city. Already in 2002, his exposition was replenished with 19 new works and two original pavilions, called "Ukrainian" and "Four Dragons".

park forged figures Donetsk history

"Arbor lovers"

In the Park of forged figures in Donetsk (address - st.Artem, 98), in 2004, the amazing "Arbor of Lovers" appeared. This is a unique work, which worked for many blacksmith workshops of the city. It is decorated with numerous bouquets of forged flowers, which were made by craftsmen from different cities of Ukraine. All of them donated their products to Donetsk.

At the same time, the Blacksmith's Art Festival, which had already become traditional, received the status of All-Ukrainian. The Union of blacksmith art masters was also founded.

park of forged figures in Donetsk address

"Zodiac signs"

This alley is the result of creativitymasters of Alexandria and Donetsk, Ivano-Frankivsk and Kiev. It was opened in the Park of forged figures in Donetsk in 2005. In the same year, the first black-smith country championship was held in the city. Magnificent masters competed in professionalism.

"Alley of fairy tales"

Особенно продуктивным оказался 2006 год, когда в The Park of Forged Figures in Donetsk has opened the Alley of Fairy Tales. It consists of twelve figures that depict fairy-tale characters loved by children: Pinocchio and Lesovichka, Head of Svyatogora and Kolobka, Fly Tsokotukha and Thumbelina, Samodelkin and Pike, Pan Kotsky and the Rejuvenating Apple Tree. For children, and for many adult visitors, this alley has become a favorite.

 park of forged figures in Donetsk 2016

International Festival

Popular Blacksmiths Festivalbecame international in 2007. This time one hundred and fifty masters from ten countries of the world presented their works to the audience. This year for the Park of forged figures in Donetsk, a description of which has increasingly begun to appear in foreign publications, has become a landmark.

Five-meter appeared on the “Walk of Arches”designs, separated by sixteen wrought iron benches authoring. Particularly noteworthy is the 11th arch, which received the name “Arch of Friendship”: the participants of the festival forged decorations for it in the creative community.

Recognition in Europe

This event happened in 2008, when in Europethe park was recognized as unique, and the city of Donetsk became a full member of the Society of European smithing cities. This success was marked by the discovery of the Alley of the Rings Park.

Gift to the city

During the celebration of the 140th anniversary of Donetsk(2009) in the Forged Figures Park, the Alley to the Beloved City was opened. In addition, the collection was replenished with interesting exhibits: for example, a copy of the UEFA Cup. Noteworthy and appeared at the same time, the alley "Connecting the hearts." Its highlight was the castle, the size of which in closed form - seventy centimeters.

Blacksmith connoisseurs were pleased with three five-meter roses made of silver metal.

park of forged figures in Donetsk

XII International Festival

It took place in the city from September 18 to September 19, 2010.of the year. The official part of the program included joint work on the sculptural composition “Friendship Bridge”, competitions “Blacksmith's Kitchen” and “Blacksmith Costume”, horse shoeing, and master classes. But the main event of the festival was playing the forged guitar and demonstration of incredible forged outfits.

"Christmas tree"

This is the result of the collective work of the blacksmiths fromdifferent countries. This exhibit was presented to Donetsk in 2012. It was installed on the “Alley to the beloved city”. And at the festival, which took place this year, the “Bird Banker” was presented, which the city was presented by “VBR-Bank”. The inscription on the pedestal invites guests to throw a coin and make a secret wish, after rubbing the bird's beak.


This composition in 2013 donated to the Day of the city.It was installed on the “Masters Alley”. In the course of the next International Festival in the Park of Forged Figures in Donetsk, this magnificent collective work, “Blacksmith”, was opened. In addition to it, a lot of miniatures were brought to the festival, works of both Ukrainian and foreign masters. New exhibits were installed at the “Alley of Architectural Copies”: “Pagoda”, “Leaning Tower” and “The Mill”.

The author and project manager announced onthe festival, that all works exhibited in the village of Shilovka, Donetsk region, are a branch of the Park and are called the “School Alley”. There are exhibited works of collective creativity: "Forged Book", "Unit", "Globus" and others.

Festival 2014

The fate of this festival has long remainedquestionable. Fighting began in Donetsk and the region, the city was constantly fired from artillery shells. The question of holding a long and very difficult decision, but, despite everything, it took place, although its program was reduced to a minimum: it lasted only one day.

Donetsk park forged figures description

Темой фестиваля этого сложного года стал «Голубь of the world. " Masters from Germany and Austria, Israel and Norway, Holland and many cities of Russia: Kaliningrad and Belgorod, Perm and Moscow, Ulyanovsk and St. Petersburg sent their works to the semi-blockade city. This year the festival was the first event in the city since the outbreak of hostilities, which directly affected the capital of Donbass.

Given the complexity of the situation, the GuildKuznetsov instituted a special award designed by Evgeny Lavrinenko and Viktor Burduk. Thirteen participants of the festival were awarded the Medal "Forged Pigeon of the World".

"Park forged figures in Donetsk-2016"

This festival began its work in the center of Donetskpresentation of new work. She was the installation, called "Cut the swords into plowshares", which is a three-meter complex composition, forged from fragments of shells and shells.

The basis of the composition is a sword.The figure is made up of different elements symbolizing life and death, peace and war. The material for this wrought-iron sculpture were fragments of shells, which were brought by local residents. This work was created by ten blacksmiths, who worked on it for two weeks. The elements of the composition were steel and pigeons, which were made by foreign masters from Finland and Germany.

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