/ Where is the city of Abakan? Which area?

Where is the city of Abakan? Which area?

Siberia is very vast, immense and rich in natural peculiar sights. There are many amazing cities in which people of different nationalities and cultures live.

In Asia, in the heart of the mainland, in the republicKhakassia, there is the city of Abakan. Where is it, how do the local people live there, what are they doing? About this, about the history of the emergence of this city, about the economy and many other things we try to tell in this article.

G. Abakan: area, facts from history

In 1675 on the island of Sosnovoye at the mouth of the riverAbakan was built the first Russian fortress, which existed until 1679. The first inhabitants of it were the Cossacks who built it. Settled families of immigrants from Russia near the village of Ah-Tigei, in this very fortress. They were engaged in agriculture.

For local residents, they became an example for the desire for a settled life. Thus, this settlement began to grow rapidly and turned into a village with the name Ust-Abakanskoe.

The village was subsequently (1822).) was transformed into an administrative center (Kachinskaya steppe Duma). The latter was one of four formations that united the tribes living at that time between the rivers Iyus and Abakan. Such thoughts (and councils) existed until 1912, after which the Abakanskaya volost was created.

Curious and noteworthy is the history of the appearance of such a place as Abakan. Which region of Russia belongs to it?

Abakan: which region?

After the October Revolution and theAnother reform of the administrative structure of the whole country in these places was created Khakass county Yenisei province. Its center was the Ust-Abakan village, which in 1931 was renamed the city of Abakan.

Now this city, as noted above, is the capital of the Republic of Khakassia (since 1991). It is glorious in that during the history of the 20th century it was considered to be the industrial center of the southern part of the Yenisei Siberia.

A little about the nature of Khakassia

The magnificence of nature of these places is unique:steppes endless with magnificent herbs, inimitable taiga, mountain rivers, silent mysterious rocks, majestic mountain landscapes. All these beauties occupy over half of the territory of the whole republic.

Very often people call Khakassia Siberian Switzerland for the fabulous splendor of alpine meadows and beautiful unique nature. This is one of the wondrous edges of Russia.

Abakan: where is it

Area, population

The area of ​​the city - 112.38 square meters. kilometers, population density - 1491 people per square meter. meter. The population of the city is more than 167 thousand people.

People living in Abakan live and work: Russians (more than 79%), Khakas (more than 11%), Ukrainians (about 1%), Germans (about 0.8%), 0.8% Kyrgyz, etc.

g abakan area

In terms of the economy, the city of Abakan is relatively developed.Which area of ​​economic activity of the city has the largest share of employment? The distribution for different types of labor activity of the population is as follows: public administration, social insurance and security (more than 18%), education (more than 16%), communication and transport (more than 15%), and health care from the social. services (more than 12%). The unemployment rate is not more than one percent.

General description of the city

Where is the city of Abakan? What area of ​​Siberia? East, a little south of the city of Krasnoyarsk.

Geographically, the city is located in the centerThe basin is called Khakassko-Minusinsk. It has the shape of a bowl, the sides of which are in the west - Alatau Mountains (Kuznetsk), in the south - Western Sayan Mountains, in the north and east - Eastern Sayans. Almost in the middle from the south to the north this river is cut by the great Yenisei River, into which a considerable river Abakan flows. Just at the confluence of these rivers, this peculiar city of Abakan is located.

Territory of the city: infrastructure features

The city of Abakan is unusual. Where is it seen that the development of industrial enterprises occupied only 13% of the total area of ​​the city?

Here, the main share of land falls on land plotssocial and business and residential development, with most of the land occupied by individual buildings, widely represented in almost all areas of the city, even in the central part. Almost 4 th share of all urban areas belongs to dacha and horticultural associations.

G. Abakan: what area

Economy of the city

In Abakan there are about 6000 organizations.Where the city of Abakan is located, the largest share of the economy accounts for trade (retail and wholesale), repair of vehicles and household products, etc.

Here the main industrial hub of the republic was formed. There is a potential for industrial development and stability in the economic system of the city of Abakan.

The municipal sector is represented by enterprisesHousing and communal services, improvement, transport, educational institutions, culture, health, services and construction. It occupies a large part of the total economy of the city and provides quite normal living conditions for its population.

What else characterizes Abakan? What area of ​​human activity prevails here? Small business also plays an important potential role, which plays an important role in the development of the economy.

Abakan is a city with a large share of services and products of entrepreneurial activity in the total number of products produced by the city.


Now you know where the city of Abakan is (which region of Russia). This is a territory with a unique nature and unique landscapes.

Where is the city of Abakan

Many such cities in the vast vast Russia, each with its own history, culture, its way of life.

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